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Team Harris just took a massive hit, and it came straight from American workers. The Teamsters released their polling data, and it’s bad news for Harris, Walz, and the entire Democrat Party. According to a new presidential poll, Teamsters Union members don’t like Kamala Harris one bit. In fact, they’re overwhelmingly backing President Trump in what’s shaping up to be a landslide. And who can blame them? Harris wants to end fracking. Look at what happened to those pipelines—destroyed. Jobs gone. Communities left with moms and dads out of work. Comrade Kamala is a one-woman job-wrecking crew, and the working class in this country know it and are flatly rejecting her.

Just think about it—Kamala Harris met with the Teamsters just a few days ago. Clearly, that meeting didn’t go well.

The results of this poll were so overwhelmingly anti-Harris and pro-Trump that even the Union bigwigs couldn’t endorse Kamala. For once, they’re listening to their members. And the fact that the Teamsters are refusing to endorse Kamala Harris speaks volumes. They’ve backed a Democrat candidate every election since 1996—until now. Needless to say, the media and DC swamp are in a complete tizzy.

Shame on the Teamsters for not endorsing President Trump like they should have. But even a non-endorsement for Kamala Harris is huge. President Trump knows how monumental this is, and he’s already spoken out on this historic moment.

Meanwhile, Teamsters took to X, where they shared their polling data.


“For the past year, the Teamsters Union has pledged to conduct the most inclusive, democratic, and transparent Presidential endorsement process in the history of our 121-year-old organization—and today we are delivering on that promise to our members,” said Teamsters General President Sean M. O’Brien. “Our members are the union, and their voices and opinions must be at the forefront of everything the Teamsters do. Our final decision around a possible Presidential endorsement will not be made lightly, but you can be sure it will be driven directly by our diverse membership.”

The Teamsters have not yet endorsed any candidate for U.S. President. The union’s General Executive Board expects to announce a decision on Wednesday.

Here is a closeup of the images:





These numbers are absolutely brutal—so brutal that even Kamala’s media pals can’t spin it or run cover for her. This is raw, in-your-face reality. No smoke screens, no PR tricks—just real American workers speaking out. And that’s the last thing Team Harris wants as we inch closer to election day. The harsh reality is that Kamala Harris is sleepwalking into election day without the backing of the unions, and that’s got to hurt.

This news is so brutal that if the data is accurate, there’s no way Kamala can win this election—even with the Dems’ infamous cheating schemes. It would be like trying to climb Mount Everest in flip-flops—steep, slippery, and no chance of traction.