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The government has been lying to the American people for decades—probably over a hundred years, if we’re being honest. But recently, it’s gotten much worse, as our government quietly grows fatter, more corrupt, and dangerously powerful. We’re now staring down the kind of evil regime our Founding Fathers warned us about. And what’s truly frightening? The Constitution they created to protect us isn’t holding up against this tyranny.

We’re slowly crumbling under a bloated, power-crazed government, propped up by a complicit propaganda machine in the media and entertainment industry, while the education system churns out mini-Marxists like a factory on overtime. What you see and hear on mainstream news is nothing but a well-crafted narrative—a slick PR machine pumping messaging into your brain, telling you to ignore your own eyes and believe only what they say.

It’s CIA-style brainwashing 101.

Case in point: the Springfield, Ohio, fiasco involving Haitian migrants reportedly killing and eating local pets. Rumors spread like wildfire about missing animals being eaten by the migrants flooding the small town. Locals took to social media and city council meetings, raising alarms about the pet situation and other dangerous and horrific incidents involving Haitians. But the regime-run media immediately labeled it “fake news,” without so much as investigating the claims.

Meanwhile, President Trump went mega-viral after calling out the Ohio pet crisis during the debate with Ms. Harris. His soundbite became a TikTok mega sensation.

And while that was going on, Kamala Harris literally laughed at the idea that Americans’ pets were being eaten by her Haitian migrants, while the media kept churning out phony “fact checks.” But real people, dealing with real issues involving their pets, have been begging for help. One incident recently came to light—a call report from a local resident making unspeakable claims about their neighbor’s pet cat.

Here’s a closeup of the call report:


And that’s not all. More evidence is piling up, proving President Trump was right. Once again, we’re being lied to by a propaganda media whose sole mission is to protect the regime.

Independent journalists have traveled to Springfield to speak with locals, and once again, President Trump’s statements hold water.


Of course, the regime-controlled media did what they do best—quickly jumping into action to claim the Haitian cat-eating story is one big lie. And despite all their resources and contacts, they haven’t bothered to investigate or interview any locals. They’re just toeing the regime line and covering for the failed progressive agenda, as usual.

Meanwhile, an independent investigative reporter actually did his job, went to Springfield, Ohio, and spoke to residents. He found even more people backing up the story.

Our good friends at Gateway Pundit are all over this story. They covered the brave independent journalist who actually traveled to Springfield to talk to people on the street—something our worthless mainstream media should have done eons ago.

Gateway Pundit:

YouTuber Tyler Oliveira traveled to Springfield, Ohio to investigate the rumors of Haitians eating ducks, geese, and cats.

Tyler, whose YouTube channel has 6.7 million subscribers spent time in Springfield speaking with locals about the Haitian community, and asking them if they know of any Haitians eating dogs or cats.

The answers from the citizens were shocking. Numerous locals accused the Haitians of eating the cats. One man said the cat lady down the street used to have 50 cats and “now she’s lucky if she has five.”

What’s happening in Ohio is horrific, but what’s even more unthinkable is that our government and media know it’s happening—and they’re literally laughing and lying to our faces. They don’t care if your pets are chopped up and eaten for dinner, as long as they can create a new voting bloc and drag the U.S. into a third-world downward spiral. After all, you can’t “reset” a thriving nation—you have to bring it to its knees and convince the people that a “do-over” is the only way out.

Don’t believe us? A recent piece we published delves into the secret plot the Harris/Biden regime is already cooking up right under your nose.


But just when you think it can’t get worse than some bloodthirsty foreigner eating your beloved cat, something even more sinister comes to light. What’s really going on should send a chill down your spine. You won’t be surprised by what we’re about to share, because by now we all know Harris and Biden are busy “resetting” the US into a low-IQ, subpar voting bloc.

But what will shock you is the sheer horror of it all. As it turns out, Harris and Biden have secretly flown over a quarter of a million unvetted, pet-eating Haitians into communities all across the United States.

John LeFevre:

The fact that Haitian immigrants are eating pets in Ohio isn’t even the worst part.

The Biden-Harris administration has secretly flown in over 320,000 unvetted Haitian immigrants into the United States. Then, in June 2024, Mayorkas gave them special protective status to prevent them from being deported.

This represents an influx of people, sadly, from an inferior culture, and they are bringing their 3rd world values here:

– The average IQ in Haiti is ~78. (Context: An IQ of at least 75 is required to be considered competent in a court of law.)
– Haiti is by far the poorest country in the Western Hemisphere, with a GDP per capita $1,748
– Haiti is the 20th most deadly country in the world, with 40.9 homicides per 100,000
– Haiti’s education system is ranked 177th globally in terms of national spending on education, with a literacy rate of 61%
– Haiti has one of the highest prevalences of communicable diseases in the world, and the highest STD and tuberculosis rates in the Western Hemisphere
– Nearly 40% of Haitians practice some form of Voodoo, which involves witchcraft and animal sacrifice
– Haiti ranked lowest on the Human Development Index in the Region of the Americas

In no way does this make our country better; they don’t even make street tacos.

You can read the entire piece by clicking below:

Shocking update: Pet-eating Haitians in Ohio aren’t the worst part of Harris/Biden’s latest ‘migrant’ deception…

Right now, we’re witnessing the fall of the United States, starting with flooding our communities with pet-eating savages. If Harris and Walz get anywhere near the White House, you can bet this will spread far and wide—and neither you nor your pets will ever be the same again.