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Sometimes it’s hard to believe George Soros is still alive and kicking, making some pretty ballsy moves to destroy America. What is he now, 125 years old? In reality, the Soros machine probably doesn’t have much to do with ol’ George these days. He’s had plenty of equally Marxist maniacs running the show for years, including his son, Alex.

So, what’s Team Soros up to now? Well, they’ve cooked up a pretty diabolical plan to stop the Hispanic hemorrhaging the left is dealing with, all thanks to their crazy, radical agenda that’s been spiraling out of control for years. Team Soros has put their communist heads together and come up with a clever way to use propaganda to lure Hispanics back into the fold with every dirty trick in the book.

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And how will they pull this off? By buying up hundreds of Spanish-speaking radio stations.

Steve Cortes, a Trump surrogate, is sounding the alarm. He’s asking all the right questions—the kind we should’ve been asking when Soros was jumping into all those DA races, long before it was too late.

The warning flags were there years ago when George started “buying” DA races. Soros wasn’t even hiding what he was up to—he just figured you’d be too distracted to notice. And by the time you did, it’d be too late. He was right.

Now he’s focused on Latinos. And yes, the Hispanic vote is definitely waking up, and they’re ready to make America great again.

Eric Abbenante:

40% of Hispanics polled said they would vote for Trump, nearly 25 points higher than in 2016. Donald Trump has a 13 point edge with Hispanic voters on the border. If his policies were racist, why are more Hispanics gravitating towards him

Media: Hispanics are now racist!?

Let’s face it, they’re realizing that the left has become a party of perverts, atheists, and pro-illegal invasion. That’s a hard pill to swallow for a hard-working group of people who did things the legal and right way. So, is George buying up these radio stations to regain control of the messaging and flood the Hispanic community with Marxist propaganda? Absolutely, that’s likely the only reason he’s doing it.


Soros wants to buy more than 200 US radio stations, across 48 media markets without the standard review for companies with more than 25% foreign ownership. Many spanish & in-language radio stations are impacted. Why is the @FCC allowing for a fast-track right before an election? It’s unprecedented. Soros is known for interfering in elections for restorative justice DAs

This time, it’s not too late. We need to wake up to what Soros is doing and do everything under the sun to stop him. Spread the word far and wide—he’s using Marxist propaganda to brainwash Hispanic voters. This should be illegal, and we should never allow it. But thanks to the crooked Harris/Biden regime and the progressive Deep State, ghouls like Team Soros have free rein to get away with whatever they want.

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It’s up to us to stop these people in their globalist tracks. Soros wants to steal back the Hispanic vote that we worked hard to earn—fair and square. Don’t let him do it. Stay focused, be loud, and spread the word from your neighbors to your lawmakers. We need to stop George Soros before he wreaks his usual havoc.