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Revolver News first started critically covering the January 6 pipe bomb story in March of 2021. Now, nearly three and a half years and several ground-breaking investigative reports later, the scandalous story of the January 6 pipe bombs is firmly established as one of the two major smoking guns of what we have come to call the Fedsurrection. As though this weren’t significant enough, the pipe bomb story elevated still further in its significance with the release of surveillance footage of the discovery of the DNC bomb, overwhelmingly suggesting that Kamala Harris’ Secret Service detail is at the very least in on the cover-up. Indeed, Kamala Harris’ own refusal to acknowledge her narrow brush with the DNC pipe bomb seems to defy any innocent explanation (after all, shouldn’t it be a key talking point of hers that she almost lost her life to terrorism on January 6?). The Secret Service of course gained renewed attention in the aftermath of its suspicious and potentially deliberate failures enabling the assassination attempt on Trump in Butler, PA. Kamala Harris has, of course, become Trump’s opponent in the 2024 race. Thus, the inclusion of both the Secret Service and Kamala Harris in the pipe bomb story elevates it to one of the most consequential scandals and cover-ups in the country.

For the past eight months, ever since the publication of our bombshell piece detailing the significance of Capitol Police surveillance footage detailing the discovery of the DNC pipe bomb, the lion’s share of attention the pipe bomb story has received has largely centered around footage obtained from Capitol Police security cameras. Prior to the game-changing release of this Capitol Police footage, most of our critical attention was directed toward the implausibly bizarre circumstances surrounding the bombs’ discovery, as well as utterly damning conclusions regarding the DNC’s own surveillance footage.

With the pipe bomb story in its final stages of resolution, we believe it is time to return our attention to the question of the DNC’s surveillance of the pipe bomber. The first thing to recall about the DNC footage is that it was the DNC’s footage that the FBI chose to use in the clips that it showed the public of the pipe bomber near the site where the bomb was planted. That’s right. The footage that the FBI released to the public to help identify the pipe bomber does not come from the Capitol Police cameras, but rather the DNC itself. 

At first, this would seem to make sense. We learn from the aforementioned Capitol Police footage depicting the discovery of the DNC bomb that these cameras in question seemed to have an initial blindspot with respect to the bench where the pipe bomb was actually planted. It was only after the pipe bomb was discovered and presumably radioed into whoever was manning the security cameras that the camera pans over to the bench area where the pipe bomb was.

The following image is a screenshot depicting the frame of view from the Capitol Police camera in question. The bench where the pipe bomb was planted is off of the screen to the right (not visible in this shot).

Shortly after the pipe bomb’s discovery, this camera pans over to the bench where the pipe bomb is planted (screenshot below) and subsequently zooms in.

For further reference, here is an image clearly depicting where the bomb was planted in relation to the bench visible in the shot above (this is a close-up photo taken by a Capitol Police officer).

By contrast to the Capitol Police cameras, which have a convenient (and manufactured?) blindspot at the location the pipe bombs were planted, the DNC had at least two cameras providing a view of the benches and location where the pipe bomb was planted. See screenshots below depicting the field of view from the two DNC cameras. Keep in mind that all such footage from the DNC is from the evening of the 5th, when the FBI says (and the surveillance footage suggests) the pipe bombs were planted.

Let’s call the camera with this view DNC Camera 1.

And the DNC camera with the following view DNC Camera 2.

While these DNC cameras have the critical location in view and thus don’t have the Capitol Police camera’s curious and convenient blind spot, they notoriously have blind spots of their own. Indeed, Revolver News pointed out problems with the DNC footage presented to the public by the FBI in a number of ground-breaking reports published in the latter part of the year 2022.

First, we definitively proved that the FBI decided to withhold footage from DNC Camera 1 from the public, which would more clearly show the pipe bomber actually planting the bomb. We encourage readers who have not read our piece on this or may simply need a refresher to watch the following video that neatly summarizes the argument.

READ MORE: Release the Tape: Revolver Has Definitive Proof FBI Is Hiding Critical Footage of Jan 6 “Pipe Bomber”

In a subsequent bombshell piece, we made a very strong case that the frame rate of the DNC footage made public by the FBI was tampered with in order to make it more difficult for the public to identify the bomber. Indeed, the frame rate on the DNC footage was less than two frames per second, when the cheapest commercially available security cameras (those used at a gas station) have eight frames per second. Are we really to believe that the DNC’s security cameras had a frame rate that is worse than the absolute worst commercially available security cameras? Again, we strongly encourage readers to watch the following (entertaining) short video that we put together to summarize our argument that the frame rate and quality of the DNC surveillance footage were degraded:

That the DNC footage that the FBI presented to the public was both incomplete and degraded raises troubling questions. At what point was the surveillance footage degraded? Was it degraded originally, or did it somehow become degraded once the surveillance footage reached the FBI?

Based on a conversation with a very trusted government source, we learned that a government official (not from the FBI) investigating aspects of the pipe bomb case obtained access to and viewed 45 minutes of DNC surveillance footage early in the year 2022. The footage in question was from the evening of January 5th, and footage from the DNC cameras of January 6th that would have depicted the discovery of the DNC bomb (without the blind spots of Capitol Police footage) had already been deleted. The government official in question reported that the DNC footage he or she watched clearly depicted the pipe bomber actually planting the bomb and did not note any problem with frame rate or clarity of picture. The government official did not, as one would expect, obtain this footage from the FBI. Instead, the official watched the footage at the DNC building.

A number of critically important questions and results immediately follow from this. Why, in early 2022, would the DNC keep in its possession its surveillance footage from the evening of the 5th, but delete its footage from January 6th, which would also be important to any investigation? The fact that the government official saw footage that clearly depicted the pipe bomber planting the bomb confirms our reporting that such footage was captured on DNC cameras and that the FBI simply chose to withhold that footage (why on earth would they do that?). That the official reported no problem with frame rate or clarity of the footage strongly indicates that the original footage from the DNC was not of the same degraded quality as the video the FBI ended up presenting to the public. If this is true, it suggests that the FBI itself must have tampered with the footage to degrade its quality before releasing it to the public. There is no innocent explanation for why they would do this, if indeed that’s what happened. It is critically important to find out whether the DNC still maintains a copy of this footage, and if so, to make it public to confirm whether or not the original quality was as degraded as the footage the FBI presented to the public.

Finally, there’s the odd fact that the government official in question had to go to the DNC to watch the DNC footage, rather than the FBI. If the FBI were in possession of the footage, wouldn’t that be the logical place for another government official to go and watch it? It’s possible that the official simply wanted to go to the source of the footage and got lucky that the DNC hadn’t deleted it yet, like it curiously deleted its footage from J6 (again, why delete J6 footage and hold on to the footage from the evening before?). But is it also possible that the FBI no longer had the footage, perhaps deleted it entirely, and the government official had to go to the DNC to view it? If this is the case, it would be very strange and damning indeed for the FBI to have somehow deleted or lost its footage, especially as early as early 2022 when the FBI claimed this was an active and highest priority investigation.

These are the questions that must remain front and center as we continue to press the regime on this utterly damning scandal. This investigation is in its end stages, and the people responsible for the cover-up are going to become desperate. In the upcoming month before the election, we will do everything in our power to finish what we at Revolver News started and definitively resolve the pipe bomb scandal, and in so doing, definitively show the Fedsurrection and the Biden-Harris regime for what they are.

Stay tuned for this rapidly developing story.