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The much-anticipated debate between President Trump and Kamala Harris took place last night. President Trump didn’t need to do much—he just had to hold his ground and remind everyone that Kamala’s had nearly four years to fix all the problems she keeps talking about, yet instead, everything’s only gotten worse. And Trump did exactly that, with ease. Kamala, on the other hand, needed a big win. She needed to blow it out of the water and prove to the American people that she had all the answers and was the “leader” this country needed. She failed miserably on that front, and as a result, she didn’t move the needle.

Trafalgar debate poll:

Who were you supporting before the debate?

🟥 Trump 47%
🟦 Harris 47%

Who won the debate?

🟦 Harris 55% (+12)
🟥 Trump 43%

Who are you voting for now?
🟥 Trump 48%
🟦 Harris 48%

Kamala Harris was asked if she believes Americans are better off now than they were 4 years ago, and she didn’t answer the question because she knows the answer, and it’s a resounding “NO.”

A pathetic answer.

Team Harris knows Americans aren’t better off—we’re worse than ever. That’s not even up for debate—no pun intended. So, they’re betting on the idea that enough people would rather stay in hopelessness, poverty, and endless wars than see President Trump retake the White House. That’s how stupid and brainwashed they think American voters are, and sadly, in many cases, they’re right. After all, we’ve all seen the power of the media and how easily people are manipulated by fear. Just look what they did with COVID. The reality is that there are plenty of voters who are more than willing to sacrifice their own well-being just to avoid the fake “horror show” the media has painted of a Trump return. It’s a sad, dangerous reality—but that’s all Team Harris is banking on. The good news is, many Americans aren’t falling for it, and this debate proved that in spades.

Voters needed a lot more than the same old left-wing scare tactics and anti-Trump hysteria to get behind Harris. But unfortunately, that’s all they got.

Even ABC News knows Kamala doesn’t have any real policies. She’s either copying President Trump or repeating the same old tired Biden-Harris talking points.

President Trump’s closing statement was powerful and hit Ms. Harris’s weakness dead-on.

And voters are paying attention. They get it.

The truth is this: Team Harris knows things are bad, but they’re hoping to scare mentally off-balance people into thinking it could be worse under President Trump, even though his past record is successful. They’re banking on fear, manipulation, and brainwashing to keep voters in line. It’s a sad commentary on how little they think of the American public, but in the end, the choice is ours. Will we accept the misery, or will we demand something better?