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By now, we all know that RFK Jr. has endorsed President Trump. He’s been out there backing Trump on podcasts, news shows, and across social media. This boost from RFK Jr. has been a big win for Trump, especially with young male voters. But on the eve of the big debate between President Trump and Harris, RFK Jr. upped the ante with a game-changing announcement that’s sure to send Trump’s numbers soaring.

RFK Jr. didn’t mince words—he made it crystal clear that every single one of his supporters, no matter where they live, must vote for President Trump. And then he dropped the killer line: A Trump victory is a Kennedy victory.

Now that’s a game-changer.

Now that is a powerful political call to action. We can’t help but wonder if Joe Rogan, a die-hard RFK Jr. fan, is listening. We know that young men are paying close attention, and as Trump’s numbers rise in this category, it’s starting to look as if young men could come out in such droves that they offset the hysterical female vote for Harris.


Will young men win the White House for President Trump? It’s starting to look that way, thanks to a stunning new poll that shows President Trump making some absolutely incredible gains with young folks. Clearly, most of those votes will come from young men, who are flocking to President Trump in a major way. In fact, their support could be strong enough to offset the impact young women might have in backing Harris, and that’s devastating for Comrade Kamala.


Trump’s been breaking new ground and tilling the soil with young voters for a while now. So the real question is: is he ready to harvest those votes?

And if Trump is really surging with younger voters, we can definitely credit that new media strategy. He’s hitting huge, popular podcasts and reaching a whole new group of young people who wouldn’t be caught dead watching a debate or tuning into cable news. We know Barron’s been giving his dad advice, likely steering him toward the best podcasts.

You can read the entire in-depth piece by clicking here:

Will young men win the election for President Trump?

And there’s no denying that RFK Jr. has a deep and very personal understanding of how the US government and our unelected intel agencies have a chokehold on so many Americans through unapologetic propaganda and manipulative mind games that make 1984 or the Kennedy assassinations look like child’s play. We actually covered that very topic recently, when RFK Jr. and Roseanne Barr sat down for a candid discussion about “brainwashed” Americans and how to save them.


Recently, a lively conversation between Roseanne Barr and RFK Jr. lit up the internet. The two discussed the deep state psyop engulfing the country, which has created a massive segment of the population trapped in a “political cult”—a creation of the regime state, reinforced by propaganda from the media, Hollywood, education, and healthcare, among others. It’s an all-out assault on personal freedoms, aiming to establish a highly controlled “single-thinking” utopia. How do you free somebody from that type of death grip? Roseanne and RFK Jr. tackled that very question, and the good news is they offered a solution to break the conditioning. This is a must-watch for every conservative who wants to take back their country.

There are plenty of people in this country who’ve been so brainwashed by TDS that they’re beyond saving. They’re lost causes at this point. But there’s still a good number of folks who, while misled, are open to common-sense ideas and can see through the muck and grime of the DC Swamp. That’s what makes RFK Jr.’s recent statement so powerful—for those folks. Sure, President Trump’s past successes, his policies, and his America First agenda have him in a strong position for 2024. But let’s not be naïve—there’s a giant elephant in the room: the Democrats’ cheating machine. The truth is, we have to flood the polls like a tsunami of fed-up Americans to offset whatever tricks the Dems have up their sleeves this time around—whether it’s illegal mail-in ballots or actual illegals voting. We need to ignite every corner of the voting public to come out and support President Trump. And with RFK Jr.’s latest announcement and call to action, we’ve done just that, in a big way.