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Nothing is more powerful than the words of a devoted wife and mother standing up for her husband and child. That’s who Melania Trump is—a “backbone” kind of woman, strong, stoic, and nurturing. She’s the rock, the shoulder, and the safe harbor when the storm hits. Melania will never be a screeching, hysterical harpy like Tim Walz’s wife.

Unlike the left-wing lunatic women, Melania is the picture of grace and humility. She just released a new book and is promoting it with powerful videos, sharing the left-wing violence she and her family have endured.

Of course, this is how our “unbiased” media responds to Melania’s book promotions. They’re just insufferable.

And speaking of insufferable media coverage, take a look at how regime-run CNN framed this 2020 violence—calling these violent left-wing radicals “protesters” and using the word “gathered” to describe a mob of bloodthirsty domestic terrorists trying to break into the White House. Meanwhile, Trump supporters casually strolling through the Capitol with police escorts are labeled “insurrections” who are destroying US democracy, according to these unserious buffoons. This type of absurd and dangerous reporting downplayed the leftist violence against Trump and his family early on and paved the way for the three assassination attempts against the President. Our media has become nothing more than a dangerous arm of the extremists in the Democrat regime.


As protesters gathered outside the White House Friday night in Washington, DC, President Donald Trump was briefly taken to the underground bunker for a period of time, according to a White House official and a law enforcement source.

The President was there for a little under an hour before being brought upstairs.

A law enforcement source and another source familiar with the matter tell CNN that first lady Melania Trump and their son, Barron, were also taken to the bunker.

The law enforcement source familiar with protocol said that if authorities moved Trump, they would move all protectees, meaning Melania and Barron.

The second source told CNN that “if the condition at the White House is elevated to RED and the President is moved” to the Emergency Operations Center “Melania Trump, Barron Trump and any other first family members would be moved as well.”

Late Sunday night, the White House cautioned staffers who must go to work on Monday to hide their passes until they reach a Secret Service entry point and to hide them as they leave, according to an email which was viewed by CNN.

After all, who can forget the left-wing violence we all witnessed on President Trump’s Inauguration Day? When people show you who they are—like the Dems did that day—believe them.

Our media and left-wing politicians haven’t just covered up the disgusting violence from their ranks—they’ve helped create it. And we all know it. But given what’s happened lately with Trump’s assassination attempts, it’s starting to look as if the situation is even shadier than we imagined. After the first assassination attempt on her husband, Melania came out questioning the role that law enforcement might have played in the shooting.

Daily Mail:

Melania Trump released a new video on Tuesday questioning law enforcement’s role in the assassination attempt on her husband Donald Trump.

The former first lady demanded answers about the July 13 shooting and hinted at a conspiracy by saying there’s ‘more to the story’ and ‘we need to uncover the truth.’

‘The attempt to end my husband’s life was a horrible, distressing experience,’ she said in the 10 second video posted to her social media accounts.

‘Now the silence around it feels heavy. I can’t help but wonder why didn’t law enforcement officials arrest shooter before the speech. There is definitely more to this story. And we need to uncover the truth,’ she added.

The video ends with a shot promoting her forthcoming memoir ‘Melania’, which will be released in October.

In the video, the 54-year-old is dressed in black and speaking in front of a black screen with ominous music playing in the background.

It’s interesting how the woman the left and the media claim hates her husband and wishes him dead is actually fighting to uncover the truth about what’s happening to him and how it’s affecting her family. Once again, the media’s version of events is nowhere near reality.