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President Trump really set off fireworks when he decided to grab the spotlight and troll Kamala Harris at the same time with a “workday” at McDonald’s, one of his favorite places in America.


We’ve seen plenty of liberal meltdowns over the past decade—some have been full-on wailing sessions, with people writhing and recoiling like snakes in a pit of fire. But none have been more epic or teeth-gnashing than the left’s reaction to Trump’s McDonald’s PR stunt. This troll from President Trump has sent the woke brigade into outer space, orbiting in pure angst and rage, and we love it.

As you likely know by now, President Trump decided to have some fun with Kamala Harris’s ongoing McDonald’s lie, where she pretends she worked at the fast-food giant to keep pushing her phony “middle class” persona.

The reality is that Kamala’s team couldn’t produce a single shred of evidence—no photo, no paperwork, no co-workers, nothing.

They just gave us their word…

The reality is that Kamala’s team couldn’t produce a single shred of evidence—no photo, no paperwork, no co-workers, nothing. They just gave us their word…

So, in classic Trump fashion, he staged a PR event where he actually worked at a McDonald’s. And of course, the left had a supersized meltdown.

They went full “Scooby Doo” and solved the big “mystery.”

For some bizarre reason, the left acted like they’d uncovered King Tut’s tomb when they “exposed” that Trump’s McDonald’s workday wasn’t real. Shocking, right?

It’s hard to believe they actually thought this was some groundbreaking scoop. Most of us already knew the McDonald’s stunt was pure PR and trolling. No one seriously believed a former US president and 2024 frontrunner, who’s been targeted by assassins, was actually flipping burgers for crying out loud.

But when you’re dealing with a raging case of Stage 5 TDS, common sense goes right out the window. Regardless of the meltdowns, or maybe because of them, the Trump McDonald’s PR stunt was a jaw-dropping success.

The truth is, there aren’t many people who could pull off something like this. But President Trump is one of them. He has this unique ability to cut through even his own hype and ‘persona’ and relate to people like an everyday guy. He’s the kind of person you’d want to grab a beer with (if he drank alcohol) or trust with advice on a major life decision. And that’s because, for all his flaws and triumphs, President Trump is real. Sure, he’s wildly successful and has accomplished great things, but he’s kept it real. As cliche as that might sound, it’s true—and that’s why, unlike anyone else in politics, he can pull off a move like this and actually connect with people.

In other words, the so-called ‘negative’ turns positive, and the whole thing becomes an epic, legendary political moment that’ll be remembered and revered for decades to come.

Clint Russell:

The success of the tactic is inversely proportional to the outrage created

By that metric the Trump-McJob photo op may be the most successful campaign event in decades

No one thought they could wake up today and head to McD’s for a Trump prepared McMuffin. Yet the corporate news hacks have no choice but to try and paint this in a negative light so they dutifully churn out stories as if we were actually tricked into believing a former president billionaire was now manning the fry station for $8 an hour.

Trump’s team know that they will get zero positive coverage so they’ve resorted to just doing positive things for people and letting the media demonstrate their own depravity by portraying it as somehow bad.

They could’ve let the story die out and not nearly as many people would have even known it happened. Instead, they went full court press and now everyone has heard about it.

Basically TDS Streisand Effect

The fact it highlighted Harris’ lies about her ever working there was just an added bonus.

They managed to turn a dude who lives in a Manhattan skyrise penthouse and Florida mansion – with a golden toilet no less – into your blue-collar everyman.

Better yet, their own seething contempt for the working class was made plain for all to see

and the best part…
they did it to themselves

It’s true—President Trump pulled off what could have been just a clever marketing move. But because his enemies are so obsessed with his every step, they end up turning these moments into epic, legendary moves without even realizing it. However, Trump knows how this game works, and he’s playing them all like fiddles.

And while President Trump pulls off these authentic moments—staged or not—that’s the beauty of it. It can be a stunt, but he still makes it feel real like no one else can. To drive that point home, just take a look at this “real” moment from Kamala Harris. You’ll see exactly what we mean about not being able to nail these human interactions successfully.

That moment is so cringeworthy, it should be bottled and buried at sea.

While angry, bitter, and awkward Kamala tries to pretend she’s running a campaign based on “joy,” President Trump is the only one genuinely happy and having a good time—even though everyone and their brother is out to destroy him, or worse, kill him.

And don’t be surprised if you see a few little kids running around in the McTrump costume this Halloween.