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Oops, Kamala Harris did it again, folks—dodging the “million-dollar question” that everyone’s asking: Are you better off today than you were four years ago? That question is Kamala’s kryptonite, and it’s exactly what President Trump should be laser-focused on 24/7.

This just happened, but it wasn’t the first time she played dodgeball with this question.

Kamala has dropped the ball on the “million-dollar question” during the debate as well.

The reason she can’t—or refuses to—answer the question is simple: she knows the answer is a resounding “NO.”

President Trump went straight for the jugular on this during his closing statement at the debate. It was a standout moment that hit Kamala right where she’s most vulnerable.

George Behizy:

BREAKING: Trump’s closing statement is one of the GREATEST in history. He perfectly elaborated on everything all Americans care about

“We can’t sacrifice our country for the sake of bad vision…”

This debate performance is one for the history books. People are going to remember that he fought a war against three woke, disgusting trash heaps AND STILL WON BIGLY.

Meanwhile, Americans are losing hope, thanks to Kamala’s skyrocketing inflation and her flatlining economy.


Less than half of Americans think the economy will improve in 2024 while many Americans are keeping more money out of the market, according to the Q4 Quarterly Market Perceptions Study from Allianz Life Insurance Company of North America (Allianz Life).

Just 47% of Americans say they think the economy will improve in 2024. This optimism has gone down in recent years. In Q4 2020, 66% of Americans said they thought the economy would improve in the coming year (54% in Q4 2021 and 48% in Q4 2022).

Market uncertainty and interest rates could be driving that view. Three in four Americans (74%) say they think the market will be very volatile in 2024. Even more, 77% think interest rates will continue to rise in the coming year.

Americans have been suffering through the Harris/Biden inflation nightmare for nearly four years. To make matters worse, for most of that time, Harris and Biden denied inflation was even a problem, trying to sell the illusion of a “soaring” economy. What a joke. But now, Kamala can’t escape the truth. All she can do is dodge the question. The Allianz piece goes on:

Many Americans still feel the effects of recent inflation. Two in three (67%) say that prices are still too high and they are struggling to stay afloat in the pasts three months. Others (28%) say inflation is not affecting them personally. Moreover, Americans would like professional help to mitigate the risk.

Financial professionals should take note as three in four Americans (74%) said they would stop using their current financial professional if they didn’t help effectively manage ongoing inflation concerns.

The effect of inflation on interest rates is also causing many to keep money out of the market. Most Americans (55%) say they are keeping more money in high-yield savings accounts or money market funds because of interest rates. Of millennials, 65% say they are keeping more money in high-yield savings accounts or money market funds because of rising interest rates. Fewer Gen Xers (46%) and boomers (48%) said the same. The majority of Americans (61%) also say they would rather have their money sit in cash than endure market swings.

“High interest rates in savings accounts or money market accounts can be enticing,” says Kelly LaVigne, Vice President of Consumer Insights, Allianz Life. “A high-yield savings account is a good place to build an emergency fund or save up for something in the near future. But, those accounts aren’t likely to provide the greatest return on money over the long term. For long-term goals like retirement, you’ll want to take part in the market and invest in ways that still mitigate potential risks like longevity and inflation.”

As for young Americans, they’re downright miserable under the Harris/Biden regime.

Spectrum News 1:

People under the age of 30 are so unhappy, in fact, that they’ve dragged the United States out of the top 20 happiest countries in the world for the first time in the report’s history.

Overall, the United States now ranks 23rd. Last year, it held the 15th spot. For those under the age of 30, the United States is the 62nd happiest place on earth.

“The report, which ranks countries by age group for the first time, shows the U.S. decline is at least partly attributable to Americans under age 30 feeling worse about their lives,” Gallup noted in its report results.

It’s no wonder there’s not much to be happy about—unless you enjoy sky-high grocery prices, an unreachable housing market, stagnant wages, and the looming threat of World War III.

So, it’s no surprise that Harris dodges the question. After all, she’s partly to blame for the state of the economy and the overwhelming hopelessness suffocating young people who are realizing the “American dream” is out of reach under this failed regime. We need President Trump to keep hammering away at this issue. It’s Kamala’s Achilles’ heel, and he can easily back her into a corner she won’t be able to escape.