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If there’s one thing a Marxist can’t stand, it’s free speech and the flow of new ideas. That’s why today’s Dem Party is scrambling hysterically to control and quash the internet. See, the internet is a nightmare for Marxist Democrats like Obama, Biden, Pelosi, Obama, and others—it’s like the wild west, where anything goes and the pesky peasants can freely exchange ideas, beliefs, and theories about what’s really happening in the country. This free flow of ideas, which this country was founded on, can lead to large movements of political dissent—another cornerstone of our nation’s founding. But today’s Dems have lost their way so badly; they now resemble North Korea more than our Founding Fathers. They’re trying to squash free speech and control the internet, all under the phony guise of “public safety.” That’s a bald-faced lie. They’re just trying to control the messaging and silence their critics, and if you don’t realize that by now, there’s no hope for you.

What’s happening in Brazil is a perfect example of a nation silencing its own people. As you likely know, Brazil’s highest court has officially banned X, claiming it was spreading political “misinformation” and refusing to crack down.

Do these folks look like “freedom lovers” to you?

Here’s a video that explains how it all went down, along with the timeline of chilling events:

Coincidentally, the left also uses the same “misinformation” excuse here to try and silence free speech, all in the name of their precious “democracy” and making people “safe.” Here’s a newsflash: at no point in history have the people silencing speech ever been the “good guys.”

We touched on this topic and questioned how the recent CrowdStrike outage or something similar down the road could be used by a “President Kamala” to annihilate free speech.


Of course, any indictment of Microsoft would be remiss not to include its political leanings. As many of the tech world’s biggest CEOs and venture capitalists have embraced Trump, and even Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg recently expressed admiration for Trump’s “badass” reaction to being shot, Microsoft remains steadfastly committed to the Democrat Party, and Kamala Harris in particular. Microsoft President Brad Smith was one of Kamala’s earliest donors in the 2020 primary, and Smith hosted a fundraiser for Kamala at his home as recently as last year.

With the previously notoriously censorious Twitter now under new management, it is perhaps not such a surprise that Microsoft has emerged as the tip of the spear when it comes to politically motivated censorship. One of the more troubling examples of this is Microsoft’s longstanding relationship with a service called NewsGuard, which Revolver News was one of the very first to expose as a ludicrous censorship scam. NewsGuard is a service that charges top dollar for their opinion on which websites are deserving of censorship, which it expresses by means of “nutrition” ratings. Let’s say you’re a web platform or company of some sort, and you pay money for NewsGuard’s expertise. This means that you can set your platform or service to censor or limit access to the websites NewsGuard has determined to be politically undesirable.

In other words, companies can outsource their judgment as to what is censorship-worthy on their systems by paying NewsGuard to make those determinations for them. As it so happens, NewsGuard was a PR firm that boasted Pfizer as one of its major clients, so naturally, NewsGuard was quick to designate any news outlets that questioned Covid orthodoxy as un-nutritious. When NewsGuard employees reached out to Revolver News to chastise us for our COVID reporting, we responded by publishing a highly embarrassing piece about NewsGuard’s conflicts of interest and various advisory board members. We encourage readers to revisit the entire piece, but just for the highlights, we should note that Michael Hayden, the former CIA and NSA director who oversaw the government’s spying program on US citizens (exposed by Snowden) and who lied about it to Congress, was a member of NewsGuard’s advisory board. Rick Stengel, Obama’s self-described “chief propagandist,” has called for the abolition of the First Amendment in order to accommodate hate speech laws.

You can read the entire piece here:

After CrowdStrike Computer Catastrophe, Will Kamala-Microsoft Alliance Inflict Blue Screen of Death on Free Speech?

So far, Ms. Harris and Mr. Biden have said absolutely nothing about this attack on free speech in Brazil, and now we likely know why: they approve of it.

This video clip below is proof that Kamala Harris would support Brazil’s nationwide ban on X. And if you don’t think the same could happen here, you haven’t been paying attention.

Also, coincidentally—just like in the US—Brazil had a “questionable” election where the outsider, Bolsonaro, who many called the “Tropical Trump,” supposedly lost, and the tyrannical left-winger remarkably won. Right after the election, the government began targeting Bolsonaro in ways strikingly similar to how our own government is going after President Trump. Brazil even had its own “January 6th” moment.

So, is that why they’re silencing X? Because political dissent is still spreading like wildfire, just like in the US?

Salty Goat:

This is why Alexandre de Moraes banned X in Brazil!!

It wasn’t too long after this happened that he shut X down and, rest assured, there will be more of this.

He doesn’t want the people to have a voice and he’s terrified the world will find out exactly what’s going on there!!

Anyone else think our government is knee deep in this?!?

As you’d imagine, Elon Musk is at the forefront of this fight, and he’s also convinced that if Kamala Harris sinks her claws into the White House, that free speech is over in the US. Absolutely done.

Collin Rugg:

NEW: Elon Musk warns that free speech may not exist if Kamala Harris, who was a strong supporter of removing Trump from Twitter, gets into office.

Here are some attacks on free speech that have taken place this past month:

1. Brazil announces anyone using a VPN to access X will be fined up to $8,874 a day.

2. German podcast hosts of ‘Hoss and Hopf’ face a €250,000 fine and jail time in Germany after they “misgendered” a bald transgender person.

3. Telegram founder Pavel Durov is arrested in France for not censoring users.

4. UK arrests a 55-year-old woman for sharing “misinformation” online.

5. UK looks to move forward with new legislation that would label misogyny as a form of extremism.

6. EU Commissioner Thierry Breton sent Elon Musk a letter, demanding that he comply with their censorship laws.

7. Rumble CEO Chris Pavlovski fled Europe, citing threats from the French government.

8. META CEO Mark Zuckerberg released a letter, detailing how the Biden-Harris administration and the FBI worked to censor content on META platforms.

RELATED: US Government-Funded Censorship Arm ‘Atlantic Council’ Targeted Telegram Just Two Months Before Durov Arrest

Furthermore, Ted Cruz is right when he also says that Biden-Harris support this free-speech ban. However, consider this: Brazil likely wouldn’t make a move this big and bold without US approval.

The left is desperately trying to control the wild west of the internet because they can’t maintain power if people are free to share their thoughts and ideas. If Kamala and Walz somehow get installed into the White House, you can kiss free expression online goodbye. Expect a knock on your door from the “social media cops,” fully funded and supported to monitor every word you say—while the rest of the country burns. This is the cornerstone of Marxism, and both Kamala and “Tampon Tim” fully embrace this twisted and tyrannical ideology with open arms. If Walz and Harris are installed, what’s happening in Brazil will look like child’s play compared to what Ms. Harris will do to free speech once she’s finished stacking the Supreme Court. The United States will become unrecognizable, and that’s when the Great Reset will truly kick into high gear.
