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As we get closer to Election Day, this is when the rubber meets the road. These final days are where it all counts. So, who’s surging with momentum, and who’s sinking like a lead balloon? Well, right now, it’s clear: Team Harris/Walz is unraveling, while President Trump is picking up steam. And let’s be real—much of Kamala’s problem is that she’s her own worst enemy. In terms of likability, she’s sitting at Hillary Clinton levels of unpopularity. She didn’t become one of the most disliked VPs in history by accident.

RELATED: Kamala Harris made her biggest mistake yet… JD Vance went beast mode on her…

But Kamala’s off-putting personality is just the tip of the political iceberg. She lacks the experience, skills, and leadership to actually get anything done for the American people. If she had even a shred of those qualities, the US wouldn’t be in the state of free-fall we’re in right now. And as if all the chaos and failure surrounding Harris and her weird sidekick, “Tampon Tim,” wasn’t enough to deal with, they’ve got another big problem on their hands: Joe Biden.

Biden, who was ousted in what looks like a soft coup likely orchestrated by Kamala herself, isn’t exactly rolling over and letting Kamala steamroll him. In fact, he’s feeling pretty ornery and isn’t going down without a fight. Now, he’s launched his own “soft coup” of sorts, but this time it’s aimed at Dems and Kamala’s campaign. While Kamala tries to have it both ways—claiming in one breath she has a “new way forward” and in the next insisting everything her current regime has done is flawless—Biden is quietly outmaneuvering her. Even CNN can see it.

Let’s face it, Kamala Harris is getting outsmarted by a guy with dementia. President Trump was right. Kamala Harris really is a dummy.

We’ve covered the mess that is Team Harris and their bungled, confusing messaging. It’s fascinating to watch a woman who’s been in office for nearly four years try to distance herself from her failed regime, all while acting like everything they did was flawless. Talk about a muddled, absurd message that only the most brainwashed left-wing fanatics could cling to.

In the clip below, Harris claims she is “not” Joe Biden.


Well, it’s official, folks. Kamala Harris just made her biggest mistake yet, and it’s going to haunt her all the way to election day. JD Vance went full beast mode on her, and we’ll get to that in a minute. But first, let’s talk about her monumental screw-up and how she’s now doomed herself in ways we never thought possible.

As you likely know, Kamala has been doing everything she can to distance herself from Joe Biden. Why? Well, for a laundry list of reasons, but mainly because the Harris/Biden regime is probably the worst administration on record. Aside from their slew of failed policies, they’ve managed to tank the economy so badly that Americans went from economic prosperity under President Trump to not being able to afford chicken wings under Harris/Biden. So, even though it seems like a tall order—and frankly, absurd—Ms. Harris has been desperately trying to distance herself from senile Joe.

Later, Harris told the cat ladies over at The View that there’s absolutely nothing she’d undo or fix from her time in this regime since they took over the White House. Everything, according to her, was flawless. Really? The American people wouldn’t agree, since according to CNN only 28 percent of people think the US is on the right track.

But here’s where it gets laughable—if everything was so perfect, why is she working overtime to distance herself from Joe? One minute she’s embracing the administration’s failures as if they were accomplishments, and the next minute she’s doing her best to act like she had no part in it. It’s a mind-boggling balancing act, and it’s as if she thinks the American people won’t notice the absurdity. The truth is, you can’t have it both ways, but Kamala seems determined to try.

Meanwhile, Joe’s feeling extra petty these days and is out there telling the world that he and Kamala are partners in crime, joined at the hip.

Yes, Joe Biden is throwing a monkey wrench into Team Harris’s plans—and he’s doing it in the slyest, sneakiest way possible. Even with his senility in full swing, Biden’s still got that seasoned politician instinct that lets him be petty and vengeful when it matters most.

Think about it: Team Harris’s slogan is “We’re Not Going Back.” But now, according to Biden, they’re “singing from the same song sheet,” and in her own words on The View, everything the administration did was perfect. So, is she going back now? Because what exactly is she offering that’s better than her so-called “perfect” duet with Joe Biden? Meanwhile, America is out here begging for a new playlist.

See how confusing this all is? Joe Biden is probably watching this chaos and confusion unfold with a smirk on his tired, old face, because as we head toward the finish line of election season, that’s the last thing Team Harris needs—to be completely outsmarted by a guy who can’t even manage to walk up a flight of stairs after three tries.