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The internet is buzzing right now after the Harris/Biden regime released what many believe is their biggest dog whistle yet to get Trump assassinated before the election. In a shocking and dangerously irresponsible move, the Harris/Biden DOJ put out a letter showing there’s a $150k active bounty on President Trump’s head. Why would they release something like this right after yet another assassination attempt? Most would say it’s because they’re absolutely desperate to take him out before Election Day.

Most would probably be right.

Scott McFarlane:

NEW: Seeking to get Ryan Routh held in pretrial jail, in alleged assassination attempt against Trump in Florida last weekend, Justice Dept alleges this letter by Routh was discovered last week

“This was an assassination attempt on Donald Trump but I failed you. I tried my best and gave it all the gumption I could muster. It is up to you now to finish the job; and I will offer $150,000 to whomever can complete the job”

The Justice Dept says the FBI located a semiautomatic rifle w/ scope near where Routh was hiding near Trump golf course

Feds: “The rifle was loaded with a total of 11 rounds and had a round in the chamber. The serial number on the rifle was obliterated and unreadable”

Justice Dept court filing includes image of gun. And a backpack containing plates capable of “stopping small arms fire”

Feds say when police stopped Routh in his Nissan last Sunday, the car had false license plates & “FBI agents found 2 additional license plates. The agents also found 6 cellphones. One of the cell phones contained a Google search of how to travel from Palm Beach County to Mexico”

Here’s a closeup of the letter:


We covered the THIRD assassination attempt against President Trump, involving yet another breached perimeter, this time involving reported explosives.


News spread like wildfire yesterday of yet another assassination attempt against Trump as explosives were allegedly found in a car near the location Trump was scheduled to speak at his Long Island rally.

Of course, local officials and the media are downplaying the event, insisting there were no explosives and acting clueless about how this “crazy rumor” even started. Do you believe them? Many don’t—and it’s no surprise. These are the same people who worked overtime to erase this infamous Trump image from the news cycle because he was being turned into a “legend.” Donald Trump Assassination Attempt Fight Picture on Stretched Canvas Wall Art, “Keep Fighting Fist Pump”, Ready to Hang! 8x10 in: Posters & Prints

Our piece continues:

Almost as quickly as the story spread, the media swooped in to debunk it as “misinformation.” Report after report came out suggesting that the paranoid Trump supporters just fell for another conspiracy theory—silly of them to take such reports seriously; after all, Trump had only experienced two assassination attempts before, so reports of a third couldn’t possibly be credible, could they? Just take a look at how aggressive and coordinated these “debunking” headlines are.

Rather than probing for details about this incredibly bizarre state of affairs, we’re told that the real story is that Elon Musk was spreading misinformation! What on earth makes sense about a private individual training a bomb detection dog at a site where President Trump is scheduled to speak just hours later? Was there by chance a decoy bomb being used for this training? If so, did the decoy look anything like the hoax January 6 pipe bombs? Who is this mysterious individual bomb training his dog at that location? Does he perchance have an interesting travel history in Ukraine like the previous would-be assassin?

The media exhibited zero interest in any of these key questions as it aggressively attempted to bury the story under another vapid “misinformation” headline.

Of course, it’s quite possible that this incident is just a bizarre fluke. That a random person just happened to be engaging in an innocent bomb sniffing exercise at an event where the former President, who has survived two assassination attempts, was to speak an hour later. It’s also possible that there’s more to the story. Revolver News’ Darren Beattie pointed out that the feds often run drills or training exercises concurrently with suspicious or questionable events. That way, if the bad actors are caught in the act, they have the plausible deniability of explaining their behavior as a training exercise rather than something more nefarious.

Darren Beattie:

If you look into historically suspicious events, you’ll see a pattern in which there is some kind of training exercise or drill whose subject matter almost exactly overlaps with the real life thing that allegedly happens

This allows for plausible deniability when feds are caught—it was just confusion from the exercise I’m not saying that this is what’s happened here, but its interesting to point out this pattern.

Our Revolver piece is a must-read:

The truth of the latest bomb Trump assassination scare could be darker than you imagine…

Many local officials, the Harris/Biden regime, and our disgraceful propaganda media tried their best to bury the first and second assassination attempts, fearing it would only boost President Trump’s popularity. Our city officials and the regime-run media aren’t just unserious—they can’t be trusted to tell the whole story or the truth. Being skeptical of anything they say should be standard operating procedure at this point.

This latest move by the Harris/Biden DOJ has reasonable, concerned Americans outraged. It’s as if the Deep State knows their DEI candidate can’t win, even with another tsunami of mail-in ballots, so their only option is to take out the competition. After several failed attempts, they’re now turning to the public for help to complete their ghoulish mission.

Here’s what folks online are saying about this horrific development:

“So the doj is releasing this $150K TRUMP Bounty to publicize it to the entire world… am I right?”

“When did he have time to write this? Was this written before meaning he failed intentionally? Was this written while he was fleeing the scene? Was it written in jail? Did he write it? Was he forced to write it? This doesn’t add up.”

“So basically, this dude was a Ukraine activist with Ukraine funds. This means American taxpayers have basically been paying for the assisnation attempts…. you don’t hate your government enough”

“The DOJ just put a bounty on @realDonaldTrump. Let that sink in.”

“So Garland has now put a bigger bullseye on Trump!”

“This is the biggest load of bullshit I’ve ever seen. This is how stupid they think we are. This is probably Merrick Garland‘s handwriting.”

“The dude who was literally begging friends and family for $5 just two years ago all the sudden has $150K to give away?”

“Something’s not right. Why would the DOJ release this but literally nothing else EVER in any other case or shooting or assassination attempt. Also the guy is alive and it’s an ongoing investigation.”

“This is a active bounty letter, not cool not cool”

“Imagine releasing this letter. So unbelievably irresponsible that it has to be on purpose.”

It’s hard to believe that a government so focused on supposedly “protecting” victims would accidentally issue an active “bounty” letter against a former US President—and the current leader in the 2024 election—who’s already faced not one, not two, but likely three assassination attempts. To many, this looks like a calculated move. As it stands now, the Harris/Biden regime has made President Trump’s death even more enticing and profitable for one of their crackpot lone-wolf domestic or international terrorists. As one X poster said earlier, maybe we really don’t hate our government enough.