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It’s safe to say the “split screen” video clip can be a deadly weapon in politics—it can make or break someone in seconds. What do we mean by that? Well, just look at Kamala Harris’s recent event in Georgia. Harris learned the hard way that a split screen can take an already awkward and ghoulish situation and make it a whole lot worse. It all started when she was stumping for early votes. It’s no secret that Democrats are in trouble.

As it stands now, early voting is down, and that spells really bad news for Team Harris.

The New York Post:

The dramatic rise in early voting has led many to think the election might be effectively over days or weeks before Election Day. The data thus far show that won’t be true — and the numbers aren’t comforting for Democrats.

Early voting is nowhere near what some people estimated: 4.2 million Americans have already cast their ballots, per John Couvillon, a Republican political strategist who provides daily updates on early and mail voting.

That sounds like a lot, but it’s a pittance compared with the 158.6 million votes ultimately cast in 2020.

More important, it’s significantly less than this point in 2020: Early voting is down 45%, Couvillon’s numbers show.

Not only that, but Republicans are now eating into the early vote numbers in a big way in states that really matter, like Nevada.

So, while she was in Georgia, Kamala thought it’d be a great idea to bring Jimmy Carter and his “early vote” into the mix. The problem? Jimmy Carter, bless his heart, looks like he doesn’t even know he’s still alive at this point. And who can blame him? The poor guy is 100 years old and battling cancer that’s spread to his brain. When his family wheeled him out recently as part of a PR stunt for Kamala, a lot of people felt really uncomfortable. Carter literally looked like he was on his deathbed.

The whole stunt was very off-putting and seemed cruel and heartless.

There’s no way that poor man even knows who Kamala Harris is at this point, let alone that he was ‘voting’ for her.

So, while Kamala was shucking and jiving at the early voting event, using Carter as an example to get people off their lazy duffs and vote, someone put up a split screen. On one side, you had a deathly ill, totally incoherent Jimmy Carter, mouth gaping and strapped to a gurney. On the other, a cackling, clueless Kamala. The whole scene came off as macabre and ghoulish.

Collin Rugg:

NEW: Kamala Harris tells her rally audience that if Jimmy Carter can vote early, so can they.

Jimmy Carter recent accomplished his goal of voting for Kamala Harris after early voting opened in Georgia.

Carter wasn’t looking forward to his 100th birthday but was instead fighting to stay alive for Kamala Harris, Carter’s son said.

“He said he didn’t care about that. It’s just a birthday. He said he cared about voting for Kamala Harris,” Carter’s son said, according to the Washington Post.

The footage below was a recent event in Georgia to celebrate Carter’s birthday.

That was brutal. Here’s what folks online had to say about this nightmarish imagery:

“Jimmy Carter has no idea who Kamala Harris is.”

“I’ve been saying for years that the split screen is the most devastating weapon we have on social media. This is great.”

“That is sick. Let Jimmy pass in peace. How can any decent person politicize this?”

“Nobody believes he actually voted”

“The worst president in history voted for the worst vice president in history. He probably didn’t even vote, they filled in the presidential bingo card for him. The funny thing is they both look like a Joe on the beach.”

“She’s obviously poking fun at this poor man.”

“These Dems are heartless ghouls.”

At a time when Harris is struggling to find her footing, her messaging, and her optics, this is the last image she’d want floating around as a reminder of “early voting”—some  poor old man, grappling with brain cancer, unable to connect with the world around him. It’s a sad parallel to how Joe Biden has spent much of his time since being installed in office, with Kamala acting as if everything was just fine. This woman really is a ghoul who has a “thing” for men who can’t think for themselves.