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The UK is reeling after a violent 17-year-old Rwandan teen attacked and stabbed a group of innocent young British girls who were attending a Taylor Swift-themed dance class. The entire country is outraged. This wasn’t the first horrific attack by migrants; it’s been happening everywhere, including in the US. However, it does appear to be the one that has broken the UK’s back.

We covered this horrific story from the onset.


The stabbing attacks in the UK are off the charts, often perpetrated by violent migrants who have been allowed into the country under the guise of “asylum.” To claim that these attacks are random and not the result of a group of foreigners who refuse to integrate is just more “smoke and mirrors” nonsense pushed by the left worldwide. They tell us, “Don’t believe your lying eyes; believe what we tell you.” The message is clear: be outraged by white right-wingers, not by foreign attackers, you bigots.


A 17-year-old Rwandan immigrant recently attacked a group of young kids at a “Taylor Swift” dance class near a mosque, resulting in a stabbing frenzy that took the lives of three young, innocent girls. Oddly enough, the police were quick to announce that it was not a “terror attack.” Really? Because this sounds precisely like a terror attack to us.


Bloodied children ran screaming from a dance and yoga class “like a scene from a horror movie” to escape a teenager’s savage knife attack that killed two children and wounded 11 other people Monday in northwest England, police and witnesses said.

A 17-year-old boy was arrested on suspicion of murder and attempted murder in the stabbing in Southport, a seaside town near Liverpool, Merseyside Police said. The motive was not clear, but police said detectives were not treating the attack as terror-related.

Needless to say, people are horrified and outraged. The attacker is an African migrant, which has sparked riots and outrage.

Amy Mek:

People in the UK and across Europe have had enough.

Who can blame them?

Yesterday, three MORE children were brutally slaughtered – this time during a Taylor Swift dance class.

I’m shocked that this hasn’t happened sooner, given the years of imported Islamic (mainly Pakistani) grooming gangs responsible for the rape, beating, and sexual exploitation of thousands of white non-Islamic British girls by Muslim males. The people are fed up…

To all of the leftists out…

If you’re more outraged by the reaction to the child murders than the child murders themselves, you are beyond redemption.

We also reported on the UK government threatening Elon Musk. When he refused to bow to the establishment and vilify the outraged British public, they responded by threatening to construct a “firewall” to block social media access.


Now, the UK government is blaming the victims. They’re using their police force to hunt down and arrest people who post “mean” things online about migrants, instead of addressing the very serious issue of growing migrant violence that’s eroding the very fabric of British life.

And that’s where Elon Musk steps in and throws gasoline on the already-raging bonfire. And it’s not just hyperbole. Elon has legitimate questions and concerns that should be answered immediately.

Well, it now appears that the UK has actually blocked the entire North American continent in some cases. It appears this was done in an effort to stop the flow of any news or comments they disagree with.

How very “North Korean” of them.

This is what Americans are seeing when they try to click on the Cheshire Police link:


And right on cue, while blocking America and others, the UK government has started arresting its own citizens for posting what it deems “inaccurate information” online.

Cheshire Police:

Officers from Cheshire Police have arrested a woman in relation to social media post containing inaccurate information about the identity of the attacker in the Southport murders.

The 55-year-old woman from near Chester, was arrested earlier today, Thursday 8 August, on suspicion of publishing written material to stir up racial hatred (S19 of the Public Order Act 1986) and false communications (S179 Online Safety Act 2023).

She is currently being held in police custody where she is assisting officers with their enquiries.

Chief Superintendent Alison Ross said:

“We have all seen the violent disorder that has taken place across the UK over the past week, much of which has been fuelled by malicious and inaccurate communications online.

“It’s a stark reminder of the dangers of posting information on social media platforms without checking the accuracy. It also acts as a warning that we are all accountable for our actions, whether that be online or in person.”

Meanwhile, meet the UK’s Prime Minister, a 5-foot-something man with a Napoleon complex who’s currying favor with the “woke” crowd by locking up his own citizens for social media posts while migrants run amok and commit violent acts against innocent people.

Weak men really do create hard times.

This is the globalists’ version of “freedom.” Pretty scary stuff, right? Meanwhile, just imagine if they redirected even a fraction of the effort they use to lock up non-violent citizens toward vetting the violent migrants flooding in.