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What’s happening in Ohio is growing bigger and scarier by the day. As most of you know, Ohio residents are now claiming that Haitian “migrants” are eating their pets, along with the geese and ducks at local parks. Naturally, the media—who haven’t lifted a finger to investigate—rushed to dismiss these claims as ‘lies.’ Of course they did, because this story, like everything else unfolding in Ohio, doesn’t fit the left-wing agenda.

As we’ve noted, the situation in Ohio is fluid and constantly changing. We’ve gone from shocking tales of pet-eating savages to an onslaught of horrific car accidents caused by unlicensed, reckless Haitian migrants, creating chaos, death, injuries, and skyrocketing insurance rates. Now, we’re hearing that someone has put together a video showing alleged Haitian “migrants” wreaking dangerous havoc on the roads, and it looks horrifying.


Springfield, Ohio, residents are complaining about Haitian migrants crashing cars.

Someone compiled a video of the alleged incidents.

Kamala Harris’s open border policy has brought around 20,000 migrants to the town of 60,000.

Mayor Rob Rue has warned that this influx is straining public services and causing a housing crisis.

While we can’t confirm or deny these clips, we did some digging and found what looks like confirmation of at least one dangerous road incident. A woman named “Kaitlyn Smith” claims she narrowly escaped death after an encounter with an unlicensed, uninsured Haitian “migrant” driver.

Gunther Eagleman:

Kaitlyn’s story:

On June 17, 2024, Kaitlyn Smith and her young daughters narrowly escaped injury in a car crash on North Bechtle Ave, Springfield, caused by an uninsured, unlicensed Haitian driver.

Statement from Kaitlyn:

“She had no drivers license and no insurance. I lost my car because of her… could’ve lost my life because these people have no drivers license and no insurance, why do we as United States citizens have to pay for insurance and get a drivers license when they can come here and get whatever they want and not have to pay a dang thing!!”

To this day Kaitlyn has not been able to afford replacing her vehicle and relies on her mother’s car.

Just another victim of Border Czar Kamala Harris.

We also recently covered a story about a grandmother in Ohio who was taking out her trash when a Haitian migrant ran her down, killing her in her own driveway. But as we revealed in the blog, this isn’t some ‘one-off’ incident—it’s a growing problem. And, as usual, the regime-run media is turning a blind eye, while Comrade Kamala laughs off the chaos she helped create.

Just look at her laughing like a hyena.

Join the Fight… Support Revolver News’ Investigative Work… Pound for Pound the Most Impactful Journalism in the Country…

What’s happening in Ohio is growing bigger and scarier by the day. As most of you know, Ohio residents are now claiming that Haitian ‘migrants’ are eating their pets, along with the geese and ducks at local parks. Naturally, the media—who haven’t lifted a finger to investigate—rushed to dismiss these claims as ‘lies.’ Of course they did, because this story, like everything else unfolding in Ohio, doesn’t fit the left-wing agenda.

As we’ve noted, the situation in Ohio is fluid and constantly changing. We’ve gone from shocking tales of pet-eating savages to an onslaught of horrific car accidents caused by unlicensed, reckless Haitian migrants, creating chaos, death, injuries, and skyrocketing insurance rates. Now, we’re hearing that someone has put together a video showing alleged Haitian “migrants” wreaking dangerous havoc on the roads, and it looks horrifying.

Kanekoa The Great:

Springfield, Ohio, residents are complaining about Haitian migrants crashing cars.

Someone compiled a video of the alleged incidents.

Kamala Harris’s open border policy has brought around 20,000 migrants to the town of 60,000.

Mayor Rob Rue has warned that this influx is straining public services and causing a housing crisis.

While we can’t confirm or deny these clips, we did some digging and found what looks like confirmation of at least one dangerous road incident. A woman named “Kaitlyn Smith” claims she narrowly escaped death after an encounter with an unlicensed, uninsured Haitian “migrant” driver.

Gunther Eagleman:

Kaitlyn’s story:

On June 17, 2024, Kaitlyn Smith and her young daughters narrowly escaped injury in a car crash on North Bechtle Ave, Springfield, caused by an uninsured, unlicensed Haitian driver.

Statement from Kaitlyn:

“She had no drivers license and no insurance. I lost my car because of her… could’ve lost my life because these people have no drivers license and no insurance, why do we as United States citizens have to pay for insurance and get a drivers license when they can come here and get whatever they want and not have to pay a dang thing!!”

To this day Kaitlyn has not been able to afford replacing her vehicle and relies on her mother’s car.

Just another victim of Border Czar Kamala Harris.

We also recently covered a story about a grandmother in Ohio who was taking out her trash when a Haitian migrant ran her down, killing her in her own driveway. But as we revealed in the blog, this isn’t some ‘one-off’ incident—it’s a growing problem. And, as usual, the regime-run media is turning a blind eye, while Comrade Kamala laughs off the chaos she helped create.

Just look at her laughing like a hyena.

What’s the old press adage—”where there’s smoke, there’s fire,” right? The “smoke” is supposed to get journalists off their butts and on the scene to investigate. But not these days, and not with these left-wing “activist” reporters. After all, there’s a massive cloud of smoke hanging over Ohio, and no one in our lousy media seems interested in finding the fire. Meanwhile, as we’ve pointed out, innocent Americans are dying, all while Cackling Kamala laughs it off.


And the worst part about all of this Haitian invasion is that innocent Americans are getting killed because of the Harris/Biden third-world agenda. The latest victim is a 71-year-old grandmother who was simply taking out the trash when a reckless driver mowed her down, killing her. The worst part? That driver wasn’t even held accountable.


According to locals, the reckless and dangerous driving has gotten so bad since the Haitians arrived that everyone’s insurance rates have skyrocketed.

Tayler Hansen:

75-year Springfield, Ohio resident speaks on the Haitian Immigrant Influx and how it’s impacted the zip codes insurance rates:

“We have maybe 3-4 (crashes) a day, everyday. The Haitians. Thats not even Americans that’s Haitians. Our insurance rates have went sky high because of it because of our zip code.”

“This one lady that’s in our group they ran into her garage and killed her animals. Demolished her garage; he had no insurance, he was drunk.”

“Maybe I should be like the Haitians and not have insurance. I mean that’s the mindset we end up getting here. Nobody should have to go through that because of people that’s here not obeying our laws.”


We encourage you to read the entire in-depth piece we published by clicking here:

Breaking: 71-year-old Ohio grandmother killed by Haitian ‘migrant’…

In the end, it’s clear that something truly awful is happening in the Midwest. And if there’s one thing we know about the Dems, it’s that where there’s “smoke,” there’s usually a raging, uncontrollable fire. In other words, they’re far from done with this dastardly “migrant” plan. So, it’s up to us to stop it. One way we can do that is by spreading the word about what’s really going on and putting pressure on the media to finally use their resources, do their job, and investigate what’s happening—for once in their miserable careers.



And the worst part about all of this Haitian invasion is that innocent Americans are getting killed because of the Harris/Biden third-world agenda. The latest victim is a 71-year-old grandmother who was simply taking out the trash when a reckless driver mowed her down, killing her. The worst part? That driver wasn’t even held accountable.


According to locals, the reckless and dangerous driving has gotten so bad since the Haitians arrived that everyone’s insurance rates have skyrocketed.

Tayler Hansen:

75-year Springfield, Ohio resident speaks on the Haitian Immigrant Influx and how it’s impacted the zip codes insurance rates:

“We have maybe 3-4 (crashes) a day, everyday. The Haitians. Thats not even Americans that’s Haitians. Our insurance rates have went sky high because of it because of our zip code.”

“This one lady that’s in our group they ran into her garage and killed her animals. Demolished her garage; he had no insurance, he was drunk.”

“Maybe I should be like the Haitians and not have insurance. I mean that’s the mindset we end up getting here. Nobody should have to go through that because of people that’s here not obeying our laws.”


We encourage you to read the entire in depth piece we published by clicking below:

Breaking: 71-year-old Ohio grandmother killed by Haitian ‘migrant’…

In the end, it’s clear that something truly awful is happening in the Midwest. And if there’s one thing we know about the Dems, it’s that where there’s “smoke,” there’s usually a raging, uncontrollable fire. In other words, they’re far from done with this dastardly “migrant” plan. So, it’s up to us to stop it. One way we can do that is by spreading the word about what’s really going on and putting pressure on the media to finally use their resources, do their job, and investigate what’s happening—for once in their miserable careers.