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As we approach the 2024 election, the political landscape is shifting—”Fast and Furious” style. From Kamala’s Fox News interview disaster to President Trump’s surging momentum as election day draws near, everything is in motion. One thing President Trump is doing right is making sure all his bases are covered, sending his top surrogates to the biggest battleground states. And his number one surrogate is none other than Elon Musk. And the biggest battleground state is Pennsylvania. So, where do you think Elon’s heading?

We covered this story. However, now we actually know there’s even more to it.


Kamala Harris has a confused old pervert and a washed-up, effeminate Marxist campaigning for her as we head into the final stretch of the 2024 campaign. Meanwhile, President Trump has the richest man in the world and arguably the greatest innovator of our time his squad—none other than the heaviest hitter and biggest A-lister of them all, Elon Musk.

That’s right, Elon will be hitting the trail to stump for America First and push Trump’s agenda in the battleground state of Pennsylvania. So, while Bill Clinton gums his food and Barry Obama insults black men, Elon Musk will be out there, sharing new ideas and real hope for a better America.

You can read the entire article by clicking here:

Guess which heavy-hitting A-lister is hitting the campaign trail for Trump?

So, what’s really going on in PA? According to none other than Pennsylvania Senator John Fetterman, Elon Musk isn’t just taking Pennsylvania by storm this week—he’s actually been living there for a while now. Smart innovators like Elon know you can’t just walk into a town and assume you understand what’s going on. To really get it, you’ve got to live there, be among the people, and understand their daily struggles. That’s exactly what Elon is doing, and it shows his level of commitment and seriousness about 2024. He’s not just playing a part; he’s all-in on helping Trump become president again, and flipping Pennsylvania red is a key part of that mission.

Fetterman appeared on CNN, where the most “handsome” lady reporter of all time asked him how much he thinks a surrogate like Elon Musk can help Trump. And believe it or not, Fetterman gave a brilliant, well-thought-out response—and he nailed it.

Yes, Elon will make a difference. He’s not some mindless movie star living in a bubble. Sure, he’s the richest man in the world, but he’s our era’s Renaissance man. He’s an innovator, the future, and many people, especially young men, look up to him. What he’s selling, they’re buying—literally and figuratively.


FETTERMAN ON ELON MUSK: “Surrogates rarely count for much but Musk, it’s undeniable that he‘s successful. He is the world‘s richest man and he‘s been involved in a lot of important things like SpaceX or AI and he has a brand and that’s attractive to a demographic that we need to win in Pennsylvania and it‘s not even about his checkbook.. The New York Times described him as effectively living in Pennsylvania..”

Yep. Fetterman is right.

The New York Times:

In the final weeks of the presidential campaign, the richest man in the world has involved himself in the U.S. election in a manner unparalleled in modern history.

Elon Musk, seen over the weekend jumping for joy alongside former President Donald J. Trump at a rally in Butler, Pa., is now talking to the Republican candidate multiple times a week.

He has effectively moved his base of operations to Pennsylvania, the place that he has recently told confidants he believes is the linchpin to Mr. Trump’s re-election.

He has effectively moved his base of operations to Pennsylvania, the place that he has recently told confidants he believes is the linchpin to Mr. Trump’s re-election.

He has relentlessly promoted Mr. Trump’s candidacy to his 201 million followers on X, the social platform formerly known as Twitter that he bought for $44 billion and has used to spread conspiracy theories about the Democratic Party and to insult its candidate, Vice President Kamala Harris.

Above all, he is personally steering the actions of a super PAC that he has funded with tens of millions of dollars to turn out the vote for Mr. Trump, not just in Pennsylvania but across the country. He has even proposed taking a campaign bus tour across Pennsylvania and knocking on doors himself, in part to see how his money is being used.

Taken together, a clear picture has emerged of Mr. Musk’s battle plan as he directs his efforts to elect Mr. Trump with the same frenetic energy and exacting demands that he has honed at his companies SpaceX, Tesla and X.

There’s nothing like calling a must-win battleground state “home” for a while.

And while he’s spending time in Pennsylvania, Elon is keeping an eye on the latest Team Harris debacle—AKA the Fox News interview—where Kamala faced tough questions for the first time in her life and completely bombed. The media foot soldiers are calling the interview “testy,” while the rest of the world is calling it a political catastrophe.

Elon’s “sharp as a tack” jab was a direct hit at the media for how they’ve described Joe Biden—a man clearly in cognitive decline. And speaking of Elon, while his work in Pennsylvania is important, President Trump has even bigger plans for him. Trump intends to task a very eager Elon Musk with getting our soaring national debt under control. He outlined his plans last night during his Latino town hall.

President Trump has assembled an A-Team to tackle the mess America is facing, courtesy of the epic failure of the Harris/Biden regime. But before we can get to work, we need to win this thing. That’s why Elon Musk hunkering down in Pennsylvania—a must-win state for Kamala—is so crucial. If Team Trump can cut into that margin and steal PA from the left, they’ll be well on their way to truly making America great again.