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Kamala Harris is at it again. The DEI Diva, with no original ideas that aren’t steeped in Marxist ideology and globalism, is now stealing more of President Trump’s America First policies.

As you know, Kamala has shamelessly plagiarized Trump’s ideas about a border wall and no tax on tips, but her latest policy theft is a real doozy. However, the thing to remember is that Harris has no intention of following through on any of this. She’s just desperate to look like she cares about the American people instead of being the radicalized puppet for the extreme left that she truly is.

Kamala HQ Lies:

THE LIE: Kamala HQ claims Trump “doesn’t talk about policy” because it’s a “catastrophe for most of America.”

THE TRUTH: Trump’s policies are so good that Kamala Harris is even stealing them.

Harris has not yet released her policies but she is trying to copy Trump on his No Taxes on Tips policy and his strong stance on the border.

On Kamala Harris’s campaign site right now, there are no policies listed.

Trump has listed a 20-point plan for his agenda, as well as a 16-page pdf of his platform.

The Harris/Walz campaign is a smoke and mirrors “shell game.” She and her team are counting on Americans to be too stupid and ill-informed to notice:

If Harris were to actually be installed in the White House, she’d unload her extremist agenda faster than you can say “Supreme Court stacking,” which happens to be a topic we covered recently. But before we get to Kamala’s latest tyrannical plans, let’s look at how she’s “faking it” to make it by stealing President Trump’s ideas.

Greg Price:

You’re never going to believe this but Kamala just stole another policy from President Trump.

She’s now going to pledge in New Hampshire tomorrow to expand the start up expense deduction for small businesses to $50K.

House Republicans in 2018 passed a bill with the support of the Trump White House to increase it to $20K.

Only 31 Democrat voted for it and it never got a vote in the Senate.

Here’s a closeup of the images Greg shared:



Kamala and her campaign are so wildly out of touch with the average American that, in a desperate attempt to relate to the “peasants,” she’s stealing everything Trump puts out. This is how lizard-like elites try to appear “normal.” Meanwhile, as we mentioned earlier, Kamala is playing both sides of the fence. While trying to come off as an America First moderate to the average voter, she’s also scrambling to keep her crazy base happy. That’s why she’s now floating the idea that “stacking” the U.S. Supreme Court is on the ballot this November.


The US Supreme Court isn’t perfect, but it hasn’t been completely weaponized… yet. In fact, the court has recently come through on several key issues, voting in favor of truth and justice. One recent ruling, which affirmed presidential immunity, was a huge victory for President Trump—and for the entire country. But don’t get too excited, because the entire US Supreme Court is on the ballot this election season.

VP Harris made that painfully clear when she was asked about “stacking the court,” something the American people clearly don’t want—but her radical, extremist base would love to see.

Americans don’t like the idea of messing with the US Supreme Court because, let’s be honest, there’s literally no reason to do it—except for a blatant power grab.

The only reason Dems are pushing to “stack” the court is because they don’t like some of the decisions it’s made. Sorry, but that’s not a good enough reason to upend our entire system.

You can read this entire piece and listen to Kamala’s chilling words by clicking here:

Harris just confirmed that packing the Supreme Court is DEFINITELY on the ballot…