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If cats have nine lives, Kamala Harris has at least nine—or more—fake accents. We’ve seen it a lot as the 2024 election heats up. Kamala rolls out a new accent for every group of disinterested voters she’s scrambling to pander to. The more desperate she is for votes, the stronger the accent gets. Don’t just take our word for it—check this out:

Kamala, who grew up in lily-white Berkeley with an Indian mother and a Jamaican father, has somehow mastered the art of the fake urban accent like a true pro. We’re guessing she’s been pulling all-nighters practicing in the mirror with Coach Hillary!

Honestly, Kamala might even “trump” Hillary in the fake accent department. It’s like a “Karate Kid” moment where the student surpasses the master!

What’s really interesting is that Kamala Harris has been running this fake accent scam for quite some time. Back in 2019, even Jake Tapper—the face of CNN—took a break from his usual clown act for about one minute and forty-three seconds to actually call out Kamala’s phony accent game. It’s almost like he noticed the con job she’s been trying to pull on the American people for almost two minutes.

Aside from the off-the-charts cringe factor, it’s almost comical to see this kind of cheesy ‘90s-style politics playing out in 2024. It’s like Team Kamala hasn’t realized that the internet exists, and we can all share her awkward attempts and turn them into awkward yet hilarious memes overnight. The days of greasy politicians like Kamala pulling the wool over voters’ eyes with silly, performative tricks are long gone. One thing’s for sure: President Trump and his genuine outsider persona have left the old-school, sleazy politicians completely baffled on how to act, what to say, and how to connect with modern-day voters.

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We’ll see if Jake Tapper decides to take off his clown makeup again anytime soon and calls out Kamala’s increasingly cringe-worthy fake accents, which are flooding the airwaves like bad karaoke on repeat. But hey, don’t hold your breath.