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As we inch closer to election day, it’s natural for panic to set in over the dreaded mail-in ballots—the left’s favorite election weapon. Many on the right believe that with enough poll watchers and people standing guard, keeping an eye on every ballot, we’ll be safe. But a chilling new theory suggests we’re living in a false sense of security. This theory is built around something most people have never heard of—something so incredibly crafty and dangerous that it could doom Trump’s chances all over again.

The 75-Day Sprint: The Tactics That Will Win Donald Trump the Election

So, what is this sinister plot? It revolves around Walmarts, strip malls, and gas stations, forming the backbone of the left’s mail-in ballot scheme. This theory argues that if Trump doesn’t address this issue and focuses only on poll watchers, he will lose the election.

Omega 4 America:

The national media, the DNC, Hollywood and lots of influencers are driving toward one objective – get Kamala close enough to cover the 2024 MAIL-IN BALLOT STEAL.

“When you think about who will replace Joe Biden, remember the baseline.

The problem democrats have is not that Biden has lost his marbles or is losing the election, the problem is that Biden is losing by a scale that is too big for them to cover.

Democrats don’t need a candidate who can beat Donald Trump; they need a candidate who can give plausibility to ballot counting results that say Trump lost.

The issue for Biden is that he makes the fraud too easy to see.

Democrats don’t need a candidate who can win votes, the Democrats need a candidate who makes fraudulent results seem plausible.”

The Omega 4 America Substack quotes the great political blog “Conservative Treehouse” and the mail-in ballot scheme they’ve helped to uncover, which targets Walmarts, gas stations, and strip malls. This scheme is so well-crafted that they estimate President Trump will lose Michigan, Wisconsin, and Pennsylvania because of it. The Conservative Treehouse article, published in June 2024, and the Omega 4 America piece go on to explain:

This week we were contacted by several U.S. Senators.

There is a Leftist-funded organization, with RINOs on their mastheads in multiple states – pressuring senators to STOP CLAIMING THE VOTER ROLLS ARE DIRTY.

If senators continue to question voter roll fidelity, they are going to be challenged, their donors contacted – you know the drill!

This is an organized, funded campaign – ahead of the 2024 steal! (video below)

So, if you doubt that the 2024 steal is coming from the swamp of dirty voter rolls, polluted by 25 years of Leftist infiltration, with zero visibility to the national voter integrity apparatus – here it is!

The Trump Campaign will spend $40 million in any swing state where it can maybe influence .5% of the vote. Influence, not move!

In every swing sate, by stopping mail-in ballots from going to Walmarts, strip malls and industrial buildings – the preferred destination of ballots collected by NGOs for illegal aliens – Trump can impact up to 7% of the cast ballots in those states.

So why is the Trump Campaign dead set on hiring 157,000 poll watchers to make sure illegitimate ballots, sent to Walmarts, collected by the Postal Service, given to NGOs to vote – are properly counted by Michael Whatley?

Who knows?

Probably because Trump’s top campaign managers and the RNC do not believe 2020 was stolen – and do not believe ballot mills – which are now being investigated in states like Texas – are real.

That is the Mike Lindell legacy – making electoral fraud so toxic – from unfounded, often stupid claims, losing a $5 million bet that his data sucks – destroying the possibility of others delivering real insight to the fraud.

The RNC and the Trump Campaign operatives must close their eyes to this tsunami coming their way – because they have neither the insight nor the technology to stop it.

We are dealing here with a grifter reaction – very common in electioneering.


If the RNC admits ballot mills are a thing, they have to come up with a solution to identify them and stop those ballots. Since they use 1980s relational “data lake” junk technology, they cannot.

We can demonstrate the RNC canvassing lists are 52% incorrect!

RFK Jr. finally dropped the killer line that will flip 2024 upside down…

The Omega 4 America piece goes on to explain how these ineligible addresses will make up the majority of mail-in ballots for Kamala, just like they did for Biden.

Rather than argue with people who will not confront us directly, we started publishing live videos – on Rumble. (Go to Rumble, type in Omega4America and hit recent and you will see all of them).

The results have been stunning.

In state after state we showed live, official voter rolls, compared (reconciled) with live property tax rolls – showing voters by the thousands – registered at UPS locations, abandoned buildings, 33 at a car dealership – into the hundreds of thousands.

We showed the 2020 Georgia election was a fraud. There is no conceivable way that state could be called for Biden – we showed thousands of “cast ballots” which were counted – and yet those people were not on the voter roll.

Here, see for yourself!

In each swing state, we can show between 400,000 and 750,000 anomalous identity/property combinations – from which a mail-in ballot will be mailed – 67% of which are address-ineligible – to win for Biden.

Regardless of the catastrophic debate, or a replacement candidate – these ballots are ready to vote – illegally, but in a way that cannot be stopped with any current system, process or group of lawyers.

That last line is chilling because it reveals just how carefully the left has orchestrated this, ensuring that no one can expose their web of cheating. This is how they’re able to point fingers and label anyone who questions the outcome as a “conspiracy theorist” or an “election denier.” And while all of this sounds desperate and impossible to beat, it’s not. Omega 4 America explains how President Trump can beat this.

Advanced technology cannot stop idiots, it can, however, stop mail-in ballots from going to idiots who claim to live at a UPS location.

These mail-in ballot combos form a constant, that can and will be used by the Left at will.

With quantum tech, we can stop 60% – 70% of these ballots from going to ineligible addresses – if we start soon.

We can track every ballot from the day it goes out, to the day it comes back, right up until election day – showing a ballot from an abandoned building or strip mall – with a photo of the decrepit building.


That means, for Trump, and the Senate candidates, the House candidates, around 4% or more of the ballots that would go to Leftists, will not get into the system

That, my friends, is how Trump wins 2024 – the year of the greatest mail-in ballot fraud in history – and we may have a way – not to stop it – but to tamp it down enough to get Trump and his team over the finish line first.

Now, the key is getting President Trump to see this, investigate the claims, and see if this is something he needs to put on the front burner as we inch closer to 2024.

In the meantime, we encourage you to read the entire bombshell piece by clicking here.