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The debate of the century recently went down between Vivek and John Bolton. It was America First versus America Last, and as you’d expect, Vivek dominated. He absolutely mopped the floor with Bolton, leaving the audience in awe. We’ve got all the highlights for you, starting with Bolton’s failed attempt to attack President Trump using the same tired old Deep State talking points.

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It’s interesting how Bolton sees Trump as a threat because of his tariffs and claims Trump doesn’t “understand” how trade works. In reality, it’s Bolton who doesn’t grasp the art of high-stakes negotiations and what leverage really means. But of course, that’s because Bolton is a Deep State insider. Vivek expertly points this out to the audience in such a brilliant and smooth way that you grasp it before you even realize it.

That takes talent, and Vivek is the master.

And speaking of the Deep State, it seems like John Bolton doth protest too much. Thankfully, Vivek was there to school Johnny Boy on what we all know he already fully understands.

Vivek was so good, so inspiring, and made such powerful points that he actually turned the audience around and won them over to his side. It just goes to show that when we share our vision and America First agenda, the message resonates, and it wins every time.

You can watch the entire debate below:

Vivek did what he does best—calmly, coolly, and with absolute ease, he broke down complex issues into simple, digestible pieces that anyone could grasp. This is the kind of messaging that works, especially in a country where regime-run media is operating a full-blown propaganda machine.

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Common sense and straight shooting always reign supreme.