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Obama’s top guy, David Axelrod, wasn’t pleased with what he saw on CNN recently. We’re, of course, talking about the infamous Harris/Walz interview, where Kamala brought Tim along as her emotional support “pet.” If that wasn’t bad enough (and it was), Ms. Harris also blew an opportunity to “move the needle,” according to Axelrod, who said she failed to move the ball on a number of key issues leading up to the debate. And if she can’t handle a softball interview like that, what the heck is she planning to do when she faces down Goliath Trump in the debate ring?

Daily Mail:

Kamala Harris was last night ripped to shreds for her ‘word salad’ answers in a softball liberal media interview – her first since Joe Biden dropped out 40 days ago.

The Democratic nominee appeared beside her running mate Tim Walz for an hour-long broadcast – which in reality amounted to less than half an hour of actual questioning by Dana Bash.

The liberal commentariat claimed that she had succeeded by following the tenet of ‘do no harm’ during the pre-recorded broadcast from Savannah, Georgia.

But Harris’ critics said she failed to address three issues that plague her campaign: the border crisis, red-hot inflation and the Biden health cover-up.

David Axelrod, a former Obama strategist, gave a brutal verdict in CNN’s post-game analysis, stating that Harris hadn’t ‘moved the ball forward that much.’ Scott Jennings, an ex-Bush advisor, issued the ominous warning that Donald Trump will be ‘salivating’ ahead of the presidential debate on September 10 – their first ever face-to-face meeting.

That sentiment was echoed by GOP polling guru Frank Luntz who tweeted: ‘A lot of people think Kamala Harris has done well so far in this interview. I disagree – a good debater will find it easy to challenge her.’ He added: ‘If tonight’s interview is judged not on policy but on performance, Kamala Harris will be found lacking.’

David wasn’t impressed.

But it wasn’t just David Axelrod who thought Ms. Harris stunk up the joint and lacks the wherewithal to stand toe-to-toe with President Trump in a debate. It seems like a lot of political movers and shakers were on the same page. The Daily Mail piece goes on:

Daily Mail columnist Andrew Neil said Harris was ‘let off the hook on her part in the cover up of Biden’s cognitive decline’ and added that CNN gave a ‘master class on how not to hold politicians to account’.

Former Trump aide Steve Cortes called it a ‘train wreck.’

Harris at times appeared nervous and hesitant in her responses which were branded ‘word salad’ by many on social media.

Axelrod said Harris was forced to straddle the precarious position of taking ‘credit for the things that are good and to try and walk away from the things that are not.’

New York Times political reporter Astead Herndon agreed and conceded: ‘I don’t think there’s a policy separation that [the Harris campaign has] created with Biden.’

On the economy, Harris attempted to blame Trump for ‘price gouging’ on groceries – a line on inflation that has been rebuked by Wall Street as it ignores the huge increases across many commodities, not least gas, since ‘Bidenomics’ took hold. Jennings told CNN: ‘She had no additional thoughts on the economic situation in the country or what they’ve done, besides the idea that me and Joe Biden have done a great job.’

According to experts, one of Ms. Harris’s biggest anchors is her “rubber stamp” approval of Biden’s mental health. We’ve covered this topic extensively, highlighting just how damning it is for her and the campaign. It was a bald-faced lie, one that Kamala delivered with ease.


The truth is, the so-called “strong black woman” needed a chubby white guy to hold her hand—not a great look. But the plan backfired. The bad news for Ms. Harris is that she couldn’t handle the interview even with Tim there. One particularly defining moment was when Harris was asked about her biggest and most dangerous and damning lie yet—the coverup of Joe Biden’s illness. Ms. Harris has landed herself in a massive political pickle, thanks to her past “glowing” comments about Biden’s cognitive abilities. It’s now painfully clear that she lied to the American people to help cover up his illness. Now, as she doubles down on her dishonesty, Team Kamala finds itself in an even bigger mess.

During the disastrous CNN interview, Ms. Harris claims to have no regrets about covering up Joe’s disastrous mental state—a coverup that ultimately led to him being tossed aside like yesterday’s garbage and Ms. Harris being installed without earning a single primary vote.

That’s what Dems call “democracy,” apparently.

The media is trying to hype Kamala as a “debate wiz,” which is pretty comical when you remember the verbal smackdown she took from Tulsi Gabbard, leading to her campaign’s swift collapse. The reality is, Harris isn’t a strong speaker—she comes off as ill-prepared, defensive, and nervous. Donald Trump, on the other hand, is none of those things. If he plays his cards right, he could dismantle her on the debate stage just like Tulsi did, only this time it could be even more devastating.