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As the 2024 election creeps closer, the theories are piling up. Everyone’s got an agenda, and the rumors about what’s “really” happening are flying fast and furious. However, one thing that’s got people scratching their heads is CNN’s behavior. They’ve been pretty tough on Kamala Harris for a while now. And while much of their so-called “criticism” seems crafty and subversive, like some reverse psychology PR stunt to help Team Harris, there are other theories floating around that might have some weight.

RELATED: Bernie Sanders just told the entire country that VP Harris is lying through her teeth…

Speaking of these viral theories and “PR chess moves,” we recently covered how CNN might be using a “bait and switch” tactic to actually prop up Kamala and make the radical Marxist sound like an America First moderate.


CNN sounds very serious and official. Almost like a real news organization, right? Wrong. Let’s face it, when you’re dealing with the filthy DC Swamp and their media allies, nothing is ever as it seems.

The truth is, if you look beyond the headlines, CNN’s framing is actually designed to help Kamala by portraying her as this force who is now “moving to the center.” Why would they do this? Well, the regime is desperate to spin the narrative that Harris is no longer a “radical progressive.” They want you to believe she’s seen the error of her ways and is now embracing the concerns of the average American.

Of course, it’s sneaky, subversive, and completely fake.

But they’re pulling out all the stops. As a matter of fact, one of the most progressive voices on social media, CNN reporter Andy Kaczynski, is suddenly “deep diving” into Kamala’s Twitter history and all her nasty comments about the border wall. Okay, sure bet. If you believe that, we have 81 million “legal” votes to sell you.

Meanwhile, her base is furious with CNN for supposedly “exposing” Kamala as a “flip-flopper,” even as they suddenly jump on the bandwagon and back Trump’s so-called “racist” border wall. But here’s the thing—this messaging isn’t for the Dem base; no matter how many flip-flops Ms. Harris does, they’ll still vote for her. CNN’s messaging is aimed at folks who’ve had enough of Biden/Harris and want something different. CNN is dutifully doing its part to make Harris seem like a breath of fresh air, when the reality is, she’s as stale and rotten-smelling as her former sidekick, Joe.

It’s a fascinating piece. You can read the entire breakdown here:

Don’t fall for CNN’s fake ‘attacks’ against Harris for her border wall flip-flop—it’s a bait and switch and you’re being duped…

There’s definitely some truth to this theory. After all, Bernie Sanders just went on NBC News and flat-out admitted to the whole country that Comrade Kamala is lying to the American people just to “win.”

It’s no surprise the regime-run media is playing “rope-a-dope” to try and clean up Harris’s unpopular and radical image. That’s expected. But this latest round of criticism from CNN is so over-the-top, it’s got people wondering if something else is going on.

After watching clips like the one below, a lot of folks think CNN might actually be rooting for President Trump because their ratings are tanking. In a recent segment, Erin Burnett spends a full three minutes tearing into Kamala’s crazy record and agenda. It seems like a bit much for just a typical “bait and switch” move to make Harris look like a reformed “Marxist radical.”

Here’s a sample of what people are saying:

“Here is my conspiracy theory; CNN wants Trump elected cause their ratings are terrible and Trump makes them money”

“CNN wants Trump to win so they can get back their viewers and their reputation”

“looks like CNN is ready to welcome back the only guy who ever got them ratings lol”

But you be the judge:

It’s an interesting theory, but we don’t think that’s what’s really going on. Let’s be honest—companies like CNN are kept afloat in other ways, and they don’t necessarily care about making money. Their mission is to push an ideology and serve as a weapon of mass political destruction. So, if that’s the case, why is CNN going after Kamala so hard, especially with the election right around the corner? Here’s a new theory for you: CNN knows Kamala’s not going to win, and they’re using this time to rebuild their reputation as a “real” news outlet. That way, when Trump wins and they start attacking him again, they’ll have much more credibility and won’t get hit with the same “partisan hack” ridicule they faced last time. In other words, CNN sees the writing on the wall and is “regrouping.” But they’re not doing it for ratings—they’re gearing up to be an even leaner, meaner Deep State weapon against President Trump after he wins reelection (for the third time).

What say you? Why do you think CNN is now taking on Kamala?