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Bernie Sanders is either doing some serious “damage control” for VP Harris, or he’s out there accidentally spilling the beans. Either way, we’re finally getting a few shreds of truth from these notorious liars. As we suspected, Comrade Kamala is lying through her teeth, trying to trick Americans into thinking she’s some all-American moderate instead of the Marxist radical she really is.

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The incident in question happened during a segment on NBC News, where a tired and worn-out Bernie Sanders was asked about Kamala’s constant flip-flopping. Shockingly, Bernie answered the question honestly.

He straight-up told the American people that Kamala is lying to their faces just to “win.”

We recently covered this story about Kamala flip-flopping like an Olympic gymnast on nearly every progressive issue. She went from being a hardcore radical progressive to suddenly trying to pass as this “malleable moderate.” Does anyone actually buy this nonsense? Maybe the gullible sheep on the left, which is probably why they trotted out Bernie Sanders to reassure everyone that Kamala’s just lying to “win,” and once she’s in, she’ll go full-blown progressive on day one. And her friends in the media are actually helping her by calling her a “flop-flopper.” Here’s how they’re doing it…


Trump supporters are celebrating a big victory, claiming that CNN has finally caved and is telling the truth about “flip-flopper” Kamala Harris. It all began when Team Harris featured positive imagery and messaging regarding Trump’s “racist” border wall in an ad. This raised eyebrows, as Harris has been staunchly anti-border wall for years, along with her sidekick, Tampon Tim.

CNN sounds very serious and official. Almost like a real news organization, right? Wrong. Let’s face it, when you’re dealing with the filthy DC Swamp and their media allies, nothing is ever as it seems.

The truth is, if you look beyond the headlines, CNN’s framing is actually designed to help Kamala by portraying her as this force who is now “moving to the center.” Why would they do this? Well, the regime is desperate to spin the narrative that Harris is no longer a “radical progressive.” They want you to believe she’s seen the error of her ways and is now embracing the concerns of the average American.

Of course, it’s sneaky, subversive, and completely fake.

But they’re pulling out all the stops. As a matter of fact, one of the most progressive voices on social media, CNN reporter Andy Kaczynski, is suddenly “deep diving” into Kamala’s Twitter history and all her nasty comments about the border wall. Okay, sure bet. If you believe that, we have 81 million “legal” votes to sell you.

Meanwhile, her base is furious with CNN for supposedly “exposing” Kamala as a “flip-flopper,” even as they suddenly jump on the bandwagon and back Trump’s so-called “racist” border wall. But here’s the thing—this messaging isn’t for the Dem base; no matter how many flip-flops Ms. Harris does, they’ll still vote for her. CNN’s messaging is aimed at folks who’ve had enough of Biden/Harris and want something different. CNN is dutifully doing its part to make Harris seem like a breath of fresh air, when the reality is, she’s as stale and rotten-smelling as her former sidekick, Joe.

While the media tries to rebrand Comrade Kamala as some slick “moderate,” Bernie’s in full damage control mode, reassuring the radical base that Harris is still as extreme as ever—just “lying” to win. Either that, or he’s as senile as Joe Biden and accidentally spilled the truth. Either way, the cat’s officially out of the bag, and now the American people know for a fact that they’re being lied to.