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When Joe Biden and Kamala Harris put their heads together, disaster, death, and failure are guaranteed. That’s the only conclusion you can draw after an unearthed video shows Kamala Harris proudly claiming to be a “key player” in the botched and deadly Afghanistan withdrawal. This is the same woman who is also Biden’s “Border Czar,” overseeing a disastrous invasion at the US border. Is there anything these two incompetent fools can get right? So far, it doesn’t look like it.

Looking back now, after all the death, despair, and chaos we witnessed in Afghanistan, you can bet Team Harris wishes she hadn’t tied herself to this ghastly foreign policy blunder. But she did, and very proudly at that. Kamala, with no real experience in much of anything, couldn’t read the writing on the wall. Instead of having the expertise to warn Joe against making a horrific mistake, she sat there like a dutiful DEI diva, letting him make one of the worst presidential decisions ever—and we’ve got the video to prove it.

Steve Cortes:

🚨Kamala Harris was behind the botched Afghanistan withdrawal that resulted in 13 dead American service members:

CNN: “Joe Biden just made a really big decision—Afghanistan—were you the last person in the room?”

Kamala: “Yes.”

CNN: “And you feel comfortable?”

Kamala: “I do.”

And if that wasn’t bad enough, this 2021 article dives even deeper into Kamala’s “key role” in the deadly and botched Afghanistan withdrawal.


Vice President Kamala Harris confirmed Sunday that she was the last person in the room before President Joe Biden made the decision to pull all U.S. troops out of Afghanistan.

In an interview with CNN’s Dana Bash on “State of the Union,” Harris was asked about being the last person in the room regarding major decisions, something that Biden has said is important to him in his working relationship with the vice president. Harris confirmed that was the case regarding the move to pull U.S. troops out of Afghanistan by Sept. 11.

“Harris said that Biden “is acutely aware that it may not be politically popular, or advantageous for him personally; it’s really something to see.”

“I have seen him over and over again make decisions based exactly on what he believes is right,” she noted.

Sadly, now we know just how bad of a decision that actually was. One of the worst ever, actually.

And of course, the regime-run mainstream media is trying to spin Trump tying Kamala to the failed Afghanistan withdrawal as just another case of “Republicans pouncing.” But the reality is, she took credit for it, thinking she’d be taking a victory lap. Instead, it turned out to be the first of many nails in the Biden/Harris coffin.

Sadly, today marks the grim three-year anniversary of that horrific day when 13 brave Americans lost their lives, thanks to Biden and Harris’ ineptitude. And who is at Arlington Cemetery honoring those lost souls? President Trump.

Meanwhile, while President Trump is honoring the Americans who lost their lives thanks to Biden and Harris, Joe is on yet another beach, gasping for breath, and Comrade Kamala is busy spreading COVID lies to her dwindling supporters.

We’re not joking about the Biden vacation and Harris lies; take a look:

Kamala thinks 220 million people died in the U.S. from COVID. She’s a 60-year-old version of Joe Biden.

Thankfully, President Trump is offering a clear and concise plan for leadership and compassion, with a real strategy to undo the mess—from foreign policy disasters to the failed economy, soaring crime, and border invasions—all thanks to Biden and Harris, two of the most unsuccessful politicians in our nation’s history.