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Well, folks, the Fox News interview was Kamala Harris’s “Biden Debate” moment. She was stripped bare, left exposed for the American people to see her for what she really is. There was nothing to hide behind and nowhere to run. In moments like this, you either rise to the occasion and show everyone what you’re made of, or you crumble like a dollar-store cookie.

Kamala crumbled.

If you need a visual that perfectly sums up Kamala’s night, we’ve got you covered:


Truthfully, Dan Bongino probably summed up the night best:

Dan Bongino:

If, for some strange reason, you believe Kamala Harris isn’t an imbecile, please watch her interview with Bret Baier and you’ll be disabused of that notion STAT.

In any sane universe, this would be the end of any campaign that blew an interview that badly. Embarrassing. Humiliating. Disgraceful.

One thing is for certain: Bret Baier came prepared. He did his homework. Too bad Kamala didn’t do the same. She might have had a fighting chance.

Byron Donalds:

Kamala was always an Open Borders Progressive.

Together with Biden, they took 94+ direct actions to rescind successful Trump border security measures.

This caused the worst border crisis in recent memory.

And the American people REJECTED IT.

Now, she clings to a failed Senate bill–that would only make things worse–in the hopes she can gaslight you into believing she cares.

Things got off to a particularly rocky start when Kamala insisted that Bret “get back to the point,” all while she was simultaneously dodging the entire point of the conversation.

The Vigilant Fox:

The conversation quickly went off the rails when Kamala Harris dodged Bret Baier’s question on illegal immigration while simultaneously saying, “Let’s get to the point.”

You never see anything like this happen with any other candidate, and it’s so unusual that you literally can’t make it up.

BRET BAIER: “How many illegal immigrants would you estimate your administration has released into the country over the last three and a half years?”

KAMALA HARRIS: “Bret, let’s just get to the point. Okay? The point is that we have a broken immigration system that needs to be repaired.”

Kamala literally can’t answer simple yes or no questions.

But this was more than just one bad interview. It was a desperate Hail Mary from Team Kamala, who’s clearly struggling to dig themselves out of a deep hole, and it didn’t go well. At all. Kamala was frazzled, angry, and ill-prepared.

She’s never had to face tough questions, and it shows.

And not to nitpick, but isn’t it her Marxist regime that’s locking political dissenters up, starting with President Trump, J6ers, Douglass Mackey, Peter Navarro, Steve Bannon, and others?

Well, either way, so much for the campaign of “joy,” right? Unfortunately for Ms. Harris, there wasn’t a lot of “joy” to be found during that train wreck of an interview.

Can you feel the happiness?


But beyond all the weird angst and anger, that interview gave us some real sustenance. It offered us a real glimpse into what’s going on behind the scenes of the Harris campaign. It was one of those moments where you watch and think, “Ah, I get it now.”

The American people saw how the sausage is being made—and it isn’t pretty.

Believe it or not, it was Barstool Sports founder Dave Portnoy who, after the Fox interview, called it all out and laid the political cards on the table—and he’s right when he said that we’re all being gaslit. We’re being played like a fiddle. That Fox News interview with Kamala Harris proved it once and for all.

First off, Kamala Harris is a media creation—a poorly manufactured political character sprung from the imaginations of some really mediocre minds. The regime-run media has propped her up like a Barbie doll, hoping we don’t notice that she’s made of plastic with zero substance. And speaking of the media, they got their marching orders. “Testy” is the word of the day.

“Testy” doesn’t quite capture that epic disaster. Maybe more like “tested… and failed?”

Let’s face it: this woman has never had any real political clout. She ran in 2020 and had to bow out before Iowa because she was such a disaster. Furthermore, Joe Biden didn’t choose Kamala because she could carry the Democrat baton. He chose her as “insurance,” banking on the fact that people would be so terrified of her becoming president that they’d keep him around—dementia and all. And for the most part, he was right. Kamala has the dubious honor of being one of the most unpopular and unlikable vice presidents in US history. That’s saying a lot, considering we’ve had some seriously boring stiffs in that role over the years. Honestly, Kamala Harris might just be the worst candidate this country has ever seen, yet the media is trying to sell her as some bright, rising star who’s been “blooming” under our noses for years.

Yes, we’re being gaslit, big time. It’s amazing to see so many people fall for this nonsense, and it proves that our media still has a great deal of power.

However, the good news is that the entire house of cards is falling. Much like the Trump/Biden debate, the Harris Fox News interview exposed the ugly truth about Kamala: she’s not actually running for president. This isn’t a contest between Trump and Kamala. What that interview really exposed is the Democrats’ true plan: 2024 is all about Trump versus anti-Trump. That train-wreck interview made one thing clear—Kamala Harris doesn’t know how to be a candidate; she only knows how to play the “anti-Trump” role that she’s been tasked with.


Barstool Sports founder #DavePortnoy posted a six-minute rant on social media in which he blasted Vice President #KamalaHarris as “the worst presidential candidate in the history of American politics.” Details at the link in our bio.

♬ original sound – New York Post | News


This is why Kamala doesn’t feel the need to actually answer questions or admit real fault for her catastrophic and deadly failures.

Think about it: in most cases, a horribly ironic statement like this would end a candidate’s chances, full-stop. Bret Baier grills Kamala about her plan to provide incarcerated criminals with taxpayer-funded gender reassignment surgery, and she gets so flustered that she accidentally says, “You’ve got to take responsibility for what happens in your administration.”

Uh, yes, good advice, ma’am; you should take it.


But Kamala is a different egg. She’s not out there trying to sell herself or offer some bold new path forward. Not really, anyway. On the contrary, she’s nothing more than the official “anti-Trump” candidate. And truthfully, people who vote that way aren’t exactly looking for substance or change—they just want to stop Trump, no matter what.


That’s exactly why this crowd of voters lets her off the hook and allows her to get away with shameful non-answers like this.


#kamala #fox #interview #kamalaharrisinterview

♬ original sound – Reacttoeverything

Honestly, how many times does this hard-hearted Hannah have to be asked to apologize to the grieving families?


Imagine if Kamala had shown even the slightest bit of humility and said something like, “I’m sorry, we made mistakes, and I promise to do better.” Honestly, the American people would’ve respected her more for it. But instead, she sounded like an annoying windup doll stuck on repeat, saying the same word over and over again: “TRUMP, TRUMP, TRUMP.”

And that brings us to another problem for Team Kamala: the American people have softened on President Trump. He has a solid record of economic strength and peace at the US border and around the world. They no longer see him as the “big bad boogeyman” he’s been portrayed as for nearly a decade. Instead, they remember that when he was in office, a package of chicken cost a helluva lot less. It’s also become “cool” to support Trump, which says a lot about how incredibly unlikable Kamala Harris is. But it’s also a testament to how President Trump has taken a different approach this time—bypassing the regular media and showing up on popular podcasts, shooting the sh*t like a regular guy. People are watching and thinking, “Wait, he actually sounds great.”

This is a massive problem for Team Kamala because without the rabid anti-Trump vote, they’ve got nothing. That’s why you’re seeing these “Hail Mary” throws flying left and right. Barry’s out there chastising black men, Slick Willy is doing God-knows-what on the campaign trail, and they’ve trotted out “Republican” has-beens like Liz Cheney, Adam Kinzinger, and Bill Kristol to stump for abortion, gun control, and amnesty. Meanwhile, Kamala is agreeing to disastrous Fox News interviews, desperately trying to reel in some “centrist” who might not hate Trump but doesn’t like him all that much either.

The problem for Team Kamala is that this isn’t how you do it.

Nobody on earth knew what she was talking about.

An anonymous X user with nearly half a million followers says he reached out to a Democrat friend to gauge the mood. What he relayed sounds like it could be true, based on the buzz swirling around DC and beyond: total chaos.


Checked in with an old friend who used to work in Democrat politics and still keeps tabs on that world. Asked him what he’s been hearing from the dem camp. Sounds like it’s a rough scene over there. His correspondence below.

“I would describe it as extreme panic. Their internals in key swing states have been very concerning for weeks and keep getting worse. They have been trying a media blitz strategy after the second debate was turned down but it seems like the more Harris talks, the worse it gets. They’re in a very tough spot.

Energy is at an all-time low, some have already lost hope and are mentally preparing for a Trump presidency. Others are angry that Harris was chosen despite her obvious shortcomings as a candidate.

There is tension between the Biden team and the campaign, speculation is that Joe thinks he would not be doing as poorly. He is angry that the reasoning used to push him out (negative impact down-ballot) is happening anyway. I think Trump is correct when he says Joe doesn’t like her. He also wants to get more involved, he thinks he can help, the Harris campaign thinks differently and they have been actively trying to distance themselves from the last 3.5 years. Overall very messy and lots of ongoing conversations on what to do, I’ve heard nothing is off the table and the Harris campaign does not have the same level of restraint as the Biden campaign did. It’s all or nothing.”

Chaos indeed. As a matter of fact, in the end, Team Harris knew the interview was going off the rails. Now we know why she brought Tim Walz along as her emotional support animal to those earlier interviews. According to Bret, four people on Kamala’s team were flailing their arms in the air, desperately trying to stop the interview.

It looks as if Team Kamala knew they were in trouble before they ever walked in the door.

In fact, the whole thing was so bad for Kamala that President Trump’s team turned the entire interview into their latest political ad. Ouch. Talk about a brutal (and funny) troll.

It might be time to call Ronald McDonald.

And speaking of President Trump, he’s relaxed and playing his cards like a pro.

He’s keeping it light, no-nonsense, and having fun, but still maintaining the seriousness and gravity where it matters—after all, the country is falling apart. But Trump is handling the desperate demands from Team Kamala, a campaign in a downward spiral, with a grain of salt and that classic Trumpy humor, like this post he wrote after Kamala (and the media) kept harping about his cholesterol numbers.


Honestly, this man could be a professional comedian.

What we’re witnessing now, in the PR world, is what’s called “perfect pitch.” President Trump is hitting all the right notes at exactly the right time, and what we’re seeing is a beautiful song playing out. Meanwhile, Team Kamala is in chaos—hands in the air, running in circles, desperately trying to stop the music. Why? Because the Fox News interview was Kamala’s “Biden debate” moment—a moment when even the most clueless among us realized, “Wow, we’re being gaslit!”

Now, that doesn’t mean the fight is over or that we’ve got this election in the bag. No. There’s still a lot of work ahead, and we can’t take anything for granted—especially with the Democrats and Deep State pulling the strings. That said, it’s worth giving President Trump and his team credit for closing out this race with high energy and incredible momentum. Soon, the baton will be in our hands, and it’ll be up to us to take it across the finish line—because don’t forget, we’re fighting to save America, too.