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Well, folks, things have gotten so bad in Kamala Harris’s America that liberal-run cities, which have been hellholes for quite some time, have now sunk to levels none of us saw coming. Take Philadelphia, for example. Instead of getting a taste of “brotherly love,” you’ll be dropped into a deadly, real-life version of Grand Theft Auto. And we’re not exaggerating—honestly, the creators of that dystopian, violent game wish they could make it look as terrifying and lawless as the real situation in Philadelphia right now. And it’s all thanks to the lawless, pro-criminal mentality coming from the entire Dem regime. They’re pushing “defund the police,” so-called “justice reform,” and no-bail policies left and right, turning the US into a safe haven for bad guys who are now running wild and running the show, to boot.

READ MORE: Did the Harris/Biden DOJ just make their last-ditch move to ensure Trump’s assassinated before election day?

In Philly, over 200 cars wreaked havoc in the city, injuring police officers and causing damage. This is Kamala’s America, and if she or Tampon Tim get anywhere near the White House, it will only get worse.

Collin Rugg:

NEW: Over 200 vehicles wreak havoc across Philadelphia over the weekend.

One police officer was injured and 5 police cars were damaged during the illegal gatherings.

Local reports say teens engaged in “dangerous behaviors” like drifting their cars, launching fireworks, starting trash fires, and vandalizing police cruisers.

“There’s officers in the car, they’re jumping on the windshield. They’re physically doing damage,” said Deputy Commissioner Mike Cram.

“They don’t care about your safety, their own safety. If you’ve all seen the videos with their behavior, they really don’t care. It’s just about how much chaos can we can we cause?”

Police say they issued citations and made a few arrests.

Video: phillyspotnews on IG

This shouldn’t happen in America. This isn’t who we were supposed to be. We’ve truly lost our way and need a full reverse course asap.

Philadelphia Inquirer:

Multiple Philadelphia police officers were attacked and their vehicles damaged while trying to break up nearly a dozen illegal car meetups throughout the city late Saturday into Sunday morning, police said, causing mayhem and rattling the nerves of residents in nearby neighborhoods.

Investigators said there were 11 large meetups, some of which drew more than 200 cars, as well as a series of other smaller gatherings, scattered throughout nearly every corner of the city, from Northeast to Southwest.

The wild scenes unfolded over the course of seven hours, with the first reported to police at 9:30 p.m. on Bustleton Avenue near Bleigh Avenue in Rhawnhurst. During that incident, 50 cars gathered at the scene, which drew multiple spectators. An arrest warrant was issued for one of the drivers, whom police did not identify, after they hit an uninvolved car while attempting to flee. Officers issued nuisance citations to nine other drivers and 15 spectators.

An officer responding to an assist call nearby was hurt after his vehicle was struck by a car fleeing that meetup, police said.

Other meetups saw attendees building bonfires, setting off fire crackers, and in one instance shooting a flamethrower as drivers revved and screeched through the streets, doing doughnuts, hanging out of their cars, and leaving massive scenes of smoke in their wake, according to investigators.

Do you know how confident, brazen, and in control bad guys have to feel to act like this? They know that under Dem “rule,” there are no rules. It’s like living in a Mad Max movie.

What happened in Philadelphia recently is just one example of the hellish criminal uprising we’re witnessing, thanks to pro-crime Dem policies and our wide open border invasion. Just take a look at what’s going down in New York.


James Woods sees what’s happening too, and he’s using his massive platform to spread the word: A vote for Harris/Walz is a vote for more of this…

Thanks to Democrats and Harris/Biden in particular, you’re no longer safe in “big city” America, and what’s even scarier is that now that Dems have destroyed the big cities, they’re coming for smaller towns. Just look at Springfield, Ohio, where cats and dogs are reportedly on the menu, thanks to uncivilized Haitian migrants flooding the town. It’s unimaginable that anybody in their right mind would vote for more of this, but they will.

READ MORE: Melania in her own powerful words on left-wing violence against her family…

The reason for this is simple: the elites pushing for Harris/Walz have nothing to worry about. They sit in their gilded cages, overlooking the peasants and the carnage. They don’t feel it—they just watch it for sport.

Maybe it’s more like the Hunger Games than Grand Theft Auto—only you and your family are the unfortunate “tributes” about to be sacrificed.