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The 2024 election is already shaping up to feel a lot like 2020. There are a lot of familiar red flags popping up, especially with all the warnings and alarm bells going off. Let’s be real—at this point, most Americans believe there was plenty of “funny business” surrounding 2020. From the free-for-all with mail-in ballots to unmanned drop boxes, late-night suitcases, “busted pipes,” and those private “ballot counting” sessions, the entire election felt off—especially the so-called “winner.”

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Here we are again, dealing with the same concerns, thanks to the Deep State, who tore open Pandora’s Box back in 2020 when they tampered with our sacred elections. They made it clear to the American people that their voice and their vote didn’t matter.

Now, Bret Weinstein, a biologist and podcaster, is taking things a step further with a chilling prediction he made while chatting with media heavy hitter Glenn Beck. Bret says Kamala’s “Team Blue” will take a major hit, losing both the electoral and popular vote, which doesn’t sound all that bold, right? But here’s where things get interesting—Bret claims none of Harris’s losses will actually be reported by the media.

A new level of cheating: gaslighting.”

Glenn Beck:

@BretWeinstein makes an ominous prediction for November: “I think the Blue Team will NOT win the election. I believe they will be defeated both in the popular vote and the electoral count.”

“But it WON’T BE REPORTED that way.”

“The Deep State, or whatever it is, uses every trick in the book to bring about an electoral result that it finds favorable. I see the Blue Team as perfectly willing to CHEAT in ways that are visible in public.”

“We in the public have to ensure that it is such an OVERWHELMING VICTORY that any capacity to cheat is drowned out by the organic impulse of the American public to retake their nation and put it back on course.”

“This is not AN election we must win. This is THE election we must win.”

Bret’s definitely onto something here, and he’s not the only one ringing these alarm bells. We recently covered Tucker Carlson’s chilling prediction, where he made it crystal clear that the Deep State wouldn’t think twice about plunging the entire world into complete and utter chaos just to keep President Trump out of the Oval Office.


President Trump is gearing up for his third presidential election win, and his very presence on the ballot is driving DC’s most powerful swamp creatures to lose their minds. Back in 2016, President Trump slipped past the deep state and secured a win they never saw coming. They never imagined an outsider like him could get in. They likely believed their psyops and propaganda were still working on the American people, and despite the excitement for Turmp, Hillary Clinton was a shoo-in. But it didn’t go as planned. Trump won and turned the US shadow government inside out.

That’s why, in 2020, we experienced a conveniently timed “pandemic” during the election, which allowed an unprecedented flood of unregulated mail-in ballots. It was a complete free-for-all that ended with a so-called “historic” victory for Joe Biden. He was supposedly so popular that he beat both Obama’s and Trump’s records for votes.

Do you honestly believe that? By now, if you do, you’re probably a loyal CNN viewer, and there’s no hope for you.

And that’s why Americans are now walking on eggshells, wondering what the deep state has up its sleeve for 2024. After all, against all odds, President Trump survived an assassination attempt, so what’s next? If you listen to Tucker Carlson and Alex Jones, worldwide chaos is next on the list.

Clearly, Tucker understands the type of monstrous enemy that’s what we’re up against, and likewise, Bret totally gets what’s at stake. This is why he called out Elon Musk and reminded him of his excellent position to increase our chances in November.

But Tucker and Bret aren’t the only big names calling out our corrupt, cheating government. Elon Musk is connecting the dots too, and we recently covered what he actually uncovered:


Anyone paying the slightest bit of attention can see what’s going on, but when Elon connected the dots on the Dems’ overall “election fraud” plot, it was worth talking about—especially since 2020 is still a gaping wound for many and 2024 is just around the corner. Elon’s take on election fraud is spot-on, and he ties together two key elements: no voter ID and mail-in ballots. As Elon points out, when these two factors are in play at the same time, it becomes nearly impossible to prove fraud. That’s where all the so-called “mystery” around 2020 comes in.

In reality, there was no mystery—it was painfully obvious what happened. But proving it? That’s a whole different story. And that’s the key: burying the evidence under a mountain of uncertainty. This is the post that Elon was commenting on: a list of countries that require voter ID in order to vote. The House Judiciary Committee’s question is, why don’t Dems want it?

Well, Elon’s response says it all.

At this point, everybody knows what our government and media are up to. We must use every single weapon at our disposal. MAGA is the last populist force in the West that stands a real chance of leading a bottom-up revolution against the globalist, Marxist elites who are pulling strings from places like Davos, Brussels, London, and the DC Swamp.

The good news is that the RFK Jr. faction and some other traditional liberals are starting to see the truth and are backing MAGA. But let’s be real—we’ve only got one shot at this, and we need to hit the target hard. This time around, we can’t allow the Dems mail-in ballot scheme to swipe another election out from under us.