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The story about cat-eating Haitian “migrants” in Ohio has gone mega-viral, thanks to President Trump.

RELATED: Shocking update: Pet-eating Haitians in Ohio aren’t the worst part of Harris/Biden’s latest ‘migrant’ deception…

This viral moment from the debate came when Trump called out the Harris/Biden Haitians who are reportedly eating people’s pets, along with ducks and geese from local parks.

Of course, the regime-controlled media did what they do best—quickly jumping into action to claim the Haitian cat-eating story is one big lie. And despite all their resources and contacts, they haven’t bothered to investigate or interview any locals. They’re just toeing the regime line and covering for the failed progressive agenda, as usual.

Meanwhile, an independent investigative reporter actually did his job, went to Springfield, Ohio, and spoke to residents. He found even more people backing up the story.

Our good friends at Gateway Pundit are all over this story. They covered the brave independent journalist who actually traveled to Springfield to talk to people on the street—something our worthless mainstream media should have done eons ago.

Gateway Pundit:

YouTuber Tyler Oliveira traveled to Springfield, Ohio to investigate the rumors of Haitians eating ducks, geese, and cats.

Tyler, whose YouTube channel has 6.7 million subscribers spent time in Springfield speaking with locals about the Haitian community, and asking them if they know of any Haitians eating dogs or cats.

The answers from the citizens were shocking. Numerous locals accused the Haitians of eating the cats. One man said the cat lady down the street used to have 50 cats and “now she’s lucky if she has five.”

You can watch Tyler’s full report here:

We encourage you to read the entire Gateway Pundit piece by clicking here.

We’ve actually been all over this story, covering it from all angles as well. From the accusations of Hatians eating pets to Harris/Biden secretly flooding small town America with hundreds of thousands of Hatians.

RELATED: Breaking: 71-year-old Ohio grandmother killed by Haitian ‘migrant’…

Our latest story featured CNN’s “handsome” lady, Kaitlan Collins, who tried—and failed—to play “gotcha” with JD Vance. Ms. Collins claimed the Ohio cat-eating story was “fake,” even though neither she nor her colleagues have bothered to travel there and talk to the locals.

But JD Vance was ready for her regime propaganda, and he torched both her and the lazy, fake news media for refusing to investigate stories that don’t fit their political narrative. And after that, he took Comrade Kamala to task for recklessly importing these savages. It was a masterclass in media takedown, and Ms. Collins was left speechless.


You know what would be nice? If we had a media that actually did their damn jobs—investigating stories instead of sitting on their high horses, tossing out snarky one-liners and gotcha nonsense to anyone who disagrees with them politically. But unfortunately, that’s not what we’ve got. We don’t have a media that’s curious or willing to dig for the truth, especially if it doesn’t fit their political agenda. What we have is a regime-run propaganda machine, so blinded by left-wing ideology that they can’t even see straight. And one of the biggest and best examples of this pathetic state-run media is CNN’s most beloved Trump-hater and handsome lady, Kaitlan Collins.

It’s no secret that Kaitlan is your typical cat lady type, who despises President Trump and uses her mediocre platform to score as many progressive brownie points as possible. Make no mistake—she’s not a journalist; she’s a left-wing activist with a microphone and a camera. So, it wasn’t a shock when she pulled her usual activist shtick during a post-debate interview with JD Vance, trying to dismiss the numerous stories from local Ohioans about Haitian “migrants” running wild, squatting on properties, harassing residents, and even eating pets and geese from local parks. As far as Ms. Collins is concerned, the story is a flat-out lie, despite the fact that many residents are saying it’s happening.

An American from the same region as the uncivilized Haitians that the Harris/Biden regime is flooding the Midwest with has spoken out, adding clarity and context to the story. Based on what she knows, she has no doubt that pets are being killed and eaten.

Wall Street Apes:

This American Is From The Same Island As The Ohio Haitian Illegal Migrants

“The Haitian immigrants are indeed eating animals. Let me tell you something about these people. Not only are they harvesting cats for food, but also for witchcraft purposes, voodoo purposes. Understand this, if you don’t wanna take my word for it, go out there.

Meet a Haitian, talk to them about it. this is not something they aren’t proud of. It’s their culture. they eat these animals and they use the blood and bones of these animals for voodoo and witchcraft purposes. this is not a joke. the fact that they are here illegally, Kamala did say she gave them a temporary protection over a hundred thousand of them.

But here’s the thing, for good luck purposes, they will harvest cats, they will use the blood and the bone of these cats. They consume these things because they believe it brings good luck and good juju. This is not a joke, it’s a fact. This is their culture. This is what they believe. They will die on a hill on this belief.”

As you can clearly see, this is a story that demands much more attention and investigation. It’s far too typical of the fake news media to quickly slap a “lie” label on something like this. Isn’t it amazing? The media rushes to call this a lie, yet when it came to the Covington boys, they spread it as “truth” without a shred of investigation—only for it to blow up in their faces. Sham outlets like CNN were sued because of it and forced to settle. This is the game the regime media plays, and whatever you do, don’t fall for it. The more they insist something isn’t true, the more you should question the story and their motives. Sadly, this is the twisted reality we’re living in, thanks to a failed, state-run media that refuses to do its damn job.