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If we “peasants” stopped letting the elites divide us and keep us clawing at each other’s throats, we’d finally see how badly we’re getting played. Think of it like a real-life Hunger Games, where the elites sit on their gilded perches, watching us scream and yell over whatever divisive issue they cook up next. Meanwhile, they do whatever they want, get away with it, and are never held accountable. Case in point: the Epstein client list. Not a single person on that list who abused minors has faced justice.

Meanwhile, while we’re stuck in the “Hunger Games,” they’re literally getting away with murder.

But maybe not for too much longer…

President Trump just fired his most dangerous warning shot yet at the Deep State and his political enemies by announcing he plans to release the Epstein client list when he’s reelected (for the third time). This shot will strike directly at the heart of the uniparty elites—on both sides of the aisle—who’ve been working together to stop him with fake scandals, phony impeachments, sham criminal charges, and even attempted assassinations. This is Trump’s moment to deliver some well-deserved retribution against these corrupt characters.

As filmmaker Mike Cernovich pointed out, former Big Tech powerhouses like Reid Hoffman—who bankrolled the bogus “rape” trial against Trump—have long been rumored to be high up on the Epstein list. And they won’t be too happy when Trump reveals what they, and others like them, have really been up to.

President Trump made the announcement during a podcast with Lex Fridman.

President Trump was at his absolute best during that podcast, and this type of alternative media is the way forward for him. It lets him do what he does best—sit and talk about his vision—without the silly “gotcha” questions and goofy traps from the regime-run media, who never bother discussing what actually matters to the American people.

A while back, when we looked at Trump’s best path to victory in the upcoming election, we emphasized the importance of doing more sit-downs like this. He’s a big fan of Revolver, so let’s hope he keeps following our advice. We’ll never steer him wrong.


Maximize the Long Interviews

Donald Trump is a man of limitless conversational power. The man can talk, and talk, and talk, and talk, and talk, and somehow never get boring.

While Trump’s rallies are iconic and his clashes with the press have created countless iconic moments, Trump’s ability to shine in one-on-one conversations is perhaps the least noted and least exploited of his assets. And in this cycle, there are far more opportunities for such extended conversations to be had. One of the biggest differences between 2024 and Trump’s prior two campaigns is that a far wider range of public figures are happy to engage with Trump as an acceptable, normal part of American political life, rather than a monstrous evil who can only be either confronted, silenced, or ignored. That means more celebrities and influencers are ready to give Trump friendly (or at least non-hostile) interviews, where he can make a friendly overture to voters outside the usual GOP orbit.

The Trump interview with mega-influencer Logan Paul is a case in point. The interview would absolutely never have happened in either 2016 or 2020. But now, things have changed immensely, to Trump’s benefit. A massive audience of young people got a close-up look at Trump (possibly for the first time), and the interview showed Trump at his best. And of course, it was a massive success, garnering more than 6 million views on YouTube alone, and who knows how many more from podcasting platforms like Twitter, Instagram, and more.

You can read the entire article by clicking here:

The 75-Day Sprint: The Tactics That Will Win Donald Trump the Election

Trump’s revelation regarding the list was earth-shattering—and it’s exactly what we need to finally get everyone on the same page. Hopefully, it’ll be the wake-up call that allows the “peasants” to see what’s really going on and return the power to where it belongs: with the people.

One thing’s for sure: there’s another guy who probably is going to lose sleep thinking about Trump releasing the list:

Bill Clinton's face says absolutely everything right now | indy100 | indy100

You better sleep with both eyes open, Bill…

Clinton apologises for private email 'confusion'