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Are we witnessing the dawn of a new tech revolution? Many believe that’s exactly what’s happening as tech bros start waking up, shaking off the progressive dust, and looking to the future with a more “America First” attitude—thanks to the influence of Trump and Elon Musk. This shift is critical, especially as free speech remains under attack from every angle. Every red-blooded American should be concerned, because without free speech, we lose the very foundation of what makes this country great. If we don’t protect it, we’re no better than the authoritarian regimes we claim to stand against, and sadly, that’s what we’ve become.

But hope is on the horizon.

Could it be that tech is finally getting some backbone—upping their testosterone and breaking away from the soy-infused progressive pact? We’re starting to see signs of that as more and more tech bros wake up and start coming over to the red side.

Things are definitely changing. The left doesn’t have the hardcore lock on Silicon Valley like they used to.


The annual “Reboot” conference, this year celebrating the 10th anniversary of the Foundation for American Innovation, is a gathering largely made up of right-leaning techno-futurists of the Elon Musk type, but sprinkied with plenty of California Democrats as well.

Though many Silicon Valley libertarians had started to rally openly for Trump over Biden, their political world was turned upside down by the entry of Kamala Harris and now the coin-flip prospect of a Harris administration.

The right, of course, still fears what Harris stands for. Analyzing the uneasy relationship between the Silicon Valley right and Harris, Santi Ruiz, host of the policy-focused “Statecraft” podcast for the Institute for Progress, said in an interview that “Overwhelmingly the worry is about markets and growth.”

In Ruiz’s analysis, opposition to Harris among the tech right stems from a combination of traditional conservative business concerns and the culture-warring and free speech debates that have captured the political imaginations of figures like Musk.

Take a look:

We also can’t underestimate the impact Pavel Durov’s arrest had on the tech world. That may be playing a role in the rise of these new “Trump Tech Bros.”


Four years ago, Hollywood and Silicon Valley were united in their mission to stop then-President Donald Trump’s re-election at all costs. But now, as more “tech bros” have publicly declared their support for Trump, the already uneasy relationship between California’s two largest industries — political fundraising bonanzas both — has become bitter and nasty.

From Elon Musk to David Sacks to the Winklevoss twins, tech bros are jumping on the Trump train in response to the Biden-Harris administration’s many ruinous policies, particularly its penchant for excessive regulation and plans to introduce a tax on “unrealized capital gains,” which would hammer the wealthy and sap innovation.

Even Facebook’s Mark Zuckerberg — who interfered in the 2020 election on behalf of Joe Biden — recently called Trump a “badass” for surviving the recent assassination attempt.

Their political heresy has only further estranged them from Hollywood elites, who already deeply resent them for upending the entertainment industry with streaming media.

“Fuck these Trump-loving techies,” an unnamed Hollywood executive told The Hollywood Reporter.

Another unnamed source told the outlet:  “Look, it’s no secret that Hollywood has never been very fond of these guys [tech bros].”

So, what’s really going on here? Even Zuckerberg seems impressed by Trump and is ready to step out of left-wing politics and away from taking orders from the regime. But you have to wonder—will he secretly be casting his vote for the tough guy who took a bullet and kept on fighting?

Well, we may never know. However, President Trump has a theory as to why Silicon Valley is getting red-pilled and supporting him: Those tech brainiacs imply can’t get behind low-IQ DEI candidates on the left.

Trump may be onto something.

Let’s face it—the tech bros might not be as hardcore left as we thought. Maybe they’ve just been dragged into this progressive nightmare by the left’s obsession with controlling speech. It doesn’t have to be that way, though. Perhaps they just need a good reason to break free, and President Trump has given them that opportunity.

Elon Musk’s change of heart has also helped move the needle—both literally and figuratively.

Without that effort from Elon, free speech will likely become a thing of the past.

In fact, when Elon first began his purchase of Twitter, we wrote a blistering, eye-opening piece on the left’s secret influence operation against free speech and dissent. That piece still stands the test of time and is just as relevant today, especially as we head into the 2024 election.


Before DiResta was complaining about the threat of Elon Musk’s “free speech absolutism” in the pages of the Atlantic, she worked (among other things) as a research director for a cyber security firm called New Knowledge.

New Knowledge’s purpose was to study the spread of disinformation, “malign narratives” and Russian influence operations. In her capacity as Research Director for New Knowledge, DiResta submitted written testimony to the US Senate drawing attention to the danger of such Russian disinformation and influence operations, including the alleged Russian “troll farm” Internet Research Agency — which every self-respecting disinformation operative knows to puff up as the most malign and consequential political influence operation in modern history.

But there is one very important secretive, malign influence operation that Renée DiResta failed to disclose to the Senate. This influence operation was conducted by her own employer, New Knowledge, to influence the outcome of the 2017 Alabama special Senate contest between populist Roy Moore and Doug Jones. The details of the influence operation are even more scandalous. In what even the head of New Knowledge described as a “false flag” operation, New Knowledge conducted a secret influence operation to make it look like populist candidate Roy Moore was the beneficiary of a secret Russian influence operation!

We encourage you to read the entire piece below:

Busted: Disinformation Operative Who Attacked Elon Musk’s Push for “Free Speech” Caught Red-Handed in Secret Influence Operation

Keep in mind that recently the Ketchup King, John Kerry, announced that the First Amendment is getting in the way of them controlling the “narrative.” That pesky Constitution really is a thorn in the left’s side, isn’t it?

And what about Hillary Clinton and her recent comments on censorship? This is enough to make any patriotic Americans’ skin crawl.

The left sees they’re losing control, and now they’re scrambling to get it back. With Musk and Zuckerberg jumping off the progressive choo-choo train and other Silicon Valley tech bros bowing out, the left is desperate to find new ways to control the messaging and silence dissent.

RELATED: Major Tentacle Sliced Off Censorship Beast With Disgraced Stanford Think Tank Shutdown—What New Form Will It Take?

This is their idea of “saving democracy,” and it should scare the hell out of every American, no matter which side of the aisle you’re on.