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In case you didn’t realize, the US is now being invaded by a horde of pet-eating Haitian “migrants.” These uncivilized “migrants” have been settled in small towns across America, and they’re now eating people’s pets and the ducks and geese at local parks. Not to mention, they’re causing massive filth in these towns and squatting on people’s lawns. It’s gotten so bad that residents of these towns and communities are literally begging their elected officials for help.

But it feels like no one’s paying attention. The federal government, bloated with too much power under Harris/Biden, is hell-bent on flooding the US with these unsavory characters. And don’t be fooled—it’s not just Haitians eating your pets. Harris and Biden are literally transforming our cherished towns into third-world hellholes, just like President Trump warned would happen.


But just when you think it can’t get worse than some bloodthirsty foreigner eating your beloved cat, something even more sinister comes to light. What’s really going on should send a chill down your spine. You won’t be surprised by what we’re about to share, because by now we all know Harris and Biden are busy “resetting” the US into a low-IQ, subpar voting bloc.

RELATED: Plague of filthy, aggressive, pet-killing Haitian migrants swarm small US towns—residents left in fear and tears…

But what will shock you is the sheer horror of it all. As it turns out, Harris and Biden have secretly flown over a quarter of a million unvetted, pet-eating Haitians into communities all across the United States.

John LeFevre:

The fact that Haitian immigrants are eating pets in Ohio isn’t even the worst part.

The Biden-Harris administration has secretly flown in over 320,000 unvetted Haitian immigrants into the United States. Then, in June 2024, Mayorkas gave them special protective status to prevent them from being deported.

This represents an influx of people, sadly, from an inferior culture, and they are bringing their 3rd world values here:

– The average IQ in Haiti is ~78. (Context: An IQ of at least 75 is required to be considered competent in a court of law.)
– Haiti is by far the poorest country in the Western Hemisphere, with a GDP per capita $1,748
– Haiti is the 20th most deadly country in the world, with 40.9 homicides per 100,000
– Haiti’s education system is ranked 177th globally in terms of national spending on education, with a literacy rate of 61%
– Haiti has one of the highest prevalences of communicable diseases in the world, and the highest STD and tuberculosis rates in the Western Hemisphere
– Nearly 40% of Haitians practice some form of Voodoo, which involves witchcraft and animal sacrifice
– Haiti ranked lowest on the Human Development Index in the Region of the Americas

In no way does this make our country better; they don’t even make street tacos.

Here’s a closeup of the image that John shared.


And just to add insult to injury, there’s actually more mystery surrounding this latest Haitian invasion. Not only are you being lied to, but very intricate, clever plots to flood the US with these uncivilized savages are happening in the shadows, and you’re not supposed to know about it. The scheme involves a slew of “jobs” that were advertised to these violent, unkempt “migrants.” We covered the story recently.


Obviously, the Biden/Harris border invasion is the main culprit, but it goes even deeper than that. Many believe the US is being destroyed from within by a globalist regime’s plan to bring America to her knees and “equalize” her in order to fully install the Great Reset. After all, you can’t “reset” a nation that’s happy, healthy, and thriving, can you? Which brings us to the latest devastating issue unfolding in Ohio—how did this horde of invaders end up there, and why?

Well, a bombshell thread on X might just reveal exactly what’s going on. And if it’s true—and they’ve got receipts—it proves there really is a plot to “reset” America, and not in a good way. Worse yet, it’s all being strategically hidden from the American people.

So, what’s the plot? It involves tens of thousands of supposed “jobs” being quietly advertised and marketed to these uncivilized Haitian groups. They’ve flooded our country, and specifically Ohio, in hopes of landing jobs.

We encourage you to read this bombshell article that’s filled with details of this plot and receipts to back it all up. Click here:

Chilling backdoor plot involving savage Ohio Haitian migrants is being hidden from the American people…

The reality we’re facing is dark. At this dangerous point in the Harris/Biden plot, it pays to go back and take a look at what Haiti has devolved into. It’s a savage, lawless country that’s ruled by ganglords.

Nick Sortor:

THIS is what Haiti looks like.

It’s a crime and disease-ridden hellhole covered in trash and raw sewage.

Not to mention it’s run by cannibals and gangs.

NOBODY should be surprised illegal Haitians are coming here and terr*rizing Americans.

SEND THEM ALL BACK, and make them come back LEGALLY.

Is that unreasonable?!

That video shows the very real and very scary reality of what Haiti is. And if you think the Haitians being installed into our communities by Harris and Biden can just magically leave that lifestyle behind and easily adapt to our civilized culture, then you’re naïve and don’t understand how the world works—especially these days.