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Our media is a shameless, regime-run propaganda machine that is so untrustworthy, you’d be better off getting your news from a fortune cookie factory. Have they always been this way, or did the media morph into unhinged, North Korea-style propaganda artists when President Trump hit the scene? They’ve been this way for decades, but the truth is, when you shine a light on a cockroach, it panics and goes crazy. That’s exactly what happened when President Trump exposed the fake news media. From that moment on, it’s been a free-for-all. They’re not even trying to hide who they are anymore, and we’re no longer pretending they’re legitimate “news.” And thus, the information war was born.

TIME Magazine is failing for many reasons; the main one is that nobody takes them seriously anymore, and you can see why: they’re a complete and total regime-run joke. They recently got publicly shamed for spreading lies regarding the second assassination attempt on President Trump’s life. This clownish publication had the audacity to print a story about the assassination attempt while pretending they had no clue about the political ideology of the alleged shooter.

Meanwhile, Ryan Routh is a walking, talking commercial for radical left-wing lunacy—complete with an obsession with Ukraine, Stage 5 TDS, and social media overflowing with glowing praise for Joe and Kamala. It doesn’t take Scooby Doo to solve this mystery. It’s pretty obvious which side of the aisle Mr. Routh is firmly planted on. But truth and facts don’t stop our media from spinning a story to fit their agenda. So, TIME Magazine whipped up a fake news masterpiece, suggesting the assassination motive was one giant mystery. Needless to say, TIME was called out and shamed for this pathetic and desperate move.

Collin Rugg:

NEW: TIME gets Community Noted after they claimed it was “unclear” what would-be Trump assass*n Ryan Routh’s “political ideology” was.

If TIME decided to do journalism, they would find that Routh called Trump a “r*tarded child” & called on Iran to assas*inate him.

“I must take part of the blame for the r*tarded child we elected for our next president that ended up being brainless, but I am man enough to say that I misjudged and made a terrible mistake and Iran I apologize,” Routh said in a book he published on Amazon.

“You are free to assass*nate Trump as well as me for that error in judgment and the dismantling of the deal.”

The e-book is for sale on Amazon for $2.99 as reported by the Daily Mail.

Routh’s own son said his father hated Trump like “any reasonable person” would.

He also donated to ActBlue in 2019 and 2020.

Here’s the “Community Note” that took TIME down:


And here’s a section of the book Mr. Routh wrote:


You would think that so-called “reporters” working at TIME Magazine would have the training to look this stuff up, right? But these aren’t “reporters,” they’re left-wing activists.

Yet, even though we all know that the mainstream media, including outlets like TIME Magazine, are part of the “regime media army,” it’s still shocking and disappointing to see such blatant North Korea-style propaganda right here in the United States. However, nothing about this second assassination attempt against President Trump is a mystery. If Democrats and the regime-run media want to understand why these left-wing nutjobs are exploding like grenades, maybe they should sit down and watch this clip—full of calls for violence against President Trump and his supporters from “loving” and “tolerant” Democrats.

There’s no mystery here, and there’s no confusion or second-guessing why these unhinged left-wingers are trying to murder President Trump.

A year ago, Tucker Carlson warned that we were spiraling toward assassination because the regime has decided that Trump poses such an incredible threat, they have no choice but to eliminate him.

Unfortunately, that prediction was spot on. Thank God the assassins haven’t been successful.

But this sick and twisted violent messaging has been circulating for nearly a decade. The fact that President Trump has survived two assassination attempts is failure for the regime, and they’ll keep at it until they get their “mission accomplished” moment.

RELATED: President Trump: ‘the bullets are flying, and it will only get worse!’

The only issue for the left is that President Trump is still alive. The media and the American people know exactly what’s happening here. Just like they always know the motive every time a Muslim slams an airplane into a building or shoots up a nightclub. We know why that happens, and we know why Trump is being shot at, as well.