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When people tell you who they are, listen carefully. It’s the most honest and raw moment, revealing their inner core—the very center of their being. Those moments, when the truth finally bubbles to the surface, cut through all the lies, noise, and smoke and mirrors that career politicians constantly throw up to distract and deceive voters. That’s exactly what we’re seeing now with the Harris/Walz campaign and what we’ve seen with the Harris/Biden regime as well. But don’t be fooled—the Kamala Harris charade goes back much farther than her hitching a ride with Sleepy Joe. Many forget that she actually ran for president in 2020. Her campaign was such a flop and so forgettable that she was forced to drop out before Iowa due to a lack of support. But during that pathetic and embarrassing run, Harris made a few remarks that gave us all a glimpse into who she truly is—and none were more chilling than what she said in 2019 at the NAACP dinner in Detroit, Michigan.

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It was there that Kamala Harris laid out her plans to silence Americans who think differently than she does, all under the guise of “saving democracy” and protecting people from so-called “hate speech”—something that doesn’t even exist.

Detroit Free Press:

After experiencing the controversial presidency of Donald Trump for more than two years, U.S. Sen. Kamala Harris said she was ready to speak a little truth to a crowd of thousands in Detroit Sunday night.

Speaking at the NAACP’s 64th annual Fight for Freedom Fund dinner at Cobo Center, the California Democrat and candidate for president, said, “This is a moment in time where we need to speak truth. Take for example, the United States attorney general who lied to Congress and lied to you, and is clearly more interested in representing the president than the American people. We need leaders who have the courage to speak truth.”

It’s a moment that the Democratic presidential candidate from California returned to repeatedly during her speech. “Let’s speak a truth,” she said repeatedly and tied it to a policy she intends to implement if she’s elected president, including:

Oh, she spoke the truth, alright, and it should make every American’s blood run cold. What’s even scarier is how stupid her supporters are. They either have no idea what she really meant when she said, “We will police your platform,” or they’re onboard with a complete and total police state, or maybe a bit of both. And when you listen to her words, notice how articulate she is. This is the same woman who’s famous for tossing out word salads, but when she speaks about censorship and crushing the First Amendment, Harris suddenly becomes passionate and sharp. It’s the only time she sounds like she actually knows what she’s talking about.

If Kamala Harris is elected, we’ll all be thrown in political prison for posting memes. Just ask Douglass Mackey—he was recently convicted by a New York City jury for sharing an anti-Hillary meme. They called it “conspiracy” and “election interference.” They’re making it up as they go. Do you think it’ll stop with Mackey if Kamala gets into the Oval Office?

No, it’ll only get worse.

Dear Elon: America Needs You to Back Doug Mackey’s First Amendment Fight

After watching this chilling, draconian speech, a quote from the late, great Rush Limbaugh comes to mind: “You know why there’s a Second Amendment? In case the government fails to follow the first one.”


Kamala has toned down her radical, anti-American rhetoric, but that’s only because she’s trying to fool the American people into thinking she’s some “moderate Democrat.” Instead of pushing her draconian censorship agenda herself, she’s got her surrogates out there doing her dirty work.

And it’s not just Hillary—John Kerry is also making the case to crush the First Amendment in the name of “saving democracy.” This is what tyrants do: they put on a mask and pretend their power grab is all about doing something good. They act like they’re “forced” to do the unthinkable to save the world from something even scarier. It’s a classic dictator move that’s played out throughout the years, and yet so many people still fall for it.

The scary truth is that the Harris/Biden regime is exactly the kind of twisted, morally corrupt government our Founding Fathers warned us about. If Kamala Harris gets within 100 miles of the White House, she will plunge the final dagger into the heart of America—all under the guise of “saving democracy.” And that’s the terrifying part—these political tyrants have convinced millions that they’re the “good guys.” That should scare the hell out of every sane American who values freedom.