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Three top Dems are sounding major alarm bells over Comrade Kamala’s plot to silence dissent by going after social media platforms like X. Elon Musk, RFK Jr., and Tulsi Gabbard are convinced that Harris has big plans to make sure you can’t truly speak your mind ever again. And who can blame them? This is the same wretched woman who basically gave a “thumbs up” to the horrific and unprecedented Marxist censorship unfolding in Brazil.

The signs are everywhere that Ms. Harris is chomping at the bit to get her hands on social media, and clearly, she’s not being shy about it.

Charlie Spiering:

Elon Musk, RFK Jr., and Tulsi Gabbard are raising concerns of free speech under Kamala Harris. In 2019, Harris vowed to use the DOJ and law enforcement to ‘hold social media platforms responsible’ for ‘misinformation’ as part of the ‘fight against this threat to our Democracy’

As vice president, Harris earned the title of ‘disinformation czar’ after Biden appointed her to the ‘White House Task Force to Address Online Harassment and Abuse.’

Harris is supportive of the idea of social media censorship in the name of stopping ‘hate’ and ‘misinformation.’ In 2019, Harris also led a campaign to de-platform Trump on Twitter, in the hopes it would spark life into her fading campaign.

The Daily Mail dives deeper into this chilling story and reminds us of what Biden and Harris did by using Facebook to censor the American people.

A growing number of free speech advocates are raising the alarm over what Vice President Kamala Harris would do to censor social media platforms if she wins the election.

In 2019, Harris famously branded social media companies as purveyors of ‘hate,’ and ‘misinformation’ vowing to hold them responsible for content posted on their platforms.

‘We will hold social media platforms accountable for the hate infiltrating their platforms because they have a responsibility to help fight against this threat to our democracy,’ Harris said during a speech to the NAACP in 2019.

She warned technology moguls that she would ‘double’ the number of attorneys at the Department of Justice to target their platforms.

‘If you profit off of hate, if you act as a megaphone for misinformation or cyber warfare, if you don’t police your platforms we are going to hold you accountable as a community.’

Under Section 230 of the Communications Decency Act, online platforms are shielded from liability for what users post on their platforms.

The Biden-Harris administration’s efforts to censor online content was recently brought into focus after Meta CEO Mark Zuckerberg revealed last week that his company acted to remove content the government asked them to censor, due to extreme pressure from the federal government.

‘I believe the government pressure was wrong, and I regret that we were not more outspoken about it,’ he said in a letter to House Judiciary Chairman Jim Jordan. ‘I also think we made some choices that, with the benefit of hindsight and new information, we wouldn’t make today.’

Biden/Harris have already been very active in trying to “corral” the internet, and Comrade Kamala is just getting started. The Daily Mail piece goes on:

The new details of government pressured censorship earned concerns from free speech advocates who have been watching Harris’ actions that would police the internet.

‘Western authorities are desperate to put a leash on tech platforms, which have become far less amenable to their censorship demands than they were in 2020, and represent a major threat to their ability to control political narratives,’ the Foundation For Freedom Online managing director Allum Bokhari told

Harris is not unfamiliar with the growing efforts by the Biden administration to police content on social media.

In June 2022, Biden appointed Harris to lead the White House Task Force to Address Online Harassment and Abuse, prompting the New York Post to brand the vice president as ‘Big Sister II.’

The truth is, the internet, which is causing a huge headache for global elites, will likely be a “day one” issue for the regime if they somehow manage to install Harris and Walz. We covered the cozy relationship between Microsoft and Harris and how it could lead to a censorship bonanza.


Of course, any indictment of Microsoft would be remiss not to include its political leanings. As many of the tech world’s biggest CEOs and venture capitalists have embraced Trump, and even Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg recently expressed admiration for Trump’s “badass” reaction to being shot, Microsoft remains steadfastly committed to the Democrat Party, and Kamala Harris in particular. Microsoft President Brad Smith was one of Kamala’s earliest donors in the 2020 primary, and Smith hosted a fundraiser for Kamala at his home as recently as last year.

With the previously notoriously censorious Twitter now under new management, it is perhaps not such a surprise that Microsoft has emerged as the tip of the spear when it comes to politically motivated censorship. One of the more troubling examples of this is Microsoft’s longstanding relationship with a service called NewsGuard, which Revolver News was one of the very first to expose as a ludicrous censorship scam. NewsGuard is a service that charges top dollar for their opinion on which websites are deserving of censorship, which it expresses by means of “nutrition” ratings. Let’s say you’re a web platform or company of some sort, and you pay money for NewsGuard’s expertise. This means that you can set your platform or service to censor or limit access to the websites NewsGuard has determined to be politically undesirable.

In other words, companies can outsource their judgment as to what is censorship-worthy on their systems by paying NewsGuard to make those determinations for them. As it so happens, NewsGuard was a PR firm that boasted Pfizer as one of its major clients, so naturally, NewsGuard was quick to designate any news outlets that questioned Covid orthodoxy as un-nutritious. When NewsGuard employees reached out to Revolver News to chastise us for our COVID reporting, we responded by publishing a highly embarrassing piece about NewsGuard’s conflicts of interest and various advisory board members. We encourage readers to revisit the entire piece, but just for the highlights, we should note that Michael Hayden, the former CIA and NSA director who oversaw the government’s spying program on US citizens (exposed by Snowden) and who lied about it to Congress, was a member of NewsGuard’s advisory board. Rick Stengel, Obama’s self-described “chief propagandist,” has called for the abolition of the First Amendment in order to accommodate hate speech laws.

Imagine paying money to NewsGuard so that men like this can make censorship decisions on your behalf. Who on earth would do that? Here’s where Microsoft comes in: Microsoft has been in partnership with NewsGuard since its founding in 2018, even incorporating browser extensions informed by NewsGuard’s censorship recommendations.

You can read the entire in-depth piece by clicking here:

After CrowdStrike Computer Catastrophe, Will Kamala-Microsoft Alliance Inflict Blue Screen of Death on Free Speech?

In addition, we recently covered the story of Telegram’s CEO and his arrest in France, and how a powerful arm linked to the US regime was likely involved.


French authorities arrested Russian-born dual UAE-French citizen Pavel Durov last weekend as he disembarked his private plane in Paris. Durov, who is the CEO and founder of popular messaging app Telegram, faces a number of serious charges from French authorities ranging from drug offenses to child sexual exploitation offenses.

Of course, none of these charges have anything to do with Durov directly but rather refer to activity that allegedly occurred on Telegram, Durov’s privacy-focused messaging app that boasts nearly 1 billion active users. It is unclear from the charging documents what exactly the French authorities’ argument is regarding Durov’s culpability, and French President Emmanuel Macron defensively took to X (formerly Twitter) to assure the public that the arrest wasn’t “political.” Nonetheless, it’s extraordinarily unlikely that Durov’s arrest is unconnected to Durov’s well-known refusals to cooperate with intelligence agencies’ censorship and law enforcement requests. Furthermore, it is inconceivable that Durov’s arrest would occur without the foreknowledge and implicit approval, if not direct complicity and urging, of the United States government. There are even reputable reports that Macron himself may have lured Durov in for his arrest, as Durov apparently told French authorities that he traveled to Paris at the invitation of Macron to have dinner with the French President. Odd indeed.

Suspicions regarding the timing and possible US complicity in Durov’s arrest are heightened by virtue of a DFR Lab-sponsored conference attacking Telegram’s refusal to censor information relevant to the Russia-Ukraine conflict.

We encourage you to read the entire piece by clicking here:

US Government-Funded Censorship Arm ‘Atlantic Council’ Targeted Telegram Just Two Months Before Durov Arrest

The clear goal here is to silence dissent at all costs. Even with all the censorship against opposing voices, the internet is still too much of a ‘wild west’ for the globalist elites. They need to crush our voices to dust in order to push through their unpopular global reset. In other words, the peasants having a say isn’t part of their plan, and platforms like X and Telegram give the little guy far too much freedom. Comrade Kamala knows exactly what her marching orders are, and if she and Tampon Tim get anywhere near the White House, you can bet that platforms like X will be shut down and Elon will likely be sharing a cell with Mr. Durov.