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As you know, Dan Bongino was a Secret Service agent before becoming a Trump loyalist and successful podcaster. So, no one has better insight into what’s happening inside the Secret Service than he does. Sadly, something is clearly going very wrong within that once highly respected organization. The Secret Service has gone from being the cream of the crop to the sludge at the bottom of the barrel under the DEI leadership of former director Kimberly Cheatle, who was forced to resign due to outrageous incompetence following the first assassination attempt against President Trump. But is what’s happening inside the Secret Service more than just a DEI disaster? In just two months, there have been two assassination attempts on President Trump’s life, and it’s only by the grace of God that he’s still alive. So what’s going on?

Dan Bongino has some very serious questions, and one of them is whether there’s a deadly mole burrowed within the Secret Service or DHS.

This is a must-watch segment from Dan.

MAGA Kitty:

Dan Bongino @dbongino asks the question:

“Is there a mole inside the Secret Service or DHS?”

“How did the would-be assassin KNOW that President Trump would be there?”

Dan also receives a call from “No Caller ID” during the segment: “I know who that probably is, and NO I’m not going to shut up!”

In case you’re wondering, the would-be assassin had no trouble finding a spot and waiting for hours to take his shot. In fact, he sat hidden in the bushes for a staggering 12 hours, waiting for President Trump. Now, based on that latest update, people everywhere are screaming, ‘Inside job!’

How does someone camp out for 12 hours, waiting for President Trump to show up at an unscheduled golf game? This story smells fishier than a Friday night fish fry. As Senator Hawley correctly points out, both of Trump’s would-be assassins were free to “post up” and wait for hours to take their shot. This is unheard of. What on earth is happening with our disgraceful Secret Service? Either this is an “inside job” or the Secret Service has turned into a DEI wasteland.

Many are understandably concerned because what the Secret Service testified to and what’s actually happening don’t match up.

And who can forget the hysterical lady mayor of Palm Beach, who wanted to reduce Trump’s security around Mar-a-Lago and even threatened to shut down his home if it didn’t happen?

We covered that story:


The mayor of Palm Beach appears to have a personal vendetta against President Trump, and she’s now trying to exploit the assassination attempt against him to destroy his business and throw him and his family out of their home. That’s the story we’re hearing, coming out of Palm Beach, Florida. The mayor’s name is Danielle Moore, and she’s considering shutting down Mar-a-Lago because of a road closure leading to Trump’s property due to security reasons after the attempt on his life. To many, this woman’s intentions are utterly insufferable. And to make matters worse, in her statement on the matter, she refers to grown adults—her constituents—as “boys and girls.” You know the type, right? Another “girl boss” who knows better than everyone else?

Rumor has it, Ms. Moore is a RINO, to boot.

George @BehizyTweets:

BREAKING: The Mayor of Palm Beach is considering shutting down Mar-a-Lago and kicking Trump out of his own house

“In my mind, if the road is closed, the Mar-a-Lago Club is closed… You can’t have it both ways, boys and girls” – Mayor Danielle Moore

After the attempt on Trump’s life in Butler on July 13th, Secret Service increased personnel around the property and closed South Ocean Boulevard, the road running along Mar-a-Lago. Police say “at a minimum” the closure will last through Election Day. Now the mayor wants to use the road’s closure as an opportunity to close Mar-a-Lago as well

Local residents also say they don’t feel safe because of the new checkpoints added by the Secret Service, “Our residents don’t feel safe right now,” Council Member Julie Araskog said.

She has now directed the Town Council to research whether it could close Mar-a-Lago until the road reopens

It’s starting to feel as if Trump-haters are actively and gleefully trying to kill him.

The desperation from the regime loyalists is palpable, and as Tucker Carlson correctly stated, the Deep State is absolutely frantic. They’ll throw the entire country into chaos just to stop Trump. They did it in 2020, and there’s even more at stake in 2024.


President Trump is gearing up for his third presidential election win, and his very presence on the ballot is driving DC’s most powerful swamp creatures to lose their minds. Back in 2016, President Trump slipped past the deep state and secured a win they never saw coming. They never imagined an outsider like him could get in. They likely believed their psyops and propaganda were still working on the American people, and despite the excitement for Turmp, Hillary Clinton was a shoo-in. But it didn’t go as planned. Trump won and turned the US shadow government inside out.

That’s why, in 2020, we experienced a conveniently timed “pandemic” during the election, which allowed an unprecedented flood of unregulated mail-in ballots. It was a complete free-for-all that ended with a so-called “historic” victory for Joe Biden. He was supposedly so popular that he beat both Obama’s and Trump’s records for votes.

Do you honestly believe that? By now, if you do, you’re probably a loyal CNN viewer, and there’s no hope for you.

And that’s why Americans are now walking on eggshells, wondering what the deep state has up its sleeve for 2024. After all, against all odds, President Trump survived an assassination attempt, so what’s next? If you listen to Tucker Carlson and Alex Jones, worldwide chaos is next on the list.

Given all of this, can you blame Dan Bongino and others for questioning if there’s a dangerous mole embedded in the Secret Service or DHS? There are far too many coincidences happening as we inch closer to an election—the kind the Deep State can’t afford to lose.”