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We definitely live in dangerous times, but what’s even more chilling is how dangerous our own government has become. Let’s be honest—after the second assassination attempt on President Trump, many Americans are starting to feel like the Deep State won’t stop until they’ve taken him out and ended their MAGA “problem” once and for all. A recent comment from a Secret Service source has many wondering just how deep the “state” really goes in these attempts.

As you’ve likely heard by now, another assassination attempt unfolded in Florida at the Trump International golf course. And, surprise, surprise—the facility wasn’t secured by the Secret Service. Why? Well, reportedly, they claim it wasn’t fully checked out because Trump’s not the “sitting president.”

So, let’s get this straight: US taxpayers will pay for illegals to get transgender surgery, but we won’t pay to fully protect President Trump? Makes sense.

Here are details on what went down at the golf course:


Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump was safe on Sunday after the Secret Service foiled what the FBI called an apparent assassination attempt while he was golfing on his course in West Palm Beach, Florida.

Secret Service agents spotted and fired on a gunman in bushes near the property line of the golf course, a few hundred yards from where Trump was playing, law enforcement officials said.

The suspect left an AK-47-style assault rifle and other items at the scene and fled in a vehicle but was later arrested.
The apparent attempt on Trump’s life came just two months after he was shot at a campaign rally in Pennsylvania, sustaining a minor injury to his right ear.

Both incidents highlight the challenges of keeping presidential candidates safe in a hotly contested and polarized campaign with just over seven weeks to go before the Nov. 5 election.

It was not clear if or how the suspect knew Trump was playing golf at the time, but the attempted attack was sure to raise new questions about the level of protection he is given.

CNN, Fox News and The New York Times identified the suspect as Ryan Wesley Routh, 58, of Hawaii, citing unnamed law enforcement officials. The FBI declined to comment and Reuters could not independently verify his identity.

According to Mr. Routh’s son, his father was a staunch Trump-hater, which aligns with his twisted ideology and political donations.

After watching the video below, it’s clear this man is extremely unbalanced and likely an easily manipulated target for someone or a three-letter organization who wanted to target him to do their bidding.

Meanwhile, Real Clear Politics is reporting that unnamed Secret Service officials are now suggesting this second assassination attempt might have come from a “foreign-driven” entity. But their reasoning doesn’t pass the smell test for a lot of people, and it’s starting to feel like the government is deliberately throwing out wild theories as the assassination attempts against Trump keep piling up.

Susan Crabtree:

When asked about the threat level against Trump, the Secret Service representative (who didn’t identify himself) said: “We live in dangerous times.”


AK-47 *could connote a foreign connection, one source in the Secret Service community tells me.

If you haven’t already, I recommend you read the FBI proffer with the assassination plotter who was arrested on July 12 that Sen. Chuck Grassley put out last week, link of my coverage of it, below. The FBI was extremely angry that Grassley’s office released it – -but the granular detail of the plot that alleged plotter Asif Merchant, a Palestinian citizen with deep ties to Iran, was incredibly chilling. Merchant was in an Iranian safe house with an Iranian handler and was evaluating their plan to assassinate Trump — discussing whether it should be at an indoor or outdoor rally, whether the assassin should use a rifle or a pistol, how many security assets the Secret Service had in place.

Merchant and his handler identified as Yousef concluded they had a 50/50 chance of being successful in such an assassination plot against Trump. Yousef also suggested it could be targeting Joe Biden or Nikki Haley, but Merchant told the FBI that he knew it was intended for Trump.

Click here for more information on that report.

We all know there’s been a cover-up regarding the first sketchy assassination attempt. And let’s not forget how the media, after seeing how popular President Trump became after surviving that bullet, quickly buried the story in the memory hole abyss.

There’s so much more to the assassination attempt story and the cover-up unfolding right before our eyes.

Kyle Becker:

“The thing that gets me about Washington is they don’t feel they have to respond to anything!”

Columbia Univ. professor Jeffrey Sachs has given a disturbing assessment of the U.S. government’s ongoing cover-up of the Trump assassination attempt.

“We don’t know what happened, it’s absolutely shocking, we don’t know the story and whether we ever will know the story is, like so many things now that are huge events,” Sachs said.

On Tuesday, whistleblowers told @HawleyMO that agents assigned to former President Trump at his Butler rally were pulled off child exploitation cases and put onto protective detail with nothing more than 2-hour online training.

The Secret Service higher-ups initially wanted to deny Trump a counter-sniper team. They issued strange verbal instructions to agents telling them not to request more security for the Trump rally.

But the U.S. media pretends like the Trump assassination attempt never happened and the U.S. government pretends like the people aren’t owed actual answers.

“Assassination attempt on Trump, isn’t that weeks ago?” Sachs added. “That’s old news, we don’t even talk about that anymore! We have no attention span, we have complete lying from the government, we have secrecy and confidentiality, so we never solve any of these issues.”

Sachs expressed his frustration with Washington elites who feel like they can lie endlessly without ever solving any problems.

“You watch the spokespeople… they smirk! Right in your face to tell you you are nothing! We can tell anything to you! They smirk!”

That is what Washington elites are giving the American people instead of solutions to their problems: Lies and more lies.

America’s politicians are investigating issues to death instead of giving us answers. We are approaching a breaking point or something’s going to have to give.

The first assassination attempt is marred with many “cover up” red flags.

However, the second assassination attempt could be heading in the same “red flag” direction. As a matter of fact, in response to the “foreign entity” theory being floated by insider Secret Service officials, many gun aficionados argue that the use of an AK-47 doesn’t necessarily suggest a “foreign connection,” and any expert—especially in the Secret Service—would know that. In fact, these armchair experts point out that using an AK-47 for an assassination attempt beyond 100 yards screams “amateur hour.” The reason they say is because the ballistics of an AK-47 are terrible beyond 200 yards, making it like bringing a knife to a sword fight. This has led many to believe we’re once again being fed a “cover-up” story, making it look like the government is using mentally ill amateurs to do their dirty work.