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We all know Elon Musk has shifted gears. He went from a devoted liberal to a red-pilled America First warrior, and while it may seem like it happened “overnight,” it actually didn’t. Elon’s transformation from progressive patsy to conservative conquistador was actually a rather long and involved process. The Dems lost Elon for a lot of reasons. COVID medical tyranny opened many eyes, not to mention their twisted Marxist Green agenda. But for Elon and many others, the left’s attack on children with Drag Queen Story Hours and gender confusion was the final straw. Combine that with their obsession with censorship, and it was just too much to bear.

We covered a very powerful interview between Elon and Tucker, where Elon explained that if Trump isn’t elected, he believes he’ll be arrested. Imagine that—this happening in the United States of America. Did you ever think the day would come when the Democrat Party would start arresting their political opponents and dissenters?


Elon is keeping the election momentum going strong with a sit-down interview with the most powerful man in media—Tucker Carlson. During that interview, Elon made some bold predictions, including what he believes will happen to him if President Trump isn’t elected (cheated out of another win). According to Elon, the stakes couldn’t be higher. He believes that, given the current trajectory of this falling country, if Kamala is installed, he’ll end up behind bars.

We encourage you to read the entire piece below: Elon tells Tucker he’ll be sent to prison if Trump is not elected… ‘IM F**KED!’

Political tyranny is happening right now in America, courtesy of the Harris/Biden regime. Just ask President Trump, the J6 political prisoners, and Douglass Mackey—the young man convicted for sharing an anti-Hillary meme. It’s no wonder Musk is worried. The left has completely gone off the rails.

However, for Elon, it was even more than that, and you may not be surprised that it was actually Joe Biden who drilled the final nail in Elon’s Dem coffin and their feeling the hurt because of it. As a matter of fact, CNN is finally admitting what really happened and how, once again, Harris and Biden screwed the political pooch.

Collin Rugg:

NEW: CNN panel admits they messed up and drove Elon Musk away from the Democratic party, say they should have respected his contributions to the world.

The panel blasted the Biden administration for purposely excluding Musk from events.

“I think where the Democrats started to lose Elon was actually personal. We should have celebrated his contributions to electric vehicles.”

“We should have said, look, Starlink great product that that needs to be used. We should celebrate the fact that he’s had the first commercial success of private people in space.”

“I got a call from him about it when he wasn’t invited to that EV summit, he should have been invited.”

“I called the White House. I never called the White House. And I’m like, why didn’t you invite him? He’s very angry.”

In truth, as we stated earlier, it wasn’t just Joe Biden’s fault. It was the entire far-reaching, twisted, and perverted Democrat woke illness that chased Elon Musk away. But this is always how it plays out, isn’t it? We’ve seen it before, even with the former GOP warmongers when they held power. A political group attains power by lying, pretending to be something they’re not, just to fool voters. Slowly but surely, the mask starts to slip, and people begin questioning what’s really going on as the radical and extremist mindset grows and takes hold.

RELATED: Kamala Harris made her biggest mistake yet… JD Vance went beast mode on her…

This is when the Overton Window—the range of acceptable political discourse—gets pushed too far in one direction. When it tilts too much to one side, people start fighting to regain balance. Ironically, that fight is what pushes the tyrants into overdrive. They double down, and even more radical and extreme policies and agendas take root. The Democrat Party has gone way too far to the left. They’re not just losing Elon—they’re losing everyone except the extremists, and they’ve become full-blown neo-communists. That’s the horrific cycle we’re stuck in now, with the perverted and Marxist left going off the rails. The 2024 election is the crescendo, where the American people will decide which direction they want this country to go.

Elon Musk has made his choice. Now it’s time for the rest of the sane, freedom-loving Americans to follow.