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You probably remember the infamous Duke Lacrosse “rape” case—one of the most notorious assault cases in our country’s history. The so-called incident supposedly happened nearly two decades ago, but the mudslinging and racial division it stirred up have lingered, even though the three accused men were proven innocent.

The thing is, most of us knew back then that this sham of a trial should have never happened in the first place.

And now, we know it for a fact, thanks to a truly incredible revelation that just spilled out.

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Now we know for a fact: it was all a lie. The entire “rape story” was one big, evil fairy tale—spun by a criminal and a liar and amplified by a divisive, lying left-wing media and politicians with a sinister agenda.

There were so many red flags. But the propaganda media and left-wing politicians are like sharks—they smell blood in the water and can’t control themselves. The story turns into a blind feeding frenzy, and no one stops to investigate what’s really going on.

Sadly, that’s the foundation of our country’s fake news empire.

Fox News:

Former stripper and current murder convict Crystal Mangum confessed to lying about being raped by Duke Lacrosse players in an interview on the independent media outlet “Let’s Talk With Kat” on Thursday.

“I testified falsely against them by saying that they raped me when they didn’t and that was wrong, and I betrayed the trust of a lot of other people who believed in me,” Mangum said. “[I] made up a story that wasn’t true because I wanted validation from people and not from God.”

Mangum, who is serving a prison sentence for murdering her boyfriend, falsely accused three Duke players of raping her while she was performing at a team party in March 2006. The players she accused were arrested, igniting a national controversy and conversations about racism. The allegations even resulted in the team having to cancel a game against Georgetown.

For nearly two decades, the decent, hard-working Duke lacrosse players were treated like social pariahs, all because of the lies from a vile criminal who saw an opportunity to cash in on the left’s infamous race hoaxes. These young men had their lives turned upside down, their reputations dragged through the mud, and their futures nearly destroyed—all because of her lies.

And now, for whatever reason, she finally admits she lied.

Even though they were found innocent, they still suffered with this horrid stigma, and she walks away scot-free. No consequences. No accountability. Just another race/rape hoax that left a bunch of shattered lives in its wake while the left cheers and moves on to the next stunt.

Rinse and repeat. It’s disgusting. The Fox News piece goes on:

The three players, David Evans, Collin Finnerty and Reade Seligmann, were all found innocent of the crimes. But Mangum was not prosecuted for perjury due to questions about her mental health.

“She may have actually believed the many different stories that she has been telling,” former North Carolina Attorney General Roy Cooper said at the time.

Mangum can not be prosecuted for perjury now because the statute of limitations on perjury charges in North Carolina only lasts around two years.

Former Durham County district attorney Mike Nifong, who served as the lead prosecutor in the case, said in a March 2006 interview with CBS News that “there’s no doubt a sexual assault took place” and that it was “racially motivated.”

This woman was a walking red flag. But the media and prosecutors were too busy trying to manufacture a “race war” to push their agenda to notice. If they had actually done their jobs, they would have caught it. Crystal Mangum had a history of pulling off rape/kidnapping hoaxes and even came close to killing her own kids. But none of that mattered because the narrative was just too juicy to pass up.

At least DA Mike Nifong got a small taste of what he deserved when he was disbarred. A tiny drop of justice, but nowhere near enough.

He should’ve been slapped with hard time for hiding evidence that could’ve cleared the suspects.

The Fox News piece continues:

“The information that I have does lead me to conclude that a rape did occur,” Nifong said. “The circumstances of thc rape indicated a deep racial motivation for some of the things that were done. It makes a crime that is by its nature one of the most offensive and invasive even more so.”

Nifong was later disbarred on June 16, 2007, by the North Carolina State Bar for lying in court and withholding DNA evidence which ultimately absolved the defendants of responsibility for Mangum’s allegations.

Mangum also asserted that “something” happened that night in a book she published in 2008 titled “Last Dance for Grace: The Crystal Mangum Story.”

“I will never say that nothing at all happened that night,” she wrote.

Mangum was indicted on a charge of first-degree murder and two counts of larceny in March 2011. A year before that, she was convicted on misdemeanor charges after setting a fire that nearly torched her home with her three children inside. In a videotaped police interrogation, she told officers she got into a confrontation with her boyfriend at the time, not Daye, and burned his clothes, smashed his car windshield and threatened to stab him.

Maybe Crystal Mangum is terminally ill and wants to get right with God before she meets her maker. Maybe she found Jesus and finally wants to make things right. Whatever the reason, she shouldn’t be hailed as a hero for finally telling the truth—a truth that anyone with common sense knew from the start.

She should be treated like the criminal she is. She should be ostracized and charged for ruining the lives of three innocent young men, for trying to ignite a race war, and for undermining real victims of assault with her lies. What she did was so unbelievably vile, she deserves no pity, no thanks—just a prison cell for the destruction she caused.

If this all sounds familiar, that’s because race and rape hoaxes are everywhere these days. But one of the first major hoaxes was cooked up by a young girl named Tawana Brawley. And who shamelessly and relentlessly pushed that lie? None other than one of the biggest race hustlers in the business—Al Sharpton.

Frank DeScushin:

A case study in black privilege.

On November 28, 1987, the Tawana Brawley hoax began. Brawley, a young black woman, was found with racial slurs scrawled on her. She claimed she’d been held captive and raped by white men. Al Sharpton became her most ardent backer.

Even when Brawley’s obvious hoax unraveled and one of the accused men won a libel suit against Sharpton, @TheRevAl still wouldn’t admit he was wrong. Yet that didn’t matter because falsely accusing white men of racist violence didn’t hurt Sharpton’s career, it helped it.

Sharpton soon surpassed Jesse Jackson as black America’s civil rights leader because black Americans wanted to believe lies about whites.

Sharpton became a prominent Democratic Party figure. He eventually ascended to President Obama’s trusted advocate on race despite being untrustworthy on the issue.

And Sharpton became a liberal media staple, eventually getting his own show on MSNBC.

White people are chastised if they falsely accuse black people of any offense and they’re made to endlessly apologize for sins of the past. Yet Al Sharpton was rewarded for falsely accusing whites and never apologizing for it. That’s black privilege.

Are you wondering what happened to Al for pushing this lie? Well, nothing happened. He stirred up all this division and destruction and faced zero consequences. As a matter of fact, he got even richer and more famous down the road.

READ MORE: DOJ Finally Releases Suppressed IG Report on Jan 6: Here’s What They’re Still Covering Up

Apparently, race and rape hoaxes are good for the left’s business model…

In the end, stories like this, and countless others, prove how ridiculous the idea of “believe all women” really is. You don’t believe all women—you believe the facts and the evidence. That’s how you get to the truth. The words of opportunistic liars, who only care about the spotlight and the perks that come with it, should never be taken at face value.

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