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Around the holidays, the media loves to hype up their usual story about the inevitable “Fox News Uncle” who’ll show up at your family gatherings—the out-of-touch, “racist” redneck who watches Fox News, hates minorities, and apparently wishes Hitler was running the show, or something like that. It’s the same tired trope they use to paint conservatives as intolerant hate mongers who worship the Third Reich and can’t wait to imprison gay people. By now, most of us just roll our eyes at this silliness because we know that there are people out there who are far more hateful and intolerant than we are, and they are called liberals.

Which brings us to a story about a young man who was involved in January 6. His name is John M. Cameron and he was charged and eventually convicted for being inside the Capitol (peacefully) for 19 minutes.

Kitsap Sun:

John M. Cameron, a real estate broker, was charged in January and was the last Kitsap County man to be accused of crimes in the melee of former President Donald Trump supporters who delayed the certification of President Joe Biden’s election.

Cameron is the first of the three men to have his charges settled by agreeing to plead guilty to a single count of parading, demonstrating, or picketing in a capitol building. Cameron could face up to six months in jail.

In exchange for prosecutors dropping three other charges, Cameron agreed to cooperate with investigators by letting them look through his social media accounts and pay $500 toward the $1.5 million in damage sustained during the upheaval, according to documents filed May 4 in the U.S. District Court for Washington D.C.

Cameron signed documents admitting he participated in the riot by entering restricted areas of the U.S. Capitol for about 19 minutes.

Outside the door leading into the upper west terrace, before entering, Cameron made a video of himself saying: “Civil disobedience has kicked in. … You can judge, we all can judge, whether this is illegal or not. But if this is what it takes to be heard, because our votes aren’t, then this is what happens.”

Court records say Cameron left the building after a police officer ordered him out.

He recently shared his compelling and eye-opening story about his relationship with his father (whom he’s named after) and his stepmother, and how their intolerant and viciously hateful politics have made it nearly impossible to maintain a relationship. Funny how the mainstream media never stops complaining about the “Fox News Uncle,” but they conveniently leave out the hateful, destructive “MSNBC Dad.”

John Cameron:

I tried reconnecting with my father over the weekend at his sister’s funeral services. We have the same name.

My father is a die hard liberal and suffers from extreme TDS. As I became more vocal in conservatism, he called me more names than any single person, such as racist, bigot, redneck, white supremacist, insurrectionist, and more. He’s ridiculed me more than any other troll and hater throughout this journey. Our relationship has been severed by this hate. That hate not only drove me away from him but from any democrat party sympathy.

I have forgiven him he knows not what he does, CNN and MSNBC speak his language.

We had a couple of good days. I mean, he’s 80, and i still love him. We didn’t talk about politics.

However, I posted a tweet with the theme that; its ironic that it takes death in the family to reinvigorate a dead relationship. His wife showed him the tweet and he took offense at me accusing him that he stopped talking to me and his grandchildren after January 6th. Which perhaps is more of a mutual thing than just on him. Listening to hate and name calling isn’t a fun phone call.

After reading my tweet, his wife came after me aggressively, said if your dad sees this he wont let you come back 2moro and let you take us to the airport.” She wanted me to delete it, so I did. Regardless, I had to defend myself to his wife who called me an insurrectionist and explained that no one on January 6th was charged with insurrection. She accused me of victimizing the whole situation, my response. “I am a victim.” I told her half the country thinks I should be punished or killed, and the other half thinks im a hero. her response it’s at least 85% who think you’re an insurrectionist.

She also commented that my self described “J6 veteran” denotes that day as a war. That term refers to the war we fight every day after. It is the fight against the double standard and hypocrisy of justice and I was fighting the same battle still with our conversation at that very moment. I told her calmly I am not sure where compromise as a family can happen with that sort of mentality.

She thought us getting together and starting anew would be me cowering to their liberal ideas of what J6 was about. Facing the consequences of my actions…

Well, after defending myself she left saying “I’m not dealing with any more of this fvcking bullshit.”

Got a call the next morning from my father saying “Don’t bother taking us to the airport we’ve made other arrangements.”

The good news they visited their grandchildren for the first time in years.

Perhaps the win, perhaps not. If I’m out of the family picture they can visit the grandkids.

Every conservative has a tale to tell of loss of family and friends, and J6ers have suffered more loss than any. Wives divorcing husbands, husbands divorcing wives. Children disowning parents, parents not talking to their kids. Loss of jobs and livelihood.

The solution lies in faith. God works in mysterious ways.

God Bless the J6ers.

We encourage you to check out the full thread by clicking here. James shares screenshots of hateful messages from his father and stepmother, and it really shows how serious TDS is and how it’s ripping families apart.

It’s like this disorder eats away at the common sense and compassion in people’s hearts and minds, leaving them as empty shells filled with intolerance, hopelessness, and rage.