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Hey, great job, ladies! Men are now so terrified of being accused of “assault” by you that they’d rather not even perform CPR if you’re gasping for your last breath. Why? Well, because what if you survive and, after you come, you feel some brushing on your chest and accuse that Good Samaritan of sexual assault? Think we’re joking? Sadly, this is the state of “feminism” in 2024—a bunch of angry, man-hating women browbeating men into submission, and yes, something like this crazy tale we’re about to share, which is actually true according to a new report, could very easily and likely happen these days.

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That’s right folks, feminism is going so well that now men are willing to just let women die.

Daily Mail:

One in three Britons are afraid to give women CPR because they are worried about touching their breasts, a study reveals.

The same proportion of men (33 per cent) also fear being accused of ‘inappropriate’ touching when giving women chest compressions.

However, just 13 per cent of women have the same reservations, according to the survey of 1,000 UK adults for St John Ambulance.

The first aid charity warned the sexual taboo is putting women at greater risk of dying from cardiac arrest and stressed: ‘When it comes to CPR, every body is the same.’

Previous research found only 68 per cent of women are likely to receive bystander CPR compared to 73 per cent of of men.

And survival from the time of the cardiac arrest to hospital admission was 34 per cent for women but 37 per cent for men.

St John Ambulance wants everyone to learn CPR, which is given in the same way to both sexes, adding: ‘Everyone deserves the best possible chance of survival.’

A defibrillator can make a critical difference, as when used within the first three minutes it can increase the chances of someone surviving a cardiac arrest by up to 70 per cent.

Sure, most men will still perform good old-fashioned CPR—for now. But just wait until the CPR #MeToo accusations start rolling in, and you’ll see those numbers drop like a lead balloon. The Daily Mail piece goes on to say this:

The defibrillator has pads that need to be placed on bare skin on the chest area.

However, when hearing this instruction, 38 per cent of people agreed that their levels of discomfort would rise.

Nearly half of the male respondents (46 per cent) stated they would feel less comfortable using a defibrillator on a woman knowing that they might have to remove her clothing, including a bra, versus 31 per cent of females surveyed.

Nearly a quarter (23 per cent) of all respondents admitted they are less likely to give CPR to a woman in public than a man.

However, two in three (64 per cent) agreed their comfort levels would increase if offered the right support and training.

Honestly, you can’t blame men.

The demonization of so-called “toxic masculinity” has been going on for ages. The real kicker here? Telling a man he’s got “toxic masculinity” is like telling a glass of water it’s wet. Men are supposed to be superior in many ways. They’re created to be stronger, better providers, hunters, and the ones who save their families in times of danger and need. Of course, they’re going to be a whirlwind of power and strength. That’s not toxic—it’s how God made them. Going against that is what’s causing all this upheaval and confusion in society, and quite frankly, much of the downfall we’re seeing globally and as a country as well. Nature’s course is off kilter; of course we’re flailing.

But hey, if you point this out to a narcissistic, toxic female, just watch the sparks fly.


Jordan Peterson explains the real reason strong and confident Men frighten some women.

♬ Jordan Peterson – The Limitless Brotherhood™

The male CPR fear is so real that Down Under, they’re trying to remind men that “Good Samaritan” laws will “likely” protect them.


Why are women less likely to receive CPR? #FirstAid #Health #WomensHealth #ABCNews

♬ original sound – ABC News Australia

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Instead of wasting time on all these PSAs, trying to convince men they won’t end up in prison on a rape charge for saving a woman’s life, why not fix the root of the issue, which is toxic, cancerous, and evil feminism? Stop allowing this loud, obnoxious group of unhinged banshees to use their sexuality as a weapon to destroy all men, and neuter the ones who they can ensalve. Some women are trying to do just that, but is it too little, too late?

If these harpies make a serious effort to dial it back, maybe—just maybe—men will want to at least stop and save their lives if they’re having a heart attack in the street. If not, why bother? What’s in it for the guys?