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Trump supporters are celebrating a big victory, claiming that CNN has finally caved and is telling the truth about “flip-flopper” Kamala Harris. It all began when Team Harris featured positive imagery and messaging regarding Trump’s “racist” border wall in an ad. This raised eyebrows, as Harris has been staunchly anti-border wall for years, along with her sidekick, Tampon Tim.

CNN sounds very serious and official. Almost like a real news organization, right? Wrong. Let’s face it, when you’re dealing with the filthy DC Swamp and their media allies, nothing is ever as it seems.

The truth is, if you look beyond the headlines, CNN’s framing is actually designed to help Kamala by portraying her as this force who is now “moving to the center.” Why would they do this? Well, the regime is desperate to spin the narrative that Harris is no longer a “radical progressive.” They want you to believe she’s seen the error of her ways and is now embracing the concerns of the average American.

Of course, it’s sneaky, subversive, and completely fake.

But they’re pulling out all the stops. As a matter of fact, one of the most progressive voices on social media, CNN reporter Andy Kaczynski, is suddenly “deep diving” into Kamala’s Twitter history and all her nasty comments about the border wall. Okay, sure bet. If you believe that, we have 81 million “legal” votes to sell you.

Meanwhile, her base is furious with CNN for supposedly “exposing” Kamala as a “flip-flopper,” even as they suddenly jump on the bandwagon and back Trump’s so-called “racist” border wall. But here’s the thing—this messaging isn’t for the Dem base; no matter how many flip-flops Ms. Harris does, they’ll still vote for her. CNN’s messaging is aimed at folks who’ve had enough of Biden/Harris and want something different. CNN is dutifully doing its part to make Harris seem like a breath of fresh air, when the reality is, she’s as stale and rotten-smelling as her former sidekick, Joe.

Here’s what Andy posted on X:

Andy Kaczynski:

NEW: Harris called Trump’s border wall “a monument standing in opposition to not just everything I value, but to the fundamental values upon which this country was built” in 2019. Now, she’s using Trump’s wall in an ad to say she’s tough on the border.

CNN identified one of the border walls in her new campaign ads as constructed during Trump’s presidency in Sasabe, Arizona, in an area where there had not previously been border wall (and building there was was quite controversial). The other walls feature signs that they were Trump-era walls, such as so-called anti-climbing plates that were built during the Trump years.

In tweets from 2019, Harris called the same wall in her ads “wasteful,” “useless,” “a waste of taxpayer money,” “a vanity wall project,” “a wasteful border wall,” “a stupid wall,” “a medieval vanity project” and an “unnecessary wall.”

In response to questions from CNN, a Harris campaign aide said in referencing the recent campaign ad that it was “inaccurate to imply a few images” are “somehow representative of the VP’s overall policy position on a complex issue when the entirety of the ad, the VP’s remarks as the nominee, and the governance of this Administration have been clear where she stands on border security – supporting the bipartisan border agreement.”

Sure, at first glance, that looks like quite a bit of “investigative” work from Mr. K. But as with all things CNN and Dems, you need to dig deeper. There’s always more to the story.

Meanwhile, the border wall isn’t the only policy Kamala has swiped from President Trump. She’s starting to look more like a cat burglar than a candidate. But that’s what happens when you push a DEI candidate—they have to steal from others because they’re not sharp enough to come up with successful policies on their own.

We actually covered Kamala’s latest theft from Trump, and it’s a doozy.


Kamala Harris is at it again. The DEI Diva, with no original ideas that aren’t steeped in Marxist ideology and globalism, is now stealing more of President Trump’s America First policies.

As you know, Kamala has shamelessly plagiarized Trump’s ideas about a border wall and no tax on tips, but her latest policy theft is a real doozy. However, the thing to remember is that Harris has no intention of following through on any of this. She’s just desperate to look like she cares about the American people instead of being the radicalized puppet for the extreme left that she truly is.


If Harris were to actually be installed in the White House, she’d unload her extremist agenda faster than you can say “Supreme Court stacking,” which happens to be a topic we covered recently. But before we get to Kamala’s latest tyrannical plans, let’s look at how she’s “faking it” to make it by stealing President Trump’s ideas.

Kamala and her campaign are so wildly out of touch with the average American that, in a desperate attempt to relate to the “peasants,” she’s stealing everything Trump puts out. This is how lizard-like elites try to appear “normal.” Meanwhile, as we mentioned earlier, Kamala is playing both sides of the fence. While trying to come off as an America First moderate to the average voter, she’s also scrambling to keep her crazy base happy. That’s why she’s now floating the idea that “stacking” the U.S. Supreme Court is on the ballot this November.

The bottom line is that immigration is one of the top election issues, and Team Harris/Walz needs to pivot on this issue and distance themselves from past statements in order to gain some traction. The best way to do that is by using their media mouthpieces to do the dirty work for them. It’s a win-win for CNN—they get to look like real journalists doing their job in a non-partisan way, gaining back some credibility, and also help their chosen candidate make the fake move to the center. But in reality, they’re still doing the Dems’ dirty work, just in a sneakier way. The worst part? A lot of folks on the right see this and think, “Wow, CNN is finally telling the truth!”

No, there’s no truth-telling going on here. The regime is simply rolling out a new PR blitz to make Kamala look like a “moderate” who will tackle today’s big issues and make America great again. It’s a lie—don’t fall for it. CNN is not on our side; they haven’t had some professional “epiphany,” and no one with any real power on the left will ever fund a border wall. Period and end of story.