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We’ve got about two weeks until Election Day, and Kamala Harris couldn’t be in a wose position if she tried.

Not only are the latest polls showing her slipping far behind, trailing Biden’s numbers by a wide margin, but to make matters even worse, early voting is way down for Dems. And for the first time in ages, Republicans are actually leading in the early vote, and that means President Trump actually has a shot at winning the popular vote.

Insurrection Barbie:

Republicans are beating Democrats in early voting in Nevada still, the last time a Republican won Nevada was in 2004. The only outlier is the independent vote but Nevada is unique in that when the United States suffers from a bad economy, Nevada suffers more than other states because of the hospitality industry and the number one issue for independent voters in this election is the economy.

Trump could win Nevada this year.


And if that’s not bad enough, Kamala Harris has been such an epic flop that she’s failed to secure endorsements that have been standard for the Dem Party for ages. Just look at the Teamsters Union—they refused to endorse Kamala after discovering that most of their members support President Trump. Then there’s The Las Vegas Review Journal, who actually endorsed President Trump, and the Los Angeles Times, which opted out of endorsing a presidential candidate this year, raising plenty of eyebrows. But jaws really hit the floor when The Washington Post announced that, for the first time since the 80s, they’re also withholding an endorsement for president

Wow. You’ve got to wonder—has Kamala been such a disastrous candidate that she actually forced The Washington Post to revert to their “non-endorsing” roots?


Even though the presidential race between former President Donald Trump and Vice President Kamala Harris is neck and neck, The Washington Post has decided not to make a presidential endorsement for the first time in 36 years, the publisher and CEO announced Friday.

“We are returning to our roots of not endorsing presidential candidates,” Will Lewis wrote in an opinion piece published on the paper’s website. He referenced the paper’s policy in the decades prior to 1976, when, following the Watergate scandal that the Post broke, it endorsed Democratic nominee Jimmy Carter. The last time the Post did not endorse a presidential candidate in the general election was 1988, according to a search of its archives.

According to Revolver’s own Darren Beattie, there’s more to this non-endorsement than meets the eye. Sure, on the surface, it might look like the media’s simply brushing off a losing candidate—deciding to steer clear of Kamala because she’s likely not going to win. But as Darren points out, it runs deeper than that.

Darren’s absolutely right—when a regime-loyal newspaper breaks a 36-year tradition, it’s a big deal. But this move signals more than just a shift in media tactics; it likely reveals where the regime’s thoughts are heading for now and 2028. On the surface, it seems they might view Kamala as an embarrassment, opting to cut their losses, avoid deeper entanglement with her, and shift their focus to 2028, plotting to once again undermine a Trump presidency.

Another powerful point Darren makes—and it’s a major “gotcha” for the disgraced legacy media—is how this move exposes just how phony the recent “Trump is Hitler” narrative truly is. If the media actually believed even a fraction of that nonsense, they’d rush to endorse Kamala Harris to  “stand against the rise of another Hitler.” Instead, they’ve shrugged, washed their hands of it, and walked away, proving how deeply opportunistic and morally bankrupt they really are.

Darren Beattie:

WaPo refusing to endorse Kamala

This is a big deal and shows how Kamala might be too ridiculous, too absurd even for the regime. They may have concluded they’re better off simply regrouping for 2028 and redirecting efforts to crippling Trump’s presidency

But this also shows how disingenuous the Trump Hitler stuff is. If they really believed a small fraction of it, obviously they’d endorse his opponent no matter how absurd.


It has since come to light that none other than Jeff Bezos himself (who owns the Washington Post) is directly responsible for the Post’s break from tradition and refusal to endorse Kamala. That Bezos would urge some semblance of restraint and balance on his paper is an interesting story in its own right, and suggests that Bezos is at least partially moderating his allegiance to the left wing regime in a similar fashion to Mark Zuckerberg, though he is not fully on board with Trump like Elon Musk ( at least not yet, lets see where he is after the election).

Even more interesting and telling than Bezos’ decision to not endorse Kamala is the uproar from many of the Post’s rabidly anti-Trump employees. One of the employees who resigned in protest is none other than Robert Kagan, one of the architects of the Iraq War who gained renewed infamy for his op ed calling Trump a dictator and whose image of Caesar seemed to not so subtly suggest that an assassination attempt might be in order.

Kagan’s wife is of course none other than color revolution architect and never-Trumper Victoria Nuland, who should be no stranger to Revolver readers. Nuland herself resigned in protest from Biden’s State Department when she was passed over for a promotion. It is encouraging and instructive that the aggressive foreign policy faction of the regime seems to be the most resistant to the idea of Trump, who has pledged to end the Ukraine war, becoming President.

READ MORE: In exclusive interview, disgraced archneocon Victoria Nuland carefully refuses to hope that Ukraine can win the war…


The Washington Post’s decision in any case indicates Kamala Harris has proven herself to be a failed candidate who can’t even keep the simplest of traditions alive. And as for the media, they’re a joke for pushing a fake “Hitler” narrative and then washing their hands of it when things go south. This isn’t journalism; it’s pure opportunism and propaganda, with no place in a free, serious country.