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It seems like Fox News just can’t help themselves when it comes to meddling in elections. Who could forget their disastrous Arizona call back in 2020? That boneheaded move likely still haunts them as they continue bleeding viewers. But one thing’s for sure—it was a major blow to President Trump, and Arizona remains a sore spot for conservatives to this day. So, is it any surprise they’re trying to mess with 2024 as well? Only this time, they’re starting a little earlier, because Kamala needs help.

So, now, Fox is pushing hard for another debate between Trump and Harris. Let’s be real: they know Kamala’s polling is in free fall as we inch closer to election day, and she’s desperate for a boost. Every interview she does ends in disaster, and this woman can’t figure out if she’s part of Team Biden or not.

RELATED: Kamala Harris made her biggest mistake yet… JD Vance went beast mode on her…

So, what do candidates do when their campaigns are tanking? They beg for another debate. It’s the best sign a political campaign is circling the drain—when they’re practically pleading for a redo on the debate stage.

President Trump has already made it clear: there will be no second debate. But it looks like Kamala and Fox have teamed up for a Hail Mary, hoping their little “controlled opposition” trick will force Trump’s hand. Their logic likely goes something like this: “If Fox News—our so-called “friend”—pushes this, Trump refusing will make him look weak.” Classic sneaky move, Fox.

No way, Jose. Don’t fall for it, President Trump. It’s a classic Fox trap. Just sit back and let Kamala flush her own campaign down the toilet. The best part is that we don’t need to worry about him. President Trump, with all his business, political, and media savvy, already sees the game for what it is and isn’t taking the bait.

Sorry, Bret Baier, you can’t try to destroy Trump and help the establishment this time.

Once again, Trump made his stance on a second debate crystal clear in a post on Truth Social, right after Fox News tried to drop their little “election bomb.”

Kamala is like a runaway train, so desperate to generate anything that she’s hitching her wagon to washed-up, has-been “shock jock” Howard Stern. And let’s not forget—Kamala’s trying to market herself as the champion of women. So, why on earth is she cozying up to a guy like Howard Stern? This is the same creep who’s made some of the most vile, disgusting remarks about women.

Ashley Sinclair:

Kamala Harris has made “women’s rights” a pillar of her campaign yet sits down with Howard Stern, the man who sexualized the underage Olsen twins and said the Columbine shooters should have r*ped the girls while they had the chance.

If you’ve never heard his statements on either, I warn you they are incredibly disturbing ⬇️

Howard Stern on the Columbine shooters:

“There were some really good-looking girls running with their hands on their heads. Did the kids try to have sex with any of those girls? They didn’t even do that? Why wouldnt you have some sex? If I was going to kill some people, Id take them out with sex.”

Howard Stern on the Olsen twins:

Now, normally I don’t look at a 13-year-old and sexualize them, I don’t, but these two are pieces of ass. They’ve grown up so perfect.”

Let’s put aside for a second that Howard Stern is a creepy, perverted degenerate, and focus on the sloppy mess Kamala spewed during her appearance on his show. She’s out here claiming that Trump hasn’t done anything for the American people, as if we’re all suffering from dementia like her sidekick Joe. Does she think we’ve forgotten that under President Trump, the economy was booming, jobs were flowing, the border was secure, and we had world peace?

We didn’t forget, Kamala.

In addition, this is the same woman offering storm-ravaged hurricane victims a measly $750 while sending $160 million to foreigners in Lebanon. Priorities, right, Ms. Harris?

The bottom line is simple: nobody who’s supposedly on the right should be helping Kamala Harris and forget about ratings. Fox News isn’t after some one-off ratings bump—it’s obvious they’re up to their usual tricks: doing everything they can to level the playing field for Kamala and once again taking a swipe at President Trump.

RELATED: Joe Biden is actively sabotaging Harris (yet again), and we love to see it…

But here’s the good news: unlike Team Harris, Team Trump is way too sharp to fall for this amateur-hour nonsense. It’s time to sit back and let the chips fall where they may—Kamala’s already doing a bang-up job sinking her own ship as we inch closer to Election Day.

Glub, glub…