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Well, the VP debate is over and it was definitely interesting. As most of us predicted, JD wiped the floor with Tampon Tim. There were plenty of highlights for JD and a truckload of lowlights for Mr. Walz. One of the best visual moments came when Tim looked like he was about to burst into tears as JD delivered a brilliant two-minute takedown of Kamala Harris, explaining why she’s been such an epic failure and how she and Tim are the real threat to everything we hold dear. And to top it off, JD thanked RFK Jr. and Tulsi Gabbard—two major Dems—for their endorsements, and it looked like Tampon Tim was starting to leak around the eyes.


.@JDVance thanks Robert Kennedy Jr. and Tulsi Gabbard for their endorsements and says the real threat to democracy is Kamala Harris and the Democrat Party’s war on the First Amendment:

“Rather than debate and persuade her fellow Americans, she’d like to censor people who engage in ‘misinformation.’ I think that is a much bigger threat to democracy than anything that we’ve seen in this country in the last 40 years.

I’m really proud, especially given that I was raised by two lifelong blue-collar Democrats, to have the endorsement of Bobby Kennedy Jr. and Tulsi Gabbard, lifelong leaders in the Democratic coalition. We’re united behind a basic American First Amendment principle.

Kamala Harris is engaged in censorship at an industrial scale. She did it during COVID-19 and has done it over a number of issues, and that, to me, is a much bigger threat to democracy than what Donald Trump said when he said protestors should peacefully protest on January 6th.”

This image sums it all up, right?

But let’s be clear, Vance was spot on—Kamala Harris and Tim Walz’s plan to destroy the First Amendment and censor free speech is the greatest threat to American democracy in the history of our Republic, and clearly, the American people are waking up and realizing that.

Even regime-run CNN has JD as the winner of the debate.

And speaking of the debate, you won’t want to miss our roundup of the highlights. We also dive into the 20 seconds of political carnage that put the final nail in Team Harris’s coffin.


But what was the big turning point for Tampon Tim? Well, by now, it’s no secret that Tim Walz is a pathological liar. He’s spent decades spinning tall tales about his military service, lied through his teeth about IVF, and, right before the debate, got caught in another whopper—this time, a completely made-up trip to Hong Kong during the Tiananmen Square massacre.

Like everything that comes out of Walz’s mouth, it was pure BS.


This was the lie that finally caught up with Tim. The debate moderator called him out, and his pathetic attempt to dodge the question—only to get called out again—led to 20 seconds of pure political carnage. It’s the moment that absolutely sealed Team Harris’s fate. Watch until the end, when Tim completely unravels at the seams.

You can read the entire article by clicking here:

Tampon Tim unraveled: Here’s the 20 seconds of debate carnage that destroyed Team Harris…

One thing’s for sure—“Tampon Tim,” the guy they hyped up as the epitome of “manliness,” the one we were supposedly shaking over due to his massive testosterone, folded like a dainty little debutante, who needed a hanky to dab away the tears.