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Team Harris must be in big trouble. That’s the only reason they’d dive into the murky depths of the Dem well, dredging up foul, stagnant water to try and hydrate their dried-up campaign. Bill Clinton is that tall glass of swampy sludge—hobbling onto the trail like a confused, weathered relic, doing way more harm than good.

In what can only be called a total slip of the tongue, Clinton stood on stage and urged people to vote for Harris/Walz so they can bring in more illegals to replace Americans—who, according to Slick Willy, aren’t “reproducing enough.” Yes, you heard that right. That’s the message Bill Clinton is pushing, at a time when the Harris/Biden border invasion is front and center on voters’ minds as they watch their wealth and safety swirl down the drain thanks to these dangerous and failed policies.

As if that wasn’t bad enough, Bill also threw Kamala under the bus by bringing up Lakyn Riley, who was murdered by one of Joe and Kamala’s illegals. He wisely pointed out that Lakyn would still be alive today if that illegal had been properly vetted.

Collin Rugg:

NEW: Former President Bill Clinton says Laken Riley would be alive if Kamala Harris and Joe Biden did proper vetting before letting illegals in.

Riley was k*lled by an illegal immigrant who illegally entered the United States in 2022 under Kamala Harris.

The comments came while Clinton was campaigning *for* Kamala Harris in Georgia.

“A young woman who had been k*lled by an illegal immigrant… if they had all been properly vetted, that probably wouldn’t have happened.”

Bill Clinton just plunged two knives right through the heart of the Harris/Walz debacle. Not only by pointing out the senseless and preventable murder of Laken, but also by validating the “Great Replacement Theory,” something our propaganda media and the left claim isn’t real. They say it’s just some racist, made-up nonsense pushed to scare voters.

Tucker was crucified for daring to speak the truth about the Great Replacement Theory—the very same theory Bill Clinton just confirmed on stage.

After watching this Clinton clip, it’ll be hard for anybody to deny the theory or call it a conspiracy.

Western Lensman:

A clearly declining Bill Clinton — on the stump for Kamala — makes the case that America needs to import millions of illegals from all over the world because Americans aren’t reproducing enough to stay at “replacement level.”

“We got the lowest birthrate we’ve had in well over 100 years. We’re not at replacement level, which means we got to have somebody come here if we want to keep growing the economy.”

Bill’s argument is essentially: America isn’t a nation with a sovereign border, a distinct people, unique traditions/culture, and a way of life to be preserved — Americans just aren’t reproducing enough to service the ever-expanding needs of the American administrative/welfare state, and thus need to be augmented/replaced with as many illegally imported foreign nationals with zero allegiance to the country, its founding or its people as possible.

This is a recipe for the destruction of a nation.

Which is the point.

They may want to put Bill back in bed. He probably wasn’t supposed to say this out loud.

If you want proof of how far the Dems have fallen into the globalist hellhole, just listen to Bill Clinton’s words from 1995. He sounds downright Trumpian.

The Dems have a plan, and nothing—not even honoring their oath of office—is going to stand in their way.

We’ve been covering the Great Replacement Theory from every angle. About nine months ago, even Elon Musk came on board and recognized what’s really happening in America. But heavy hitters like Vivek Ramaswamy have been sounding the alarm for a while now.

Elon’s right. There are barely any deportations because every illegal who crosses the border is a future vote for the left. Why would they deport votes?

Folks, this is what happens when a political party screws up so badly with their twisted, failed policies that they have to create a whole new voting bloc. Forget uplifting Americans or improving their lives—the Dems need votes, and the entire country has to pay the price.