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The American people have been sold a bill of goods when it comes to Kamala Harris. This is a woman who holds the disgraceful title of being the most unpopular VP in US history.

Is it any surprise? Her own party can’t stand her.


But even so, we’re being told that the moment Joe Biden was kicked to the curb, Ms. Harris (and her stolen valor sidekick, “Tampon Tim”) suddenly took the political world by storm. They supposedly created a MAGA-like political movement in just a couple of weeks, transforming from unpopular Harris and unknown Tampon into a political power duo—backed by a “dream team” of Biden, Obama, and Harris superstars, all ready to install another low-IQ dullard into the White House.

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Do you believe that? It’s okay—not many people do. And for good reason. As it turns out, that “dream team” is now being called a “Frankenstein” team, riddled with incredible tension, confusion, and wildly off-kilter and flip-flop messaging. Don’t be surprised, though. This is a well-established pattern we’ve all seen before with Ms. Harris, so if you’ve been paying attention to “Kamala politics,” what we’re about to share will make perfect sense.


The good vibes of Vice President Kamala Harris’ campaign mask tensions among competing factions, as Harris loyalists and Obama alumni are grafted onto what had been President Biden’s campaign.

Why it matters: New people are remaking the campaign on the fly. The result is a large and at times unwieldy team, with internal worries about cohesiveness when inevitable stumbles arise, six people involved in the campaign tell Axios.

  • Biden’s campaign was insular, with a few long-serving aides making big decisions. The Harris campaign has become a diffuse “Frankenstein” team with multiple power centers.

Zoom in: Harris kept most of Biden’s team in place. But the main architect of the Biden campaign’s messaging strategy, Mike Donilon, has left and returned to the White House.

  • Harris has brought on her own staffers along with prominent aides from President Obama’s 2012 re-election campaign, while also keeping many top Biden campaign officials.

Between the lines: Harris’ team has been wary of making the Biden people feel set aside. But that has led to some internal confusion about who’s in charge.

  • “The entanglement of these different entities has led to many people feeling a real lack of role clarity,” one person involved in the campaign told Axios.
  • Another person involved with the campaign said there isn’t “as much tension at the very, very top, where the question is more: ‘Who is the first among equals with the vice president?'”
  • The confusion about who’s in charge is happening more often “two or three rungs down,” this source said.

As we mentioned earlier, this shouldn’t come as a shock to anyone who’s paid even the slightest bit of attention to Kamala’s DEI track record. Ms. Harris is widely known for using her womanly ways to get a leg up (pun intended) in her career. She doesn’t have the actual chops to back up where she’s at—just a string of high-power boyfriends and clandestine relationships that have helped prop her up. Her inability to handle stressful situations or lead has been proven time and time again. But the biggest example of her failure on the national stage was her disastrous 2020 presidential run. She came in as the next Obama, only to flop so badly that she had to drop out before Iowa. Why? For the same exact reasons we’re seeing now in 2024: Ms. Harris doesn’t know what the heck she’s doing.


Kamala Harris’ campaign is careening toward a crackup.

As the California senator crisscrosses the country trying to revive her sputtering presidential bid, aides at her fast-shrinking headquarters are deep into the finger-pointing stages. And much of the blame is being placed on campaign manager Juan Rodriguez.

After Rodriguez announced dozens of layoffs and re-deployments in late October to stem overspending, three more staffers at headquarters here were let go and another quit in recent days, aides told POLITICO. Officials said they’ve become increasingly frustrated at the campaign chief’s lack of clarity about what changes have been made to right the ship and his plans to turn the situation around. They hold Rodriguez responsible for questionable budget decisions, including continuing to bring on new hires shortly before the layoffs began.

Amid the turmoil, some aides have gone directly to campaign chair Maya Harris, the candidate’s sister, and argued that Rodriguez needs to be replaced if Harris has any hope of a turnaround, according to two officials.

“It’s a campaign of id,” said one senior Harris official, laying much of the blame on Rodriguez, but also pointing to a leaderless structure at the top that’s been allowed to flail without accountability. “What feels right, what impulse you have right now, what emotion, what frustration,” the official added. The person described the current state of the campaign in blunt terms: “No discipline. No plan. No strategy.”

Do you see a pattern here? This is a woman who, unless led by the nose, lacks the ability to determine what direction to take or how to bring people together—two essential qualities needed to become President of the United States.

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The Axios piece goes on to describe today’s campaign, full of confusion, Biden, Harris, and Obama people jockeying for position, and flip-flop messaging. It’s a hodgepodge of failed ideas desperately trying to be revamped with fake enthusiasm.

The intrigue: Some on Biden’s team thought many top Obama aides had been second-guessing their decisions for months — and were part of the effort to push the president to end his run for re-election.

Harris brought on prominent election lawyer Marc Elias. Biden’s camp had split with Elias last year over concerns about his strategy.

  • Elias, now helping with the Democrats’ recount strategy, is close to former Attorney General Eric Holder, who served under Obama and was brought on by Harris to help vet vice-presidential candidates.
  • That search ended with Harris picking Minnesota Gov. Tim Walz as her running mate.

Reality check: People involved in the campaign are hoping the short timetable before Election Day — now 68 days — won’t allow tensions to fester.

  • “It’s just a mad dash,” said one person involved in the campaign. “Things are colliding occasionally, but it’s not malicious.”
  • The clunky organization will be fine as long as the team believes it can win, another said.

Zoom out: Harris hasn’t just changed the makeup of Biden’s former team. She’s changed some of its messaging.

  • Her campaign has focused on “freedom” and the “future” over Biden’s emphasis on “democracy” and what he’s accomplished as president.
  • They see some vindication for Biden as Harris is now changing positions on such issues.

Of course, they’re dodging any discussion of what Biden has “accomplished,” because all we’ve gotten is inflation, soaring crime, division, perversion, disastrous foreign policy, looming World War III, tyrannical overreach, and a border invasion. Not exactly a winning formula, and it’s one that Harris happily signed off on.

And polling shows she’s crashing.

It’s no wonder that Harris has cobbled together a ‘Frankenstein’ team, desperately trying to put Humpty Harris back together again, only to run into the same brick wall that was there in 2020: she’s unlikeable on a Hillary Clinton-type level and lacks the necessary expertise. Kamala Harris is the DEI presidential candidate—so inept and unlikeable that all the king’s horses and all the king’s men can’t possibly make her look presidential again.