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Well, folks, as Kamala Harris and “Tampon Tim” continue to falter, Trump Derangement Syndrome is reaching levels we never thought possible. Sure, TDS has been simmering for a while, but today’s liberals—who’ve been marinating in Trump hatred for nearly a decade—are now going completely off the deep end. It’s like watching a slow-motion train wreck, and just when you think it can’t get worse, they find a way to crank the crazy up another notch.

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This 2019 article perfectly highlighted TDS. But keep in mind, it’s about a thousand times worse in 2024.


Fast forward to today. What I had referred to as the “Left’s Obsession with Donald Trump” seems to have reached “epidemic” status with no sign of receding. Although it is not an official category in the Diagnostic & Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM-5), this particular fixation has even been given its own diagnostic label, known somewhat facetiously as Trump Derangement Syndrome.

So what is Trump Derangement Syndrome or “TDS” and what, if anything, can and/or should be done about it?

Simply put, Trump Derangement Syndrome is a derogatory term used to describe a form of toxic criticism and, allegedly irrational, negative reactions to President Trump’s statements and political actions that presumably have little regard to his actual positions or actions. The origin of the term can be traced to the late political columnist and commentator Charles Krauthammer, a psychiatrist, who first coined the phrase “Bush Derangement Syndrome” in 2003 during the presidency of George W. Bush.

Krauthammer, himself a harsh critic of Trump, later defined Trump Derangement Syndrome as a Trump-induced “general hysteria” among liberals, progressives, and Never Trump conservatives that produced an “inability to distinguish between legitimate policy differences and signs of psychic pathology” in the President’s behavior.(1) Journalist Fareed Zakaria, moreover, defined TDS as “hatred of President Trump so intense that it impairs people’s judgment.”(2) Descriptions of the pathological symptoms presumed to be associated with Trump Derangement Syndrome vary greatly along a continuum of reactions, ranging from verbal expressions of intense hostility towards President Trump to overt acts of aggression and even violence against anyone or anything symbolizing, let alone supporting, his presidency or person. Even Donald Trump’s star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame has been targeted, including being smashed and graffitied, numerous times by those who strongly oppose his presidency.

References to the notion of “Trump Derangement Syndrome” in/by both the print and electronic media have increased significantly over the last several years, and even President Trump, who seems unfazed by the attention it brings him, has occasionally referred explicitly to this term and what it represents to him in his tweets and public appearances. Importantly, with the 2020 presidential election campaign already underway and the opportunity to unseat President Trump in sight, it is unlikely that the prevalence and incidence of TDS will decrease very much before November of next year. Moreover, if there is any probability that President Trump will be reelected it will only serve to exacerbate the “pre-existing conditions” linked to TDS and its manifestations.

As it stands, we’ve officially hit an “11” on the TDS scale. The left is more desperate than ever, likely because they know their DEI candidate is wildly unpopular and falling flat. Their Trump Derangement Syndrome is spiraling completely out of control, and it’s getting worse by the day. It’s almost as if they can feel the walls closing in, and the only thing they have left is to double down on their irrational hatred for Trump.

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A perfect example of this is Joe Walsh. This man has gone completely off the rails. He’s now boozing it up and writing “hate letters” to Trump, like some jilted schoolgirl. Why can’t these people see that their hatred for Trump is not only irrational but downright bizarre and embarrassing to boot? Walsh should probably put down the tequila, log off X, and spend some much-needed time with his family—and maybe try reconnecting with reality. This man has spent the past decade behaving like a mental patient off his meds, all because of his obsessive and irrational hatred for a political figure who’s beloved by the majority of the country. It’s not just sad; it’s a textbook case of Trump Derangement Syndrome in full swing, and Walsh is its poster boy for it.

TDS is real, and we need to find a cure—fast. The parents of young kids in blue states are being mentally tortured by adults who can’t process politics in a normal, healthy way. Much like the radical transgender movement, innocent children are once again being targeted, manipulated, and groomed into irrational, hysterical behavior. This kind of mental abuse is designed to confuse and control, ensuring these kids grow up as pawns in the left’s twisted agenda. It’s nothing short of child abuse disguised as activism.

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On the flip side, conservative kids are well-adjusted and tolerant by comparison. What does that tell you? Liberalism truly is a sickness.

Breaking 911:

CNN: Researchers found “more extreme responses from the Blue state kids than the Red state kids.” “Democrat-leaning kids were abut nine time more likely to express negative emotions about Donald Trump than Republican-leaning kids were about Kamala Harris.” “Republican-leaning kids were more open to visiting a Democrat-supporting household.”

The left loves to paint the right as unhinged lunatics, but meanwhile, it’s left-wing radicals showing violent and mentally unstable behavior day in and day out. Let’s not forget—it’s the left that’s repeatedly trying to assassinate President Trump and other GOP politicians. Case in point: a crazed, violent Harris supporter completely lost it at a Trump store in Minnesota. Not only did they tear down signs, but they also attacked an employee. Will CNN or MSNBC feature this on their propaganda sideshow? Don’t hold your breath. The actual truth doesn’t fit their fear-mongering, anti-MAGA narrative.

Here’s a closeup of the statement:


Thanks to left-wing TDS and outright mental sickness among these weak and unfortunate folks, the Trump store has been forced to add more cameras, extra staff, and increased security since this violent incident unfolded. The good news is that the store is still thriving, and they want the public to know that left-wing violence won’t stop decent folks from showing up or scare off their volunteers. We can’t let these crazy ghouls win.