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You can always tell when things are going south for the Dems—they go into full panic mode and quickly dust off their favorite old boogeyman: the big, bad Russians. It’s their go-to move because they’ve already brainwashed their low-info, gullible base with that debunked Russia hoax. Most left-wingers are so clueless, they still believe Putin rigged the 2016 election for Trump. You almost can’t blame them though—our regime-run propaganda media has been spoon-feeding these lies for years, and it’s turned the Dem base’s brains into complete mush.

One of the best and most reliable pollsters in the game, Richard Baris, says Kamala is sinking to Biden-levels. She’s a ship going down fast.

Well, that news isn’t surprising and may explain the new reports that indicate the Dems are once again falling back on their desperate “Russia” playbook, just like they always do when their backs are against the wall. Word on the street is that Joe Biden—the guy who was just ousted from the White House in a “friendly coup”—is gearing up to warn the American people that Russia is interfering in the 2024 election.

Insert *eye roll* here.

Collin Rugg:

BREAKING: The Biden administration is set to accuse Russia of a “sustained effort” to influence the 2024 election.

If they want to eliminate propaganda that influences elections they should start with MSNBC, NYT, WaPo and CNN.

The Biden admin is set to announce that Russia is using “Kremlin-run media and other online platforms to target US voters with disinformation.” (CNN)

The Justice Department will reportedly be announcing law enforcement measures against the alleged Russian operation.

Russian state media network ‘RT’ is a focus of the announcement according to CNN.

The fact that the Dems are going back to the “Russia well” is a clear sign their campaign is in trouble. And, of course, it’s only going to cause more division in the US, which is exactly what they want. The truth is, our own propaganda media are the real election interference culprits—along with our weaponized judicial system. But the Dems want you to think it’s Putin pulling the strings.

That said, we can’t get complacent, even with Kamala’s collapse and the left’s election games. Ms. Harris can still win because she’s got the full power of the Deep State behind her. And as Tucker Carlson reminds us, they’ll do ANYTHING to win.


President Trump is gearing up for his third presidential election win, and his very presence on the ballot is driving DC’s most powerful swamp creatures to lose their minds. Back in 2016, President Trump slipped past the deep state and secured a win they never saw coming. They never imagined an outsider like him could get in. They likely believed their psyops and propaganda were still working on the American people, and despite the excitement for Turmp, Hillary Clinton was a shoo-in. But it didn’t go as planned. Trump won and turned the US shadow government inside out.

That’s why, in 2020, we experienced a conveniently timed “pandemic” during the election, which allowed an unprecedented flood of unregulated mail-in ballots. It was a complete free-for-all that ended with a so-called “historic” victory for Joe Biden. He was supposedly so popular that he beat both Obama’s and Trump’s records for votes.

Do you honestly believe that? By now, if you do, you’re probably a loyal CNN viewer, and there’s no hope for you.

And that’s why Americans are now walking on eggshells, wondering what the deep state has up its sleeve for 2024. After all, against all odds, President Trump survived an assassination attempt, so what’s next? If you listen to Tucker Carlson and Alex Jones, worldwide chaos is next on the list.

In truth, this latest Russia move is two-fold: First, the Dems need a “villain” to point the finger at and distract everyone from the real corruption they plan to unleash at home. Second, they know the “Russia boogeyman” is the ultimate rallying cry for their base. It’s the big, scary “election phantom” that gets everyone from academics to low-IQ dullards buzzing around the water cooler in no time.