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Minnesota was the epicenter for left-wing domestic violence and terrorism during the infamous “Summer of Love.” That’s when liberals, inflamed by the death of a career criminal who overdosed on fentanyl while resisting arrest and trying to pass counterfeit money, burned down cities. Remember, Mr. Floyd wasn’t just any guy—he had once held a gun to a pregnant woman’s stomach during a robbery. Despite this, the radical left hailed him as a civil rights icon. Governor Tim Walz, a far-left extremist and now Kamala’s VP choice, did nothing but fan the flames, allowing his state to burn in the name of glorifying a notorious felon.

But really, why did Walz let his cities burn? Was it so his equally radical and bloodthirsty wife could savor the scent of chaos? That’s the burning question (pun intended) after a disturbing video surfaced. In it, Gwen Walz admits that during those deadly and violent riots, she kept the windows open just to smell the burning tires.

Gee, we thought clean air and protecting the environment were popular left-wing issues, not huffing toxic rubber fumes in the name of Saint Floyd.

What a sick, sick woman.

Why would anybody “savor” the smells of death, violence, injury, and destruction?


[T]he death toll from two weeks of demonstrations over the death of George Floyd continues to creep upward, with at least 19 people—a majority of whom are black—now dead.

How much did this “tire-burning” bonfire cost? Well, according to Wikipedia, it was a whopping $500 million.

At a cost of approximately $500 million, local unrest after the murder of George Floyd was the second most destructive in United States history, after the 1992 Los Angeles riots. About 60% of the financial losses from rioting in Minneapolis–Saint Paul were uninsured.

It seems the Walz family also loves the smell of livelihoods and human flesh burning to a crisp. It’s weird, isn’t it? But really, this is just par for the course for a man who thought putting tampons in boys’ bathrooms was a good idea.

And in case you were wondering who’s advising Mr. Walz on “hotbed” issues like tampons in boys bathrooms, don’t worry, we found him:

The Harris/Walz campaign is the most radical and extreme in the history of the US. If you thought America was already overflowing with mentally ill, gender-confused people, and emboldened criminals, thanks to the Dems’ twisted trans agenda and “soft on crime” movement, just picture how much worse it would get with a radical Marxist just a heartbeat away from the Oval Office. With Harris/Walz on the ticket, we could be looking at unprecedented levels of chaos and perversion—truly, it would be the final nail in America’s coffin.