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Say what you want about frat culture; there was a time when “frat boys” embodied anything but peak femininity. But now, a growing segment of the frat population has been reduced to weak, effeminate shadows of their former selves. The Democrats have been on a mission for over a decade to weaponize masculinity, turning men into insecure, sidelined weaklings while bossy (usually clueless) women call the shots. But here’s the truth: masculinity isn’t a bad thing—we actually need more of it. We need strong men who aren’t afraid to lead and protect, not this watered-down version that’s been forced upon us.

But sadly, the weaponization of masculinity is happening everywhere, and nowhere is it more obvious than on cesspools known as college campuses. Back in the day, college frat boys wouldn’t think twice about standing up for what’s right, even if it meant standing alone. They didn’t care about political correctness or social justice nonsense. But many of today’s “frat boys” are weak and afraid of the overbearing women in their lives, so they curb their beliefs and messaging to please these women and other effeminate men.

How did this happen, and why did “frat boys” become so gay? Ironically, the recent incident at the University of North Carolina, where a group of frat boys actually protected the American flag from pro-Palestinian protesters, is a perfect example of the “weaponization” of masculinity we’ve been warning about.


Now, many in this “frat” are running scared from right-wing “Trump” support, terrified they’ll be labeled “MAGA” and upset their overbearing mothers and girlfriends.

The New York Times:

The image went viral as protests over the Israel-Hamas war rattled college campuses around the country last spring: two dozen or so fraternity members at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill shielding a wrinkled American flag from pro-Palestinian protesters who had already taken it down once.

Republicans, including former President Donald J. Trump, were quick to highlight the episode in speeches and videos. But a GoFundMe campaign created for the fraternity brothers captured the most attention. Its organizer, John Noonan, who has worked for a number of Republicans in Washington, wrote on the GoFundMe page that “commie losers” had invaded college campuses and that the U.N.C. “Brohemians” had protected the flag from an “unwashed Marxist horde.”

So, Mr. Noonan said, he needed America’s help to “throw ’em a rager.”

In less than a week, he raised $515,492. A moment of heated emotions over the war in Gaza had become the impetus for a giant party that Mr. Noonan said would feature beer, country music and Greek organizations.

The party, which Mr. Noonan is calling “Flagstock,” is scheduled for Labor Day — the location has not been disclosed because of security concerns — and will feature musical guests closely aligned with Mr. Trump. But despite all the pomp, it has prompted frustrations on the Chapel Hill campus, most notably from many of the fraternity brothers who surrounded the flag on the school’s quadrangle that day in April.

They say that you should never look a gift horse in the mouth, but that’s apparently now one of the main rules of being in one of the sad sack fraternities.

The NYT continues:

In interviews, several members of the U.N.C. chapter of Alpha Epsilon Pi, a Jewish fraternity, said they were disappointed that the money raised on their behalf was paying for a party. They said they would rather that a significant portion of the money go to a charity that supports Jewish organizations or relief efforts in Gaza.

The “rager,” they said, felt callous given that it grew out of a painful moment for both Jews and Palestinians — all as the war in the Middle East continued.

These “frat stars” were more concerned about identity politics and that their particular ethnoreligious identity be honored, a form of narcissism that is sadly so prevalent with the younger generations nowadays.

NYT continues:

Many of the fraternity members on the quadrangle that day, Alpha Epsilon Pi members noted, had come to show support for Israel and their Jewish faith.

“You have this huge party with all of these people honoring us for what we did for the flag,” said Brendan Rosenblum, 23, a senior and a member of Alpha Epsilon Pi, “but not as much honoring us for the Jewish piece that was the original reason we were all there.”

Now, the main focus for these pansy frat boys is making sure they don’t come across as MAGA heroes. Apparently, aligning with the political side that actually doesn’t want war is considered a “disservice” by these so-called “brilliant” young minds. The New York Times piece goes on:

“The use of our actions to promote a narrative that we were some right-wing, MAGA heroes has been a gross misrepresentation and a disservice to many of those who were actually there,” said Oliver Levine, a junior at the university and the president of its Alpha Epsilon Pi chapter.

The good news is that some of the “frat boys” are not effeminate and gay.

Members of other fraternities had a rosier view of the party, saying it was simply about uniting around patriotism.

Jason Calderon, a sophomore and the president of the school’s Zeta Beta Tau chapter, told reporters during a Zoom news conference on Wednesday that “the outpouring of people interested in coming to the event, and the outpouring of support” from U.N.C. students had been overwhelming. The news conference was organized by the public relations team for John Rich, a country singer who will perform at the party along with Aaron Lewis and Lee Greenwood, whose song “God Bless the U.S.A.,” is played at Mr. Trump’s rallies.

Seven of them actually showed up at the RNC Convention.

The New York Times continues:

Conservatives’ treatment of the fraternity brothers as heroes continued after the viral moment. Seven of them appeared at the Republican National Convention in July carrying American flags. Alex Johnson, 20, a member of Pi Kappa Alpha, said in a speech at the convention that “when a mob tried to take down the American flag on our campus, we knew we couldn’t let that happen.”

But sadly, the loudest voices are the gayest ones who are outraged that anyone who doesn’t mirror their every political and social belief would dare to support them. How “unifying” of them, right? The New York Times piece goes on:

Zachary Serinsky, 19, a sophomore chemistry major and member of Alpha Epsilon Pi, said that he felt like the counterprotest in April was being made “into a joke” because of the party.

“We went through this horrific day, we were there supporting our faith, our beliefs, and then also supporting America,” Mr. Serinsky said. “To put all that money toward a party feels kind of like a slap in the face.”

He does not plan on attending.

Good thing Zach isn’t attending the party—he sounds like a real Debbie Downer. Sadly, the emasculation of men starts at home, with liberal, man-hating mothers who vow to raise “girly boys” to squash so-called “toxic masculinity.”

Brandon Straka:

Can we stop making little kids act like effeminate gay men?

It’s totally inorganic that 3 little boys decided to shoot a video dancing like they’re on stage at a gay club. An adult person obviously trained these boys to do this.

The people in the comments on this Instagram video are cheering about how great this is, but none of them would be ok with a video of an adult trying to make an effeminate boy act more macho.

If you don’t like grown people trying to make effeminate boys more masculine then don’t cheer when grown people are trying to make masculine boys more feminine.

What these bitter, hysterical women don’t realize is that women aren’t natural-born leaders—they’re nurturers. When you strip men of their natural ability to lead and protect, you leave society lawless and without order. Decay and rot soon follow, and everything you once valued and trusted crumbles.

Thankfully, many men are taking back control from these tyrannical women and saying no to “effeminization.”

DC Draino:

The Democrat party publicly insults men calling them racist, sexist detriments to society who are portrayed in Hollywood media as both useless, bumbling idiots and tyrannical masterminds controlling everything at the same time

They want men weak, effeminate, and appeased with drugs and video games in their patents’ basements

American men are waking up to this scam and leaving the Democrat party in droves

Men want purpose, appreciation, freedom, and societal order

Democrats want the opposite for them b/c they know strong men oppose Marxist infiltrations

This is why men are leaving the Democrat party in record numbers

Here’s a closeup of the image:


This is not the path we want to take: with overemotional men, riddled with anxiety and afraid to be who they truly are. We need warriors who protect and serve their families and communities—because without them, we’re all doomed.